Amazing Girl Returns starring Kacey Preston – The Rye
Amazing Girl Returns!
Never before released Amazing Girl movie from 2015! Amazing girl is tracked by a bounty hunter hired by the mob. She is slowly defeated and tortured by the bounty hunter who beats her physically and humiliates Amazing Girl by focusing her taser on her breasts and crotch!
This movie includes beatdowns, low blows, bear hugs, electrocution, leg crushing, belly hits, throat lift, choking and more!
It can be purchased here:
Price: $39.95
Runtime: 20:30

Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
I have a question unrelated to this movie, but related to the Rye. on the shg-media website homepage underneath all the producer logos there’s a big promotional banner which keeps changing to promote different things. The banner for what is currently the second circle from the left says “Rye Sale!”. What I want to know is who is the actress portraying Supergirl in the middle of that banner?
I don’t recognise her from any movies, so she might be in a new as yet unreleased film?. She looks like she could be Melissa Benoist’s younger sister! Of course it’s entirely possible that that picture is AI generated and she doesn’t really exist lol
Those are AI generated images
yet another reason why Rye went to sh*t and why no one should support it anymore. all of that AI trash they’ve been putting out to make a quick buck with expensive nonsense
I always felt she was unbelievable hot and looked amazing but never knew how to sell peril/pain. Sometimes it felt like she was laughing rather than in pain.
But even then her looks always make me wanna try one more time, specially since she usually stars in very physical beat downs!
Finally got round to watching this and it’s a great watch, only thing is I didn’t like the ending and the lack of cradle or ots carry in this. Kacey has always been awesome in the carry. 8/10
More of Kacey, more videos, more director”s cut.
Can someone tell me what happens when she is bent over the table . It’s the make it or break it for me
The other perils Kacey endures in this vid is worth it!
Can someone tell me what happens when she is bent over the table ? It’s the make it or break it for me
I personally would pay arguably the most anyone has spent on a SHIP film to have Kacey return and do some sexual peril. Like a lot a lot of money. Anyone who would be interested in pitching in to make a real effort in showing interest like this comment. Even if it’s a frivolous attempt lol
You have a higher chance of getting Lynda Carter to make a SHIP film
Curse you, American pie! [shakes fist]
Yee-haw for Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw!
HI, yes as someone who speaks with her daily I can tell you that SHLs comment is correct. Better chances with Linda Carter. However, since we are on the subject I will toss out there that she has very positive memories of doing these videos and always has very nice things to say about the process and people involved… She is just motivated by different things now.
Am I going crazy or did she make an appearance on the TV show Catfish on MTV a few years back?
I remember seeing her pop up on tv and i was like, “I know that girl” then having to go a bit quiet with family when they asked where I knew her from….
She and former NBA player Chris Anderson were both catfished thinking they were in contact with each other. Search for “Shelly Chartier” and read her wikipedia entry, there are links to stories there.
I love seeing Kacie in this costume as Amazing Girl, and even more so facing another woman, congratulations for still having these pearls saved
Tried to buy it but it says i have to verify my age. No thanks, im not giving out my drivers license. i wish they would do like every other site, if you already have a log in id and have already made credit card purchases, your already verified.
yeah same thing happened with Netcode for me as well. And yes, I also am not sending my driver’s license info to some random internet site. This could really impact my purchasing going forward.
You understand this is because your IP is in a state that requires it now, right? Pretty soon, you’re GOING to have to verify your ID in some fashion to access porn. You can either get a VPN, move, or get the law changed. Maybe all three. In the meantime, you can either go without the porn, or just step up and verify with a site that you’re already entrusting not to screw you over.
Just Google age verification and porn and see what comes up. Laws change!
Email SHG. It’s been happening at random to accounts but if you email them they can put you on the allow list.
I’ve just been informed this is a new legal issue. In my case it was an account security thing but apparently new laws have gone into effect.
Hi Ken,
As some others have mentioned below, there are new laws in effect that are VERY strict and the penalties for web sites and the people that run them can be absolutely absurd. As such we are committed to abiding by the new requirements and have been doing so for over a year now.
I 100% understand not wanting to ‘give out your drivers license’ as I am quite old school myself and remember the early days of age verification and I was never a fan of it. That being said, I will share just a few points of interest with you. First off, we (SHG Media) do not see your information… The company that takes your info online is a very well established company (that can be independently verified) that has been doing age verification for decades for the online tobacco and alcohol industry. Once they verify you (which in most cases only takes a minute or two) they simply report back to us that user with email address bla bla bla has verified their age and we mark your login as such.
The only other thing I would say is that we have been doing age verification now for over a year, we do more than a few every day, and have not had a single complaint or issue. As you asked above, why not let them pass if they have already made purchases in the past…. I wish we could but the new laws do not accommodate that approach in any way and doing so would put us in violation. Many adult sites are simply blocking the locations that require age verification from their content, we elected to not do that and we have taken on the expense of the age verification process in an effort to continue to provide our service/products to users in those areas. Currently 20 some states require it and quite nearly all the other states have legislation in their pipeline for such laws so I think this is likely going to become the norm across the board. Sorry for the difficulty and frustration.
Rye any change on getting a director’s cut of “Power Play” as you intended to release it. I’m sure by now any one that is a fan of hers would have found the playboy videos. would love to see your original vision for the film. Enjoyed this film as well.
That video seems like the most sought after. Especially because that first trailer showed a video completely different from what was released, so that unseen footage is basically lost media. What I would give to see that video come out in it’s full glory. Not sure if she filmed any other videos, but if she did, and they still exist out there…..would be amazing to see those come to fruition.
where can i watch the first trailer now? the shg-media doesn’t have it anymore.
This is not Rye. There was a post a while back when he sold his catalog to Lee Carl. If Rye didn’t have the rights to release it or felt it was unethical, I’m gonna bet he didn’t include that footage in the sale.
Agreement made with the performer prohibits it and the original footage is no longer available. That ship has long since sailed.
I say we custom our own power play film.
With blackjack… and hookers…
Bought recently. Kacey def took a WW beatdown. Absolutely loved it, hope there’s a few more Kacey vids in the backlog being released in the near future!
Loved Kacey as WW this is getting bought asap
OMG, she really had maybe the best cleavage in this whole genre. It’s nice to see Kacey again after all this time.
I assume this is the last Kacey Preston video we’ll see, which is a huge bummer. I will say, I liked the last one more because it had a losing ending, which is just a personal preference of mine, but honestly, I’ll take whatever I can get with Kacey in it. She was so fun in these. Obviously she’s super hot in a costume which is what we’re all here for, but there’s even something about her kind of hokey acting that was weirdly endearing and made the peril more fun.
I’m so glad these were released after all this time. Very much thought we’d never see her again, long long ago.
Hey man I sent you another email yesterday with regards to our previous convo regarding advice about customs. Have you had a chance to look at it?
Great vid !