Heroine News


If you are reading this… you have found us

For us, by us Heroine News is a newsfeed of all the latest and greatest Superheroine/Heroine Peril content.

The previous newsfeed was sold to an outsider of the genre who promised to build the site and community but in actuality was only using it to direct sales to a clip site. They have no sense of urgency about adding new producers, approving submitted post, responding to general inquiry or moderating the overwhelming amount of spam that began to flood the site.

So, fuck em.

Outside of this newsfeed operating as usual, there is a desire from a couple producers to try to find a way to make this site better. Wether that be new features for the community, interviews or events – this is a chance to do something new and interesting.

So, fingers crossed. Hope you found us and you’ll enjoy your time here.

Join Us (Call To Arms)

For now – the comment section is only open to community members. Go to the Navigation bar above – use the drop down menu ‘Members‘ and use the ‘Register‘ page.

All are free to join.

Please read the Behavior Policy page before commenting.

In the future we may open the comment section to all users of the internet. For the launch of this website we have chosen this path.

Thank you,

Heroine News

Heroine News

Heroine News

I am HN... an AI built to seek and destroy heroines on the internet. I have been entrusted to moderate this forum and its villains.

107 Responses

  1. deathcake says:

    This is so much better than HM’s current site. Glad I found it!

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      Thank you, I think this has worked out pretty well

    • Ferrari93 says:

      Especially now that it’s just spammed by bots, here’s hoping this site goes from strength to strength.

      • Heroine News Heroine News says:

        The writing was on the wall when you had to wait 7 days for a post to be submitted, of course spam would take over – they don’t give a shit that they are running it into the ground

        I saw recently they approved a ‘weekend sale’ post the week after the sale was over. It was necessary to jump ship

  2. Heroine News Heroine News says:

    Thank you again to everyone who has floated over here and joined us. I hesitated creating a replacement website for almost a year at this point unsure if it was possible to move a whole community with any kind of success. In a short time this site already feels like a victory and the timing couldn’t have been better cause whatever is happening BTS at the other place seems to be an evolving into a huge mess.

    I plan on continuing to try to develop this site into something more useable and better to serve this community. But for now – I need to get back to my own filmmaking to move that needle forward.

    So thanks again for being here. I am happy that it seems like this website has a promising start and hope to continue to keep it going in the right direction.

    • Henchman Henchman says:

      Thanks for starting this. Just figured out it was here today and definitely replacing the old HM site with this one now. I think most of the regulars will move over to this one as well once they realize it’s here as the old Ham site isn’t pushing he content that made it popular in the first place

  3. Victor Victor says:

    I thought it is funny that at the old site there are obvious bots leaving effusive but completely generic praises, one-after-another, for example:

    “Ive read several just right stuff here Certainly price bookmarking for revisiting I wonder how a lot effort you place to create this kind of great informative website”

    I figure with AI, the bot praises should be more specific.

  4. Lee Carl Lee Carl says:

    Went over to the “old” site today, just to peek. No new articles and all the recent comments are spam. Seems abandoned after everyone jumped ship for Heroine News. Thought it was funny. Glad we have this new platform.

  5. Ben Ben says:

    Could you possibly create a spoiler covering tag, like there was on the other site? if that possible

  6. ME92 ME92 says:

    I reached out to Alex Bettinger about the site. The more producers we can get over the easier it will be to replace heroinemovies in no time. Just stopped by HM to see the latest and it was drowning in bots comments, rip.

  7. ClearScreen ClearScreen says:

    Will new releases be announced on this site? I noticed that TBFE has released two new vids in the past few days, but with no announcements here (though both are being advertised on SHG).

    One thing I really like about this site is how easy it is to get to Producers’ sites, which makes new releases more discoverable.

  8. 321 321 says:

    That “click to edit” feature in the comment section is a very nice touch. I like being able to edit typos so that my comments don’t look like they have been made by an illiterate. I also like the roughly four hour editing window, to allow the contributer time to reconsider rash comments posted hastily in the heat of the moment.

