Batgirl: After Hours (OUT NOW)

Price: $25
Length: 19 Minutes
Size: 1080P: 1.17GB / 4K: 3.33GB
Version Information:
Download comes with: 1080P Download, 4K
Starring: Ashley Lane, Sage Pillar, Will Pounder
Synopsis: Batgirl stumbles, after surviving an explosion, into Jokers lair – Joker and Harley are quick to help her and let Batgirl join in on the fun of their interrupted tryst
Directors Note: This was filmed after wrapping day three of the TKJ shoot. The three wanted to enjoy one another since their previous scene together left out Harley. Filming/editing this was a gift for these three cast members to release on their respective OF accounts for personal benefit. The shoot was an improv between the three of them with no outside direction. It is silly, odd, strange and filled with clumsy moments as we were all at the end of a long work day (Harley needs to run off for a moment after a hair extension comes out, etc). The film begins with Batgirl costumes already torn across the chest. It is a consensual clip – they all enjoy their time together. There is no peril. No complicated storyline. Just campy porn.
- Hardcore
- Consensual
- Little to no plot
- Improv
- Pantyhose (Sage, gets removed by Ashley)
- Cum shot (onto Harley/Sage)

Final Thoughts on ‘Consensual’ add on
Unless I doubled the cost of sale – adding an extra scene to a shoot would be a financial loss. The idea original being – if I shot an extra 20-30 minute light hearted sex scene after wrapping a SHIP film production with the cast.
I doubt that many of you would want to pay $50+ bucks for 20-30 minute ‘silly, fun’ adult films.
So as of now – the idea of doing stuff like this is dead. At least until I financially recover from a bad year (aka the nightmare 2024 has been for me with some fraudulent behavior from production/industry people)
I thought you liked villains. You should be glad that they rob you!
If you want to upset me you are going to have to try a lot harder than this
If you need to charge $50 to come out ahead on a 20-30 minute “add on” to an existing shoot, then it sounds like you’re spending a ton on the production. And you know what? It shows – you’re production quality is amazing and exceeds even what the major porn studios put out.
No “buts” or gotchas here. Just an observation and appreciation for your commitment to quality. I obviously wish there was a way you could film the add-on content more cheaply, but if that was the case then I’m sure you would have done it already.
On an unrelated note, it seems like one of the challenges in this genre is that the fans are so picky about specific things: boots on vs. off, tights on vs. off, costumes on vs. off, etc. And if they don’t get what they want, they won’t buy it. So even if the heroine-in-peril genre had a large following, it’s hard to capture a large chunk of the audience in a single video.
In any event, I really hope you’re able to recover from 2024 and continue making videos. If you check my e-mail, you’ll see I’m a huge fan.
It’s not that – it’s how much it would cost to pay performers for an additional sex scene and how many customers would be interested in buying a consensual sex scene. The less people who buy a consensual sex scene – the more it costs per person to cover the expense
If 3 times the amount of people bought every film I made – I would be open to charging half the cost per film than I do now. I don’t like selling films over $40 bucks – IMO it’s really expensive
But our audience isn’t big enough for that economy to work out. And therefore it makes making these kinds of films expensive. Counter intuitively – if you reduce how much you spend on a film (like Lofi) and lower the price to accommodate more viewers – the less people buy.
My more expensive films often sell significantly better than my lower cost ones for that reason. I think in part cause the more expensive a film is – the better it looks and the more interest that surrounds it
What it breaks down to is this though: my audience likes forced fantasy content. And therefore amount of people who want consensual scenes isn’t big enough to justify big productions – cause it dramatically reduce the amount of sales
That’s why piracy really hurts SHIP producers, our customer base who is willing to buy films is a small one, and it makes producing this content expensive cause the profit margins are low
Thank God for piracy and small audiences!
Hi Coco Fan, you can use whatever name you’d like. I know its you <3
It’s great to have conversations with the creator and see your thinking and growth behind the films you make. And since you’ve asked for us to sound off, here is my feedback.
For me, it’s a re-watchability factor. I lean toward the consensual scenes because if I’m spending $50-$100 on a film, I personally like to come back to it and enjoy it. After I’ve seen the story once, I usually skip to the sex part.
The reason being is the scene feels better to me and the sex is enjoyed by both individuals. It’s something I can return to even when I’m just looking for the sex scene. The non-consensual stuff I can only get into the first time – I watch it based on the peril of the superheroine and for the story arc until the payoff (sex scene). But that’s not my every day, I couldn’t get off on that more than one time.
TBFE and Rye had some of these in their collection as well and these are ones I find myself returning to often.
However, the storyline and anticipation are my favorite parts of your films. I also think you have the best production, or at least the one I’m most drawn to. Your sets, wardrobe, cast, crew, the whole nine production is gold. Even the set and location changes you accomplish in your videos creates a world within the short film. Also love the dialogue and micro-acting that you’re able to get the actors to do inbetween sex.
Not sure if it matters or will add any credibility to my feedback, but if you check my email you’ll see that I’ve purchased probably 75% of all your library over the past few years. I’m a big fan of your production and support through money to show my appreciation! 🙂
Firstly, thanks for sharing this.
