“Amare – Love Prevails” – a Westenra Films Customs Film

Duty calls for new heroine Amare (ALICIA MOON) when she learns of an illegal weapons heist at the CHAOS Division’s secret base. But little did she know that their leader, Sergeant Powers (BETA), had in his possession her one and only weakness! Will she survive long enough to heal from its effects and break free? Or will she lose herself completely to both his super strength and his strength of numbers?
We want to give a huge thank-you to the Luciafilms team for helping us shoot this one! Their camerawork is stellar, and they are always a pleasure to have on set.

This movie contains:
- A Strong Heroine
- A Strong Villain
- Grappling
- Beatdowns
- Backbreakers
- Brief Bearhug
- Brief Crawling
- Tummy Punches
- Back Punches
- Low Blows
- Face Punches
- Slapping
- Being Bound to a Chair
- Slight Blood
- Costume Destruction
- Groping
- Throat Lift
- Various Lifts
- Forced Rubbing
- Hair Pulls
- Full Nudity
- Tasing (Extended)
- Choking
- Cradle Carry
- Dragging
- Cumshots
- Forced Orgasms
- Submission
- Group Sim Sex (Multiple Positions)
You can find this film and others at- https://shg-media.com/DisplayStore.aspx?SellerID=wf
If you want to contact my studio for a custom, please e-mail me at: Westenrafilms@gmail.com
any lucia updates???
Wanted to chime in here.
This is my custom order. My second with Westenra. And I’m super happy with the outcome! I’ll let Ben’s review below do most of the talking about the specific moments of the video, since I find myself nodding in agreement to a lot of it.
So I’d like to share some stuff about the production and working with Westernra.
Some background on how/why this video came to be. The original idea I had was “a villain uses the last piece of kryptonite to dominate Supergirl. She heroically crushes the kryptonite, leaving her temporarily vulnerable but satisfied that she’s done a good thing, and once she recovers, she’ll never have to worry about kryptonite again. The villain takes advantage of that limited time to make her life hell, then reveals that he’s synthesized kryptonite and it wasn’t actually the last piece, making her heroic sacrifice all for nothing, and crushing all hope for her to escape.”
When I was trying to pick an actress for this, I wanted to go with someone we haven’t seen much of. I eventually settled on the idea of someone I thought I’d like who just happened to be a natural redhead. I didn’t like the idea of a redheaded Supergirl, so I started playing around with the idea of having it be a new heroine. I used an AI image generator called Mage to visualize a TON of different costume ideas until I found something that I thought looked great. During that process, the logo on the uniform at one point just happened to be a heart and I thought “ooh… that’s simple, recognizable, and does a lot of heavy lifting, in terms of trying to sell the heroine’s attitude.” More and more iterations (now telling the AI to make the logo a heart) and brainstorming later, she was a love-based heroine (Amare is Italian for “love.” No significance to it being Italian other than that’s the only language where it seemed like a heroine name). And that tagline “Love will prevail” was fun to play with for both the heroine and villains. Boom.
A bit of a snag, though. My naturally redheaded actress who inspired the decision to not make this a Supergirl movie wasn’t actually available anymore. But at this point, I really liked the character and wanted to do it, anyway.
I reached out to a bunch of producers and decided to go with Westenra for a few reasons. I really liked working with her on my last custom and thought it came out great. The initial back and forth with her was great and she helped me a ton in figuring out who should play Amare, and shared some great ideas for how some things could be done. The quote was great. AND from last time, I know that she has the BEST costumer. And she knows how to work with that costumer to make an image come to life. I did the AI image thing with Darkshadow, too, and was amazed by how Lucy and the costumer brought that image to life, capturing literally every detail. As I was super excited about the Amare character, I really wanted to see that again. And let me tell you. They nailed it 100%.
There are a lot of good reasons to work with Westenra on a custom if you’re shopping around and I highly recommend it. But specifically if you’re making an original heroine and you have visuals to show exactly what you want, I do not think you can do better. Your vision will come to life and it’s really fun.
That being said. Amare. I really liked how this video came out, but I agree with Ben that she didn’t say enough or have as much personality as I’d like. A lot of this is the result of the character not existing for most of the process of coming up with this idea and not focusing more on it in the script. But seeing how this movie came out and how Alicia played her, I really want to do more with the character. I want to do a custom based entirely on the idea of drawing out the personality of this innocent and good-hearted “love will prevail” heroine and…. well… totally crushing her spirit. Figuring out how to portray that sounds really fun to me. So I am inspired and motivated to write something based specifically on her, where I will hopefully give her more life.
Anyway. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I had a blast making this custom. I had a blast working with Westenra Films on this. I love the way it came out. Highlights for me: the taser insertion worked SO well, and I really like the malum-knuckle beatdown. Lucy sold me on Alicia to play Amare and, while I was a little hesitant at first (not because I don’t like her. She’s just in so much stuff and my original redhead was specifically someone we haven’t seen as much, so I still had that seed of using a more unknown in my head), I thought she did an amazing job. And she will be my first choice for the aforementioned Amare follow-up. There is, in fact, a reason she’s in so much stuff.
