“Starshame 2” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

Having barely survived her last run in with her sister Blackfire (Lucy Westenra), Starfire (Alicia Moon) takes some time to cool off and enjoy simpler things in life, like modeling! Unfortunately, Blackfire is not done with her sibling and has set a plot into motion that will mean the ruination of not just Starfire, but her close friend and confidant Raven (Caralynn Rose).
When the Tower of Justice is attacked and a hostage is taken, Raven leaves on her own to rescue them so that her friend can get her well deserved rest.
Will she succeed? Or will she succumb to Blackfire’s corruptive influences and become an even bigger threat herself? Will Starfire be able to stop their combined malevolence if this disaster comes to pass??
Dive into Starshame 2 to find out who comes out on top.

This movie contains:
- Softcore
- Many Kisses!
- Two Heroines (At first!)
- Heroines in Casual Clothing/Setting
- Struggle with Lust
- Sibling Rivalry
- Many Superpower Special Effects.
- Powerful Heroines
- Tanking Shotgun Blasts
- Transformations
- Lasso of Truth
- Forced Rubbing
- Pitiable, Hapless Goon
- Narrative Demise of an Iconic Heroine
- Bearhugs
- Tummy/Face Punching and Combat
- Low Blows
- Humilation/Confessions
- Corruption
- Heroine turns Villain
- Lots of Simulated Oral
- Entrapment
- Groping
- Choking (Light)
- Sim Sex
- Internal Toy Insertion (Sim)
- Orgasms to Die For
- Inevitable Betrayals
- Servitude/Submission
Thanks again to our sponsor for Starwave 1 and 2! And thank you for letting us bring your imagination to life.
You can find this film and others like it at:
This is a good film with an entertaining story, well executed by the cast and the crew. Noteworthy is once again the care Lucia puts into the set design to make their different films have a unique look inspite of the limits of their studio. I was also pleased by the good sound quality because it has been a recurring problem in Lucia’s movies that parts of the dialogue are hard to hear – but not in this one.
Speaking of dialogue I would like to point out one thing I did not like though. There are some moments in the first half when characters are talking to themselves (loudly or as interior monologue) which do not work, because it’s too obvious that they are just saying these things to get some exposition out. That’s of course something that does not only happen in this movie but pretty often, and given the various limitations these productions have to deal with, it is no doubt difficult to come up with an elegant solution for this problem every time. But this movie is actually one of the cases in which you can see that at least some of these awkward moments are unnecessary. There is no need for Raven to say that she desires her friend in the first scene. That could have been established by looks etc. (you know, show, don’t tell), especially when later under the power of the lasso she has to speak about it anyway. That moment would have been more powerful if we had not already heard her say it right in the beginning. On the other hand, I agree with Ferrari93 that some dialogue (verbal humiliation and maybe protest by the heroine) during the sex scene in the end would have helped. But that might be a matter of the taste. The exposition thing is not.
But let me repeat, it’s overall a good movie with some really nice moments, a little story twist, and convincing performances. That hair style suits Caralynn surprisingly well. And Lucy shines once more. I would have liked to see more of her character after the defeat. Well, maybe another time.
I enjoyed the film it had a very good story. The only thing i could think that would improve it, is if raven had degraded alison c moons character while she was using a strapon on her. All tound another great from lucia
Another interpretation of those comic can be she hates having to choose for herself in slavery she doesn’t have to choose,in the Titans she follows orders even a few issues before she nominated Donna for team leader refusing to be the one giving orders the relationship was also follow every thing Dick said.So I think the message that particular writer wanted to say is behind all that power and invulnerability she’s very scared from just choosing it’s an interesting psychological take on her mythos I recommend that comic if anyone is a bit interested in Starfire there are better comics but it’s a good starting point to get a feel of her in her earlier appearances there are hints of something very wrong with her but she hides it better due to being in love, aggressive or quick to change things with sarcastic jokes after all she allows cyborg to break his arm trying to open a door then quickly blows it up then jokes if he wanted a bobo kiss her humor in comics is very different than the animated series is basically another character sharing the same name.
Hi Lucia I really didn’t mind losing it cause since there is the lasso of truth involved it can be felt or vision without explicitly saying nothing it works well.The original ending is the only thing I was a bit sad to since victory ending is my preferred ending but also wanted to surprise superheroine movie fans with the bad ending i think the movie its better choosing the more difficult ending too continue the story forward if i end up writing a sequel in the distant future the win ending would be an easy cop out.