I’m a big fan of Supergirl:Therapy and Uninvited 9. I liked peril plot of Supergirl:Therapy so definitly consensual has a big scope. Obviously we leave to your artistic judgement to balance it with the peril. But sometimes hardcore gets more guilt inducing then fetish fantasy.
So big Yes, just not words…purchased it to show real support.
Sage pillar would make a great ghost spider for a hardcore film
i know theres little plot but oh man, based on those pics it feels like this would have been the perfect corruption plot line
Since you asked for opinions on whether or not more consensual, sort-of-vanilla superhero porn would be worth producing, here’s my take on it.
I would say that, considered as a stand-alone project, something like this wouldn’t be worth taking up one of your limited production slots. Speaking for myself, when it comes to superheroines, I’m primarily interested in non-consensual scenes, and only hardcore. I also consume consensual content, but typically not featuring superheroines.
HOWEVER, if something like this was tacked on to an already existing SHIP project, and was sort of “extra”, then why not shoot it, if you and the talent are all present and not too worn out and have the time and inclination? Knowing that this scene was consensual and unscripted, it isn’t something which I would have purchased, if it was a stand-alone project. But thinking of it as a “bonus scene” for The Killing Joke made me want to buy it. And, watching it with the mindset that it was “extra content”, I enjoyed it.
Yup lol. As a stand alone project, definitely not. If filming is done and the actors are still horny and want to do a 10-20 minute extra, why not?
I’m 100% certain that mainstream consensual vanilla superheroine stuff would do better than our peril kink, which has to be the primary reason all the major studios dabble in that a little bit and don’t touch the peril stuff. I’m sure there are other major hurdles to doing kink stuff re: puritanical credit card services providers, etc. but the bottom line is if it brought in more money, the big vendors for this kink would be Brazzers and the like. It’s not for me, though.
This kind of casual for-the-fun-of-it shot looks like a beautiful counter-production to the main plot-heavy productions you make.
I prefer structure and story, more CHARACTER to it, but the stars having fun and doing what THEY want to do is special in a different way.
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to future releases!
Are there plans for more batgirl projects in the future.
I have been sitting on a Batgirl custom film, its more LoFi than big production
Outside of that – I have mostly been doing prep work for the Black Label Batgirl film. With no other plans of anything outside of that regarding Batgirl
I really enjoyed this. Seeing the actresses genuinely having a good time while (nearly) fully dressed in costume is, I imagine, THE archetypical adolescent comic nerd’s dream. Yet it’s pretty hard to find videos like this where the costumes are high quality.
I do think it’s important to have actresses that are authentic on camera (and Ashley Lane is amazing at this). Personally, I would not have enjoyed this as much as I did if the actresses were just doing the usual fake-porno-moaning.
For whatever it’s worth, this was an easy, instant-buy for me and something I’d easily buy more of.
I’ll be purchasing this. Would love to see Harley Quinn riding Batgirl’s face while she is bound spread eagle or in some other helpless position. In costume at first for a long smother session, then pussy to mouth/ass to mouth. Then some of Harley’s crazy girlfriends can take turns riding Batgirl’s face while Harley films it during a live broadcast. Ashley Lane is certainly a favorite of mine and Sage is a hottie too.
Love Cali Logan (Batgirl) vs Lydia Vengeance (Harley Quinn). I have purchased all but a few of those two hotties in action, except for the foot fetish and vore stuff.
Anyway that’s my feedback.
Thanks for reading.
My opinion about this movie:
I was very suprised when i see this post on forum. Sage Pillar and Ashley Lane are great. This “Just campy porn” is great for me. I would like to see more of this content. Thank You Damien ❤️
loved this short. I like seeing batgirl enjoy it instead of how she was screaming in pain in the others. having them talk in character back and forth really did it for me.
sage is so hot in this too, I wish there was not the hair malfunction as that was about to be the hottest scene I think we ever seen.
overall so worth the buy, it is a bargain at this price. such a good video! well done
If we weren’t all loopy and tired we’ve probably have worked that out a different way lol
How many of you would like more stuff like this? Like non peril, well made superheroine content? Just sexy consensual hardcore scenes?
If you bought this one and have opinions, sound off in the comments
After Axel Braun retired, there is definitely room for this. He was great about respecting comic canon and lore, and he could deliver a porno parody that pleased both the nerds and the normies. Comics can certainly have their dark gritty peril, but there is also the campy fun, and Axel proved he could do both. Peril doesn’t have to be the only way to initiate a sex scene since superheroes can be silly fun too, IMO. It’s a fantasy after all, and porno and superheroes can ride a similar line between maintaining a facade of societal respectability yet giving into the deepest indulgences.
probably just my selfish nature, I really really liked both versions. the fighting and struggle and the relaxed version absolutely have their own place at this table ,,very much on board with black label but there is no such thing as too much superheroine hc in a unitard and hose no matter the tone of the scene, I do agree with milo, I would have been happy with it at twice the price, it is over worth the price, but I’m also a lycra deviant and ashley fan. win-win