  9. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

    Cheers. May this unmake the calamities and frustrations suffered elsewhere.

  10. Heroine News Heroine News says:

    Just a heads up – some comments randomly get tossed into ‘moderation’ and need approval. I don’t know why yet – as I haven’t set any flags for such a thing to happen. I will look into it more, or at the very least, continually check if comments need approval. Still learning and tinkering with the new system this site is running on

    • ME92 ME92 says:

      I dunno what happened to my last post, but editing post seems to be tossing them into moderation, so could have something to do with how the edit setup is, hmm..

  11. Depo Man Depo Man says:

    This site is coming along nicely. Thanks for picking up the baton!

    You may have already addressed this but what does that star icon mean on the posts’ image? Is that “new” content?

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      The ‘star’ is a sticky attachment – which ensures a post is at the top of the feed. With ingesting tons of previous posts and adding more producers on a daily basis its just a way to make sure some of the newer releases don’t get accidentally buried by a film that came out a year ago

      After things level out here more in the near future – star articles would be a way to ensure visibility of big projects. Like if Lee Carl releases a big film – and a week later I release a low budget LoFi movie – I could pin his article above mine to make sure the bigger more expensively produced film doesn’t get buried by my LoFi film

      We will see how it works out. If any producer feels slighted by how it’s used – then we may end up not using it.

      Another method I could explore is for months that have a bigger amount of releases to ensure visibility would be to create Monthly recap posts – highlighting all the work that came out that month. I know the other website was ‘pretending’ to do something similar (Our Top 10 of the month) and yet one of the posts had featured a film I had released half a year prior. If I were to do monthly recaps it wouldn’t be a Top 10 though – it would simply be an overview of everything that came out that month.

      • ME92 ME92 says:

        Pinned posts could also simply be important site/news updates that will stay relevant for a set amount of time. For example, if Tbfe is running a 48 hours weekend sale the upcoming weekend and they decide to announce it on Monday, that post will and would be relevant at least until said sale is over, so pinning it would prevent it from drowning or making the producer wait as close to said sale as possible before creating the article just to avoid said drowning.

        That, and obviously posts like this very one itself, where it might take a while before newcomers and veterans alike find their way over here and thus making this post relevant well over its ‘normal time.’ By pinning it, they won’t have to scroll back pages to find out what this is all about and also avoid the so-called ‘reviving old threads’ by commenting in the process.

  12. Ferrari93 Ferrari93 says:

    The site is great so far, i have 2 possible improvements that could be inplemented?

    The first one, is when viewing screenshots of movies by making the smaller images bigger, is there a way you can do it, so that we can scroll through the images via the image being viewed with a left or right click or swipe, instead of having to back out of that image and clicking on another one?

    The second one, is maybe putting the “post a comment” box at the top of the comment section, rather than at the bottom, as when there are a lot of comments, you have to scroll right to the bottom of the comments to make your own.

    Again, great job so far with the website.

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      I coded some CSS stuff to move the comment box but it might have broken some other things, so I will need to take another look at it

      I have been playing with the image viewer before even announcing this site – but alas I haven’t found a solution I like. I will keep working on it though for sure – but so far I haven’t been able to yield the results I like.

  13. Heroine News Heroine News says:

    Just a heads up DCF (new producer) has made their first post here: https://heroinenews.com/completely-broken-by-dark-city-fiction/

  14. Rye Rye says:

    Great looking site!! Well done!

  15. Fragmag Fragmag says:

    Good luck, but you will need ta add Lucia Films, Lee Carl and Rey to the Club to fully replace the old Newsfeed

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      “Need” – I am not an enforcer. Producers that have been invited get to make the decision about where they share and what they share

      • Fragmag Fragmag says:

        They will make the difference if this is “a” newssite or “the” newssite for heroine Content.
        So if you want to suceed, there is indeed a “Need”. Otherwise you are missing a real USP

    • Ben Ben says:

      I really hope Lucia Films comes over, they are the best in the business… I’ll follow them where ever they go, If they stay on the old site… I stay there!