I’m extremely grateful for the movie existing.I recommend the next person to make an Starfire movie to read Titans 2008 issue 16 that comic is great inspiration for a darker tale pages12,13,17 and finally the psychiatrist analysis on page 19 what this line says and implies but Starfire refuses to admit she storms out before she broke down psychologically could be done justice hopefully.The line is with your history of abuse you keep repeating the cycle.You keep finding yourself in situations were your freedom whether by your sister,jericho,justifier helmets or even literal demons the comic also shows how even after showing how godlike powerful she was were Donna Troy couldn’t handle and needed help she allows herself to be enslaved by civilians the implication that she finds comfort in slavery when her personal life has struggled example she breaks up with Grayson the team breaks up time to go into slavery it’s a very dark comic implying that.
It’s awesome to have another great Luciafilms movies I’ve enjoyed all their movies.
Welcome back Lucia = )
How much F/F scens are there in this and how long do they last? Especially the strapon scene
Looks interesting, how much screen time is there of Alicia being a slave ?
Kind of a minor detail, but I feel like during the sisters’ conversation you missed out the part where Blackfire tells Starfire about you know who, I guess she figures it out but it just felt like a weird cut to me, just my opinion
No… I think she kind of sensed it through the Wonder Woman lasso. she kind of read her feelings and thoughts and knew what had happened… that’s why she reacted the way she did. I actually felt like that really worked very well and was very different to normal
Actually you have be right, I’ve watched the film 4 times now. The more i watch that part, the more i think there is something missing
It wasn’t filmed by mistake it’s in the script Blackfire uses Donna’s lasso but Kory grabs it does a twist with her legs and pulls Blackfire towards her.
Starfire:This is Donna’s lasso what did you do to her.
Blackfire:I blew her up to weaken Raven it worked flawlessly.
Starfire scream:You’re lying.
Blackfire:we are bound to a lasso that forces us to tell the truth.
You’re actually quite correct! Unfortunately, the take with the missing information had wildly corrupted for some reason, just. Completely unusable, even the audio was trashed. So, we tried to edit around it to at least try to get it across with inference. Best of a bad scenario!
This time of the year our studio is an oven, and sometimes it upsets the camera. We actually stick it in the fridge freezer for a few seconds between takes at times! Oregon was never designed for these temperatures, ~_~ and our studios were not built with AC units. The films during the summer tend to also require a few more hours than normal, since we have to pop on fans and portable AC units between takes as well to cool everyone down.
But yeah, our best assumption is that the camera got too hot and that take got the worst of it. All of the footage around it was fine. In general, when something seems weird/abrupt/out of place pacing wise, it is usually because something went wrong behind the scenes and we covered it as best as we could- haha.
Best SHIP Film of 2024
We’ve waited around 6 months for another Alicia C. Moon film and this… Simply proves why LuciaFilms and Alicia C. Moon are the best in the business
I love the set-up to this film with a little bit of outdoor an home life stuff, just grounds the film and brings a little world building to it… plus I didn’t know I needed Alicia C. Moon in bikini modelling shots until now haha 🙂 you can definitely see the seeds of lust between raven and Starfire, the desire and connection that’s built in that home life… that obviously will be manipulated by the villain.
The first half of film really is set up driven by Caralynn Rose, I’ve watched a few movies of Caralynn as a hero and a villain now, my personal feelings… she doesn’t have that WOW Factor that Alicia or McKenzie have, that tingle all over your body that happens when they appear on screen… that doesn’t happen with her currently, that feeling might come in the future though
But Caralynn is an extremely accomplished actress delving deep into this genre that you can see she loves… I do believe in every film that she learns something new… takes something on board and delivers a more accomplished performance every time she is on screen. This is her best performance in the genre…
I feel like she brings a capability and a safeness to proceedings… like everything’s going to be ok because Caralynn is here… that’s a fantastic thing when you see so many New Talent coming through and Old Talent leaving us.
So to have someone that’s feels part of the furniture, part of the surroundings is fantastic, has had great on screen chemistry with everyone she’s worked with across different producers… I bet she’s very easy to work with as well
I do think she has improved things especially in the pain play reactions… that was one thing in her first film Judgement Caralynn struggled with to convey that convincingly and with real intensity, especially when she’s opposite Lucy or Alicia that are an expert in those type of reactions… you can see in this film she portrays them more convincingly and has learnt from her past experiences working in this genre.