Fun stuff! I hope anyone who has bought it likes it as much as I do.
I’d love to chat with you about your ideas for the next one and just SHIP in general, If you fancy it… email me bd.bantham@gmail.com
I’m kind of curious now who the natural redhead was you had in mind. And I wanted to ask: Is Alicia wearing a wig here or did she actually dye her hair? It looks like a wig in the preview pics.
Thanks for your input, really interesting. Now I’m are you allowed to tell us who that redheaded actress was? I have been thinking about different stories involving a redheaded heroine myself and know that there are not many out there doing SHIP right now
Lucy just shot my first custom with her a few weeks ago. She’s an absolute joy to work with. I threw a bunch of weird new stuff at her and she totally got it and has been both delightful and professional the entire time. I would definitely recommend her.
I have had precious little time so I haven’t picked this one up yet but I always love a BBSucks joint in addition to Alicia and Lucy behind the camera so I’ll be grabbing this in short order.
OK I *finally* found time to watch this. I know the road to production was a bit haphazard but wow, what a great meeting of concept and talent. Alicia is perfect for this role and she left it all on the table. I haven’t seen all her films but this is up there with her very finest work. And the simple idea of making her good-hearted and a believer in love really went a long way without having to be reiterated too much.
My next custom idea is (hopefully) going to be with her (gotta catch ’em all!) and I’m more confident than ever she’s going to absolutely crush it.
And Lucy? Yup… incredible all around and yes, she has got the best costumer. I don’t want to reveal the surprise but my inbound Lucy custom has a costume type we haven’t seen before and they nailed it.
My one minor gripe is the same one I have with basically every heroine movie. I always find the dialog in need of a bit of a simplifying and streamlining. It’s all focused in the right places and the lines have strong intent, but it can read a bit formal off the page.
As usual, bbsucks delivers another winner!
Seeing her in green and yellow, I would love to see her in a Dark Phoenix (from the X men) costume.
We need more redheads in ship videos!
Big thumbs up for the “More readheads in SHIP” part !
Alice looks fantastic as red head and still punch heroin performance
hm this seems like one of those stories where the heroine is still sad and miserable when the “submission” happens. not really for me, i prefer when the heroine actually gives it and is corrupted or enjoying the submission. the actual content seems good! but dont like the “sad miserable heroine” endings. and im cautious after being disappointed in the Darkshadow: Fatal Orgasm ending. amazing vid with a really anticlimactic ending where the bad end death was just her looking like she fell asleep lol. will still keep an eye out for more Westenra stuff as its cool having a new studio
that’s why i said my review I thought as if it was a multi-layered ending driven by Alicia and not so much the customer… again I could be wrong but I really appreciate what Alicia did in that moment, and the story felt very much driven to that ending that Alicia gave us
Again I could be wrong and it could have been something that was coordinated by the customer as well as the producer… but it’s certainly felt like it was not a submission ending, which I am very happy with and that’s all down to Alicia 🙂
Alica has a nice puss. And I loved all the cum dripping all over her. Good jib!
Looks promising, but unfortunately she wears no cape… Maybe next time 🙂
This looks really good. Love the costume and overall look. Will be getting this soon.
Well its been a while for a new Westenra Films production and with this being an Alicia C Moon film, it truly was an instant buy for me. I feel like a kid at Christmas when every single time I wake up to see a new Alicia C. Moon film released, my heart skips a beat and the adrenaline starts pumping. no other woman gets that emotion out of me in SHIP
The production is as brilliant as ever, the fact that Lucy teams up with Lucia for her own productions, she is able to use the talent around her that obviously has built up over a massive amount of time, helping use that environment and Talent to create something that is visually and aesthetically incredible, if you want to do something that is very fight heavy Lucia/Westenra is where you go! the choreography and filming style is simply the best this industry has ever been able to create by a mile… Hollywood standard and you can see the amount of effort and time that’s put into the fighting style to make it look and feel so real.
We don’t really talk about men a lot here, but i want to highlight Beta… he is now a staple in Luicia/Westenra productions, been during this work for a few years now, I just think we need to give him credit for what he does on screen.
He’s got great stage presence, his line delivery is fantastic, he’s got a leading man charm about him, he would do very well in Hollywood romcoms, his fight choreography is spot on (I think that helps when you’ve got a team that you can rely on and performers like Lucy and Alicia which I would say he mostly has worked with) He just has the ability to throw himself around and his dedication to the genre is so commendable.
I just love watching him work and I think he does a fantastic job in every movie he’s been in… I’m more of an F/F fan, but people like Beta definitely make me appreciate and enjoy M/F centred content.
So yeah well done and keep up the great work Beta 🙂
I can rave about Alicia everyday and twice on Sundays, I’m a biggest fan and I try to praise her every chance I get and some people may find it slightly boring… I do want to try and highlight certain aspect off her performance that may be people don’t address as much… so I want today to highlight something that is truly unique and special… Her facial expressions
I just have this ability while watching her to just focus on her face and that’s it… she’s incredibly beautiful, her natural hair, he wonderful arse and she pulls off every outfit imaginable, so much of my time is just spent on her face and watching her interact with the Script, emotion and drive of any scene she’s in. she can do comedy brilliantly and again so much of her comedic timing is down to her face and and her expressions that she holds within it.
