Scarlet Fox

Price: $20
Length: 25:44 Minutes
Size: 799 MBs
Scarlet Fox, a young vigilante, fights crime in the streets under the supervision of her mentor Dark Man, a retired protector of the city. Dark Man fears Scarlet Fox is becoming to reliant with a strength supplement he has armed her with, Protein 9, that provides her with temporary inhuman strength while dealing her a longterm physical toll (inability to control her anger and affection).
While out on patrol Scarlet Fox runs into Dark Man’s nemeses pupil Brody, who has laid out a trap for Dark Man. Surprised to meet Scarlet Fox Brody is quick to try his hand at dismantling Dark Man’s student, trying to acquire the whereabouts of the retired hero. Scarlet Fox resists expelling the information as well as resist using Protein 9 to aid in her battle. But Scarlet soon finds herself outmatched, proving Dark Man’s concern to hold weight. Can she beat Brody without the assistance of a pill? And if she can’t, what will become of her mental state?
- Scarlet putting on costume, clothing over costume (mixed with title sequence)
- Scarlet gets briefed on mission
- Dark Man’s story
- Fight One (Starts at the 4 minute mark)
- Scarlet leads attack, has advantage over Brody
- Punches are exchanged
- 6 minute mark: Tables turn (Brody grabs a pipe)
- Scarlet retreats, runs injured through abandoned building
- Fight Two (8 minute mark)
- Brody catches up to Scarlet
- Brody attacks with pipe
- Grabs Scarlet by throat
- Pipe to crotch (multiple, with reaction)
- Pipe to head
- Crawling away from attacker (backwards)
- Lifts to feet
- Throws to floor
- Pipe twisted into ribs
- Scarlet punches Brody in crotch
- Scarlet retreats again
- Fight Three (12 minute mark)
- Scarlet takes power supplement
- Brody attacks, Scarlet barely reacts
- Scarlet attacks Brody with pipe
- Brody gets KOed
- Dark Man’s Home (14 minute mark)
- Scarlet confronting her mentor (Spoiler: Scarlet ‘sort of’ enjoys the fruit of her labor)
- Alternative Ending: (18 minute mark)
- Multiple KO’s (Pipe to head, punch to head, crotch strike)
- Over shoulder carry
- Butt groping
- Thong pulled to side
- Villain enjoying the fruit of his labor
- Multiple crotch strike until KO
- Ends on costume getting unzipped, lowered to waist (boots removed).