Happy Thanksgiving (2024)

Hey gang,

I just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a Happy Holiday. I hope that all of you are safe, happy and spent some time with family and friends. I don’t know there is much to report but I figured a reflection of the month maybe could be fun. Maybe also some side conversations to be expanded upon when it comes to things I have seen in the comments recently.


I think we need to as a community come together to define a ‘bible’ for this genre. Softcore, hardcore, corruption? Mind break? Permanent endings, Freaky Friday? Sometimes the language used here seems to mean wildly different things to different people. There are always trends when a sudden group emerges declaring a drought of content like ‘We don’t get enough Freaky Fridays and I AM SICK OF IT’ and then ten people crawl out of the woods work and pretend that this thing has been requested repeatedly.

And if I am being real – I have no clue what ‘mind break’ or ‘corruption ending’ means to any of you. Like what does it entail? What encompasses a ‘mind break’? What satisfies someone who wants to see someone ‘corrupted’ or ‘bimbofied’ or ‘freaky deaky Friday with a side of ketchup’?

Are there any linguist amongst this audience? Maybe we can discuss in the comments new trending terminology and what exactly you mean when you say ‘give me a Homer and Marge please’? Cause I am not going to lie, I can barely keep up sometimes

Community Fighting

Alright, I know I am very guilty of insulting people. So call me a hypocrite, an asshole, your lord and savior, call me whatever you will BUT

I will moderate comments when it becomes a pile on of people just insulting each other. I will also moderate comments that are purposely trying to insult and shame talent from our films. I try not to overstep my bounds with moderating other producers comment sections for their films but other producers are not as chronically online as I am (for better or worse) so if I have too I will and despite what you may think – I don’t like removing comments

So please be chill. I don’t like to see siblings fighting and as the community daddy I don’t want to only be known for spanking. And if it bothers you that the rules that apply to you don’t apply to me… well… make your own fucking website you thin skinned cookie jacker. How do you like that? How do you like me now you cunts!?

November Wrap Up

Our month started with a release from TBFE (a custom from Zippy the Pinhead if I can remember correctly) and seemed to kick up some conversation. Nebula Part 2 debut on November 1st.

That was followed by a blast from the past – ‘Amethyst’ starring Kacey Preston. One thing I had always wished we had seen more of in this genre was Kacey in hosiery and low n behold I just had to be patient to get more of it. I vaguely remember some folk being a little hot and bothered with the pricing of this film from nearly a decade ago that was vaulted until now… FOR SHAME. Considering Kacey no longer shoots these kinds of films I would have paid a premium price to a troll hiding on skid row to unearth more of Kacey in spandex and hosiery. Luckily, it only costs $39 bucks… from the safety of my own home. Some of you are spoiled… I digress.

Lucia came in mid month to bring us another film with the beloved Lucy Westenra. The film looks great though I admittedly haven’t seen it (lack of pantyhose makes Jack a dull boy). Reported – some of the impacts in this film are real and I imagine being hung upside down is no picnic.

Does this guy make the best promo posters in the business or what? DCF then released ‘The Broken Vale’ (what a great pulp like film name, no?) a Tomb Raider inspired film. Fun fact when I created this site I had originally intended to call it SuperheroineNews but Ultraheroix convinced me to only go for ‘heroine’ news, much for the consideration of films like this. DCF film after film slowly establishing themself as a needed new voice in the genre.

Anyone else get sleepy after eating turkey? If not Sleepy Superheroines has a rag with your name on it. Who doesn’t love a helpless woman in a skin tight spider costume? (If you don’t… please don’t tell me in the comments) This film hasn’t gotten any love in the comments… who raised you animals? Don’t let these heroines get on by so easily.

Honorable Mentions

This was an October release but I would just like to remind you all that Lucy Westenra while not being hung upside down by her ankles has gotten behind the camera to begin bringing us films like Amare. The costumes are great and visually looks very inspired for a new filmmaker. Don’t let this one slip between the cracks if you missed it the first time!

I think that covers everything…

Love yah cunts,


Heroine News

Heroine News

I am HN... an AI built to seek and destroy heroines on the internet. I have been entrusted to moderate this forum and its villains.

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21 Responses

  1. joe says:

    hope there new release soon!!

  2. Yolho says:

    Does anyone know how to order a custom with anyone? I’ve never done it before so I have no idea about budget, costumes, actresses availability, location, sets etc etc but I have an idea of a film and I did e-mail TBFE but I haven’t got a response yet. Is there usually a long waiting time for a reply?

  3. Ben says:

    Just checking is TBFE Site down?

    or is it just me

  4. Depo Man says:

    Happy Thanksgiving – thanks for keeping the community alive!

  5. Dan Troop says:

    Beware of Kaa!🐍

  6. DommeDominated says:

    Love seeing things like this, November had some really fun releases! Dark City Fiction continues to impress me with their presentation, and their films have been super good!

  7. andy says:

    Hey anyone know of any good supergirl movies coming from any of the studios here in the near future its been a while since I’ve seen one and was wondering if anyone had any idea when that kind of film would be released on any of the studios.

  8. Dr G says:

    Happy Thanksgiving / Black Friday / Cyber Monday ! 🙂

  9. Snidely Snidely says:

    Well this was great. I know it’s more work for an already busy man but I greatly enjoyed this and I hope it continues.

  10. ME92 says:

    This site has been a blast sinch launch and it seems like it’s been growing steadily for most parts with good community engagement while the old one is all but dead in terms of activity. With that in mind, and this might sound like a random question, but how’s the overall swap from heroinemovies to here in terms of producers being on board? It seems like it stopped a little after the initial high migration of producers that was aware at the time when the site launched had got in.

    I haven’t seen Steve Noir, who’s also under the SHG umbrella, post on here regarding his latest release and he used to post at the other site, for example.

    Another is Alex Bettinger who I knew wanted to reach out but haven’t seen him post here yet so I don’t know if he got a hold of anyone.


    • SHL SHL says:

      Alex Bettingers account has been set up to be able to post here, he hasn’t. SHG reached out regarding Noir, I told them to make an account so I could provision it to post, no follow up.

      It’s as simple as that.

      There have been a couple others I’ve reach out too but for one reason or another, they currently aren’t interested in promoting here.

      All things considered though I made this site for high quality SHIP filmmakers, so pretty much everyone I want to be here is (with one or two exceptions). I don’t have any interest in platforming producers who just make porn (that have costumes) but are not SHIP filmmakers. HeroineMovies and Clips4Sale showcases plenty of those kinds of creators if you want to see them

      I don’t personally believe me, TBFE, DCF, Lucia, Westenra Films, or Lee Carl should have our releases buried by “Bobs 10 dollar movie” studios. That’s one of the reasons I made this site as HeroineMovies became a dumping ground for Clips4sale to promote the 1000 studios they have on their platform of people who spend an afternoon making content and posting 20 clips a week.

  11. Hual Hual says:

    Love this warp up.
    You can continue calling me ‘spoiled’ if that makes you happy Damien 😉
    Happy Thanksgiving to my american friends out there

  12. 33sp says:

    This is amazing. Thank you Damien!!

  13. MrAnthony says:

    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving too!


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