  16. 321 321 says:

    This will probably become my go to site for browsing upcoming features, although I will still look at the old one. I didn’t see Lucia or Lucy Westenra among the producers here, or Lee Carl (sic?), an he is about to release the Rye-UK video with Starshot. I have been ready to buy that one since Rye started putting up teaser photos three years ago. Also I didn’t see WeaponzTokyo, or Jackjay, or Lora’s site.

  17. Heroineburgh Heroineburgh says:

    OK, now that we’ve signed up as a user, how do we get producer status? I assume you have to be a producer to make posts? I don’t see a post function yet. We weren’t contacted about this new site, so I didn’t know about it until just now, and I’m reaching out. Is there an email address we can contact about being listed under producers? (a link to our website in the dropdown) Or can you just “supercharge” a user into a producer with a push of your button? Please let us know.

  18. Dr G Dr G says:

    Will the producers that joined this site keep posting on both sites for now or is there a certain date that some producers will stop posting on the HM site ? Thanks !

    • UltraHeroix UltraHeroix says:

      Hi Dr G,
      I can’t speak for anyone else but I will continue to post on both as this one will take time to grow as more fans will discover it over time. This board has been easier to navigate and post on compared to HM and has tons of opportunity for growth within our community!

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      That’s up to the producer. Granted – if someone posts new films on both – it’s more likely to be approved and shown here first

    • TBFE TBFE says:

      Can’t speak for any of the other producers but TBFE won’t be posting over at HM anymore. It’s really a bit of a disorganized mess over there.

  19. mrestfla mrestfla says:

    well done. look forward to this new forum!

  20. Orphios Orphios says:

    I love the changes. I love the clear list of who the producers are and access to their page to find all of their old and current movies. If possible, I’d also love to see an option so you can search for movies of all of the producers by a specific actress. So for example, if I wanted to see all the Coco or Kayla movies that were available to purchase I could see all the movies any actress did with TBFE, SHL, Ultra, or anyone else.

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      I will see if I can make something like this thats easy to use and navigate, cause I think it would be nice to be able to smart feed talents work

      • Orphios Orphios says:

        that is wonderful and would be amazing if you could do that. We all have our favorite talents and it would be cool to be able to support the talent as well as the producers

  21. Heroine News Heroine News says:

    For the sake of transparency – on the ‘other’ site someone wrote this comment in regards to this site “very nice site, but it should be called TBFE Incorporated.” and I would like to address this here.

    Multiple producers were contacted, given login credentials, with the ability to create post and upload content. Some producers have chosen a ‘fresh’ start approach – like Ultraheroix, only choosing to post his latest film. Other have chosen to repost all their releases for the last six months. It is at the discretion of the producer and what they choose to share here.

    Some producers have not responded to their invitation emails. Some plan on posting but haven’t yet.

    The intention of this site is not to promote a few people in favoritism over everyone else. The intention is to make a feed that producers have more control over, where user experience is prioritized, functionality and usability being a priority. Where new producers don’t ask to be added as contributors by sending emails into a black hole. Where content creators don’t have their ability to post removed without an explanation as to why.

    The ‘other’ site’ was sold for a reason – producers of this genre supercharged enough traffic to that site to make it worth something. We were not compensated for ads sold on that site, despite the fact that the site was purely fueled by producers of this genres content. We were not compensated when the site was sold. And when it was sold – we were in direct competition with the new owners interest as none of us sell our content through their clip store.

    That being said – this website will be a controlled chaos. The doors will not be open to someone who shoots 480p content on a camcorder and has a homeless woman wearing a cape in an alleyway (extreme and dramatic example). Tonally there will be a cohesiveness to the content reflected here.