Lucy, sometimes I take for granted her performances and what she brings to the genre.. I don’t know if Lucy watched the first film before starting production on this but there are mannerisms, little ticks and facial expression that she brings over from the first film that i really appreciate.
What I really appreciate with a films like Starshame 1 and 2, is that you just don’t know where the story is going to go.. it diverts and avenues… it shocks… it’s very difficult to achieve in this genre. because we all know how it’s going to end… powerful hero gets defeated and humiliated violated by a strong villain.
but in this you just don’t know, I love Blackfire as a character villain, she’s driven by revenge, driven by sexual power and is very powerful herself but also at the same time underestimates certain elements of what she’s going to do… which is certainly bad news for our heroine but is also problematic for Blackfire… this adds a different dimension to films like this that we don’t really see that often
And in this film trying to corrupt Raven may just bring the next apocalypse!
I just love this story these two Starshame films story, so ambitious bold and different… it’s very much driven by the law, by world building… did it feels bigger than it maybe is, very much at home with other Superhero movies that Marvel create.
So many different locations as well… Outdoors, Living room, Bedroom, studio set that is different. there’s a scope and there’s an ambition that’s clear on screen (also I have to say I love all the cuddly toys in the living room and bedroom)
Now we come to the second half of the film with Alicia C. Moon… what is there to say that hasn’t already been said by me and others. a goddess and a trailblazer in this genre. in this and in other projects the one thing that stands out to me is that she brings a wit to the role. it’s a very psychologically demanding role Starfire… she’s been put through a lot in her life and to have that kind of wit and sense of humour is always fun and extremely enjoyable to watch, especially coming from Alicia who delivers it expertly.
Again the story and characters is what excels in the second part the pace is frantic, you can’t take a breath before something happens whether it’s violence, lust, power. all three characters on screen compel such incredible weight by performances that you don’t care who wins or what happens, you’re immersed so deeply into this world that you’re in a trance of just watching what unfolds in real time… you’re enslaved by this film, just to bow down and worship
I think that’s how I feel about this movie it doesn’t matter about the kind of sexual peril or or physical peril stuff because there is a lot of that in here, that doesn’t matter to me what matters is the story and characters and I think this is the best ship movie for that. I’ve never really experienced a two movies where you’re so involved in the world, living it.
Thats credit to the customer, to Lucia and to all of the actors involved.
Also want to talk about the production and technical aspects of the film… perfect and top notch! a number of different locations and set design is fantastic, camera work and editing are perfect. it was my massive disappointment in Lucia first two Productions of the year (Slayer and Defiled) the camera work and certainly editing with the crossfades we’re not up to the incredible standard Luciafilms has set itself.
But with these last few Productions that was a thing of the past thankfully, normal service has been resumed over the last few months, and this film demonstrates why they are the best in the business, why the filming and editing is the best in the business as well.
Hats Off!
Starshame 1 and 2 are must buys if you’re really into story and character
Than you for loving the movie it was really hard writing this one but i love Starfire soo much am greatful to Lucia for bringing the script to life.You hit the nail with how immersive it is reason i love the comic also Starfire being witty and having a sense of humor after 6 years a slave still using her slave costume but redifining its meaning makes her a special character any other character would become punisher or batman sulky dark character but she remained herself although extremely violent but that’s her race genetics their addiction to violence due to being created by alien another alien race to anwser a question what is a more dominant trait savagery or pacifism.
i’d love to chat more with you Joe. I have a few questions i’d like to ask. If your happy to chat email me bd.bantham @ gmail. com
Sure I answer questions answer after getting of work I’m currently working sorry for late reply.
Wow! What an amazingly thorough review! Was an absolute treat to read, and shared it with some of the talent. Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a thoughtful reflection of a film we worked very hard on. Means a lot! ♥
Thanks, I appreciate your response as well
I do think it’s important if you guys have spent the time making it and the customer has spent alot of time and money creating it… the least I can do is spend a little bit of time reviewing it whether good or bad. I do think it’s important to be critical and honest… but also at the same time thrive when things are amazing
I do a lot of lengthy reviews so keep an eye out for more in the future…