In a lot of her productions she has to spew out a lot of exposition to the plot, she does that in a very natural believable manner, people for years have expressed their amazement at her ability to sell physical peril and her reactions to that are so emotionally intense never over the top and always captivating. we will know that is a hugely significant part of SHIP and selling the performance, she simply does that better than anyone in the business.
but it’s also those quieter moments, the comedic beats the emotional beats that glues the story together that she is also a brilliant and excels at… so I just wanted to highlight those aspects of her performance and personality that make her such an outstanding performer and may long it’s continue.
Going back to the movie I really like the decision of Amare choosing to use all her strength to destroy “the kryptonite type” rock… this is not a hero that I’m familiar with, but in a way similar to a lot of other ones that have like a Kryptonite type thing that weakens them is a really good plot device for SHIP content.
I think it’s smart writing but also smart from a plot point of view that the superheroine tries to destroy the thing that will harm her as quick as possible… But doing that and taking all of her strength to do it will result in consequence (it’s something we haven’t really seen before and I appreciate that) Not sure if Amare would appreciate though haha 🙂
I’m always a sucker for electrical play, so with Alicia tied to the chair that sequence was always fun, great ripping of the outfit and boob play 🙂 and shoving the taser in at the end is a lovely touch and sold brilliantly by Alicia.
And water play is always a nice place to go, we definitely see that more and more these days in productions, I know pies get a bad rap on here most of the time, I’m glad people really like water play a little bit… whether it’s head dunkings, water torture or just a simple cup of water in the face… I love it and this is just a simple cup thrown at Alicia. Simple but beautiful all the same.
One thing I would love to have seen more of is dialogue from Alicia… I felt like a lot of the time she was just silent maybe stubbornness and not wanting to satisfy the villain, put on very much a dialogue heavy lover, even in the physical peril stuff if she can verbally attack him as well… or continue the plot along with dialogue it’s always a bonus, this movie doesn’t have that as much which is a shame.
With Tag lines with love will prevail, I’m going to defeat you with love… you’re definitely waiting for that sexual peril to really juxtaposition those lines, very satisfying for this heroin to be violated like this. the sexual montage of non-stop fucking is so satisfy to behold and obviously going with that the voice over of the villain challenging all of his Men to enjoy her.
If I’m honest I would have liked that to be dragged out more, to Delve deep into the psychological nature of being fucke no stop for a heroin like that. maybe trying to convince the men not to do it trying to get away etc… I felt like it was just a little tagged on, and for this heroin and personality that she is, I felt like it needed a lot more to land the ending.
I did like through the sexual montage was Alicia slowly covered in cum, Something slightly different and appreciate that, the ending is an interesting one because yes she said I submit to you but her body language arise tells a different story, I don’t know if that was in The Script or it’s something that Alicia did herself, but there is certainly a defiance in her body language that she hasn’t fully broken yet, definitely lands a potential sequel and maybe a win ending (in the sequel) which I would like… I feel like the way the character was betrayed it definitely feels more like a winning good satisfy the story best. and with Alicia’s performance in the ending would suggest that can be a reality in the future of this story.
So yeah it may have been scripted one way in the ending, but I feel like Alicia herself in the way she transformed her performance suggests a different style of ending. I appreciate that creative choice from her or whether it was in a creative choice from the customer i don’t know
Overall a brilliant production something that definitely keeps in step with Lucia…. but you are certainly starting to see the style that Lucy wants to bring to her productions, it feels very much like Arnie Slot taking over Liverpool from the greatness of Jurgen Klopp (British Football reference… can’t believe I’m getting a football reference into SHIP Content).
You don’t change much of the brilliant work Luciafilms does, but you tweak 1 or 2 things to allow you to differentiate yourself while still using Talent around you.
It’s always a delight to read Ben passionate reviews I’m curious to know your top 10 of this year to me Starshame2,Wonder Woman:ares and the 2 Kira fox batgirl films.
From 2024 releases… My Top 5 are
1. (LuciaFilms) Alicia C. Moon – Slayer
2. (TBFE) Kayla Coyote & Ophelia – Super Exes Win Version
3. (LuciaFilms) Alicia C. Moon, Caralynn Rose – STARSHAME 2
4. (TBFE) Coco – Hubris
5. (Westenra) Alicia C. Moon – Amare Love Prevails
Hey, Ben! Beta here, the masc actor from Amare: Love Prevails (and other films available here).
I’m thrilled you liked the movie and happy to hear the client does, too!
You’re both right about the athletic accomplishments of the leads making/breaking the combat scenes in these films.
Those ladies are serious about their business. (Ask me how I know!)
Working with them is a privilege and a professional pleasure, and the producers are really concerned with delivering your concepts as requested whenever possible. It’s a good gig, and I’ve had a lot of show biz gigs!
Keep looking for these stars and myself. We’ll be around.