Doomsday Chapter 1 UNCUT – The Rye

Hey guys. I’m hoping to post an update regarding my own content and situation, soon. In the meantime, We’ve got a new extended addition of Doomsday Part 1!

Doomsday part 1 UNCUT with over 6 minutes of extended never before seen perils including extended bearhugs, punches, knees, choke holds in air, belly punching, low blows, whipping, and more!

A must have for any Doomsday series fan!

This purchase also includes the original edit from 2013

You can purchase here :

Running Time: 28:30

Price: $39.95

Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films

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20 Responses

  1. Heroineburgh Heroineburgh says:

    Wow, I really miss Stella Rae! Is she even behind the camera anymore as an AD, or doing anything administrative? Or is she just out of the biz?

  2. Al says:

    Does someone know, how much of the 6 more minutes falls on the whipping scene?

  3. Ben says:

    I think this kind of film demonstrate how far this community has come.

    I believe Productions have improved dramatically in terms of the choreography, the technical aspects filming, the acting, the ambition of storytelling in the past decade.

    I think people that have been in the genre for ages and ages can certainly appreciate this scene a lot more than say someone like me that’s been in for certainly a shorter amount of time.

    I can appreciate that these types of films have helped build the SHIP community, and certainly were groundbreaking at the time.

    but I think looking at something like this now, it seem quite dated… even from 2013.

  4. Observer says:

    Isn’t this like the 3rd time this video has been released?

  5. mandy says:

    Hey is there anyway we get an update on that alicia c moon supergirl film soon been waiting forever thats the film I wanna buy this is just old stuff lol.

    • chev says:

      That and the Silverbat movie (it’s next in line after the Supergirl one, in the editing queue).

      • Ben says:

        That Alicia C. Moon Supergirl one also stars Spicy i believe (from the preview shot)

        I wish Spicy got the credit she deserves from Producers sometimes… The recent TBFE Manipulation, She played multiple roles in a pretty significant part of the story. knocked out the park and was a unsung hero on the piece!

        but was nowhere in the Promotion, nowhere in the trailer and not in the opening credits either. I think quite disrespectful really if i’m being honest.

        if she got promoted properly in a few movies I think she would be a very popular, but its been a choice from the makers that be to sideline her on a number of projects

  6. Depo says:

    lol dude has no shame… this video is what, 10-15 years old? stop re-releasing old content to grift money. embarrassing

    • bbsucks says:

      So old that some people might not have ever heard of it?

      If you don’t already own this one, I’d recommend checking it out. It was good. And part 3 was re-released at some point, too, which was the best of the 3.

      Unsure how this is grifting. I assume if you already own it, you just… don’t buy it. It’s made clear that it’s a re-release.

    • Salty says:

      Cassidy is still brought up in the Superheroine in Peril community years later. She just looked amazing as a superheroine and had the acting chops. I don’t blame him for finding new footage and re-releasing new versions.

      • Observer says:

        Don’t get me wrong I loved her work, I just remember this being rereleased already and this is for more $ than the last time if I remember.

        • bbsucks says:

          You might be thinking of part 3. Part 3 was re-released, previously and is $28 right now. But that price is due to the sale.

          On that note, if people think this looks good, chapter 3 is excellent and on sale right now.

    • Steve says:

      On the contrary, people seem to really love re-releases, unseen footage, extended cuts, especially during times like now where all the producers are running a little slower on the releases than years past. Hollywood does the ‘re-release’ thing like mad. I am not sure that it has anything at all to do with having ‘no shame’ and its certainly sold well enough this round to not be embarrassing. I am pleased that he released it and it looks like a lot of people that had not seen it before are getting it now, which is great. Be that as it may, I do have a dog in the fight and it is certainly reasonable to be bummed with a re-release if that is not your thing but ‘shame’ and ’embarrassing’ seem like really out of place words in this context, unless you are just trying to be mean.

    • chev says:

      Unless the uncut footage is really worth it.
      I have it, and if you liked Doomsday as it is (PG-13), you will LOVE the uncut footage (the floor beatdown is twice as brutal and lasts far longer, for example).

  7. LB says:

    Oh Cassidy, my SHIP love since Supergirl 1984.
    I say that she was one of the best actresses in this genre, while she never even showed her tits. And how she sells the beatdown…. chef’s kiss.

    • chev says:

      I got the uncut version, so if you liked Doomsday as it is (PG-13), you will LOVE the uncut footage (the floor beatdown is twice as brutal and lasts far longer).

      • Sugarcoater says:

        Is that the scene with Cassidy in her Supergirl costume?
        And Cassidy is one of the absolute BEST models ever used in the genre. Like Kasey as Wonder Woman, I only wish the peril could have moved from PG to R, but I respect the models’ decision.


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