    There will also be other things explored on this site. We will try to find a way to spotlight the work of other kinds of creators here too. Like writers whom would like to have their own page with a list of the films they have worked on etc. Or maybe more easily accessible links and direction to talent featured in these films – so there is a quick way to access that information vs having to dig through the comment section.

    I like to think we are off to a good start. And we aim to grow this site into something thats more useable, not let it fall into disrepair out of negligence.

  22. Shadow Shadow says:

    Hey, thank you for this new website about superheroine in peril! Maybe the new villain place 😉

  23. kevin kevin says:

    Thank you, the new site looks great!

  24. GleebToo GleebToo says:

    Hi, glad to see new site 🙂 please can you add “Hardcore” category to separate explicit and hardcore stuff?

    • Ben Ben says:

      Nice idea, I also like the idea of having a section for content out now and separate upcoming section, like the previous site

    • uheroine uheroine says:

      Let’s do it!

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      Technically articles are being tagged with proper categories but I will need to make ‘smart’ filtered clickable feeds so someone can break things not just into content specific categories but maybe also actress tags, character tags, etc.

      I think it would be nice to have a clean SFW feed, for people who aren”t interested in the more graphic content.

      Maybe you can propose what categories should exist? Outside of ‘hardcore’ or ‘softcore’

      • Hual Hual says:

        I think the main issue is with the word “explicit” – of course, (almost) every movie promoted here will be explicit. I think the differentiation between “hardcore” (=real sex) and softcore (=implied sex) is what many are looking for

        • GleebToo GleebToo says:

          I totally agreee and that was my original intention. If there were hundreds of hardcore videos then I would be asking for more categories focused on that, but with just a few hardcore videos this is the one category I am missing for now.

      • GleebToo GleebToo says:

        When talking about adult stuff I am not sure whether we need more detailed categories (like pussy, anal, kissing, real penis, fake penis, dildo, nude tits, mind control, seduction, lesbian, threesome, group, gangbang, etc.). At least for now hardcore videos are quite rare. But I can give it a thought if you want.

        When talking about general heroine stuff honestly I dont feel as competent to do that. I like heroine stuff but its not my main kink or anything, so I dont feel like I am the right guy :/ eg. pantyhose, ripped costume, costume stays, unconscious, beaten, …

        The devil is in making categories detailed enough to handle most videos, but not too detailed which would uposet creators (when tagging the videos), or confuse members :/

  25. 33sp 33sp says:

    Woah. The HM site is run by C4S??? This is such a refreshing start!!

    Secretly I’m hoping that NGC will come back…

    • Heroine News Heroine News says:

      At the very least they are owned by their parent company. The HM website was sold. I know offers were made from members of our community to buy it – they weren’t given a chance to counter offer

    • SW SW says:

      C4S is so disappointing that is now denies so much content that basically it has become a bondage site where the buyer has to imagine what happened to the damsel now that she’s bound. I can do that without having to buy anything from them

      • Heroine News Heroine News says:

        Most platforms are currently experiencing pushback from companies like Visa and Mastercard. It’s happened multiple times over the last 20 years. I remember something similar back in like 2007 or something like that

  26. SGFan SGFan says:

    Glad to see a new site and place, bookmarking now.

  27. MrAnthony MrAnthony says:

    Nice site! I look forward to being a regular visitor and purchaser!

  28. B B says:

    Thank you to the powers that be. Finally a site run by people who now what they’re doing. Can’t wait to see what’s to come.

  29. Heroine News Heroine News says:

    If anyone who like help with profile pictures – I can generate some AI characters to assign to profiles. Let me know.

  30. Ben Ben says:

    Would love to see the like button come up on the forum, so you can like comments 🙂

  31. ME92 ME92 says:

    Gentlemen (and ladies obviously), you had my curiosity… but now you have my attention

  32. Ben Ben says:

    Great to see a new place run by fans of the Genre… Great work setting it up guys 🙂

    All I want to add is, let’s try not to have any insulting comments, constructive criticism was good but no insulting personal comments… we all love this genre! let’s celebrate it!

    • AWS Man AWS Man says:

      To add to that, will it be possible to IP ban a user who continually makes insulting comments about models? Cause the last place sure didn’t seem too concerned about the same trolls making account after account.

      • Heroine News Heroine News says:

        Did you read our Behavior Policy? I won’t assume people won’t get heated. IMO it’s good people are passionate about the genre, how they choose to express that is a very human thing and sometimes it will come out negatively. There won’t be an unreasonable iron fist when addressing those kinds of issues. People should be allowed to critique and criticize things that they have spent money on – but there is an obvious difference in what should or shouldn’t be tolerate. Example ‘I think Julie has a long way to go with her expressions’ would be allowed vs ‘Julie’s fat, her tits are ugly and someone should put a bag over her head’ wouldn’t be.

        I think theres a fine line in how heavy moderation can be. We want to build a community here that feels heard and over moderating can make a place unwelcoming very fast.

        We will figure it out. But – the spam at the very least will be under control!

        • Chief Chief says:

          Dang ,,,,reel it in some killer, I dont know who this Julia is but I’m sure she is doing her best and is a lovely person, now move out of the way the leotard is getting yanked out of the way and the pantyhose are getting ripped and I don’t want to miss it,,,,don’t you have some cancer patients to make fun of or kick some kittens somewhere else,,,,

  33. Wingus Wingus says:

    Looking forward to seeing how this site goes!!

  34. saxman314 saxman314 says:

    Haha they are gonna be shocked at how quickly their views evaporate. This is a great move, much needed.

  35. AWS Man AWS Man says:

    Cool site, bro.

  36. Midnite Midnite says:

    I’ve felt something was a bit off with the other site since some of the updates from the studios weren’t getting posted. Thank you for creating this website.

  37. Malice Malice says:

    The name of the site just rolls of the tongue! Looking forward to a more pleasent experience for both producers and fans alike! The design rocks! You guys kick ass!

  38. Bobbb Bobbb says:

    Congratulations — this looks great!

  39. Ferrari93 Ferrari93 says:

    Hi everyone, cool idea for starting a new site. Hopefully we’ll get to see the usual users come across to here.

  40. Depo Man Depo Man says:

    digging this, and the minor tweaks (like a drop down to select a given producer) are improvements!

  41. Dr G Dr G says:

    What happen next 🙂

  42. Angleman Angleman says:

    Round of applause. Love the fact that you guys love the genre enough to want to do this for the community.

  43. OGHermo OGHermo says:

    Thank you for standing up this site!

  44. TheLecher TheLecher says:

    May this venture prove successful.

  45. Alfonz Alfonz says:

    Thank goodness! The other site was beginning to grind my gears with how it was being run. Should you need help in the future, deleting spam etc, I’d be on board with that.

  46. el goodo el goodo says:

    Thank you for doing this! Very cool of you, Damien.

  47. I guess the future is now?
    I am glad that we will have ONE place for ALL new videos!

  48. PTY PTY says:

    Congrats! Web site looks dope. Nice to consolidate everything superheroine,

  49. Shzam Shzam says:

    Nice! The sites looks and feels amazing as well. Very slick and modern.

    Hope it catches on and this can be my one stop shop going forward.

  50. bbsucks bbsucks says:

    Much needed! Great call!

  51. SHG Admin SHG Admin says:

    Thank you for doing this site!! The disregard ‘the other site’ has given to emails, request, and post has just been mind boggling. I cant for the life of me guess as to why they would not at least respond to people that were trying to post new content or make new logings, letting them know it was not going to happen. I fully understand and respect their new direction BUT a little common courtesy would have been nice. Very disappointing from a company that is otherwise a respected and loved staple in the video sales genre.
    Thank you so much for this new site… I look forward to watching it grow!!
    Sincerely, –Your Friends at SHG

  52. Snidely Snidely says:

    I’ve never done this before, but… First!


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