“Swiftgirl Returns” – UltraHeroix.com

Hi Everyone! We are back with a new Swiftgirl adventure and this time she is played by Ziva Fey in “Swiftgirl Returns”!
Swiftgirl escaped from Vod’s prison in space and finally reaches Earth. Vod discovers this and sentds a cybernetic bounty hunter to punish and dispose of the heroine. Weakened from her long journey home, Swiftgirl must fight this powerful foe or perish! Swiftgirl is pummeled, blasted by lasers, bear hugged, dragged, held over head, body slammed, various carries, dangled upside down and knocked out multiple times. Check it out at https://ultraheroix.com !
Swiftgirl is knocked out/peril by:
- Punched out
- Body Slam
- Dangling upside-down
- Blasted by lasers
- Electrocuted by prods
- bear hugged
- dragged by rope
- exhaustion
I absolutely agree with Depo and the many below! I love how Ziva shows her fear. It shows how vulnerable she is despite not being weakened by anything like a kryptonite. The way she has no control over how much upskirt the villain makes her reveal shows how helpless she is. When she attempts to fly away but fails because she’s too weak is something I hope more producers will do!
Thanks 33sp! Ziva does a tremendous job and she looks great in the costume. I also enjoyed the scene where she tries to fly away to escape but can’t!
I picked this one up too and REALLY enjoyed it. I loved seeing the heroine in a weakened state right off the bat (rather than some trite kryptonite trick which is so over used).
but not only weakened, i really liked the fact she showed fear and desperation – that is something that should be done more. It really brings the heroine down a few pegs for sure! the actress is super hot too which doesn’t hurt!
Thanks Depo! I really tried to do something different than the regular tropes of how we see a supergirl weakened besides with kryptonite. I agree to about Ziva’s acting, I don’t think I’ve worked with anyone that is expressive as she is especially showing fear. Thanks again!
I know you’re not intending to ever do sex or simulated sex, and I totally get that, but I wonder if you’d be open to implications of such.
Meaning, if you’re familiar with NGC, sometimes they discuss capturing a heroine to be sold at auction, often with the heroine chained or bound.
That goes a long way (at least for me personally) and sometimes even hits more than when producers actually film scenes like that. Imagination is powerful I guess lol
Anyways just a thought. Love ur work!
Hey Depo! Yeah, I think that is entirely possible! I agree, the implication of something far more sinister in store for our heroine if she is defeated is very tantalizing.
Wow! Please allow me to join the chorus. This is one of my favourite superheroine videos ever! Ziva Fey looks great and acts to match. The pacing is nice and crisp. There are lots of little peril bits I love, but two things stand out: the heroine crawling on the floor and lots of lovely upskirts with her legs spread. She really sells the vulnerability and weakness. It’s 12 USD, what do you have to lose? 😉
Thanks Masmune! I appreciate it!
This was great. Love the outfit and the actress reactions were fantastic. The action was well paced unlike some videos were it seems like it is more in slow motion. I do wish there were more punches landed on the heroine instead of energy blasts and crawling around on the floor but this was one of my favorite Ultraheroix videos yet.
Thanks Johnny! I’m happy to see that this video is now one of your favorites! I learned a lot of Ziva’s abilities in shooting this one in that she has some fight training and we’ll be using more of those skill in our next video with her.
I got this one and overall liked it.
To get this out of the way, must admit I do miss the redhead Swiftgirl from Heroix Finest and Return of Vlod. She was just so perfect looking in the role. Ziva Fey does a great job here, but I did miss the previous actress. Ziva gives a very energetic performance and was willing to do lots of physicality in this one it seems. She looks very good as Swiftgirl and does some nice dialog too that us peril fans will like.
I appreciated the villain in this one. Had a great looking costume lots of physicality, and menace. He nicely manhandles Swiftgirl, giving her a nice thrashing, and due to this often shows off Ziva’s fine form in the costume a lot and dominating her with his raw power. So great work here.
The audio issues which disappointed me in Powerdame: Venom Strike, thankfully were not as problematic here. When Swiftgirl speaks you can hear her, and the music doesn’t get in the way in this one. I did find a slight issue where our baddie would speak a few times and it was hard to him here. If he was going to have some lines, maybe then he needed a mic or some ADR lines. When plot critical stuff was spoken though you did hear him, so that’s good.
My only critique for this one, and to be fair this is more just my tastes vs an actual issue…the laser/energy blasting bit goes on a bit too long, for me. I don’t mind that as a perilous aspect and there’s a nice sense of it further exhausting Swiftgirl…but like after a few blasts I sort of got that point. I’m not sure it needed to happen another dozen times. I did at one point sort of dryly comment to my PC as I watched, ‘okay I get it, she’s blasted…’ Now again, this doesn’t detract from the vid, but it was something I thought could have been trimmed down.
Overall a good physical/fighting perilous vid for UHX’s Supergirl here.
Thanks SGFan! I’m glad you and enjoyed it and I appreciate the in depth review and feedback!
All that I can think is that she would be a perfect X-23 😛
She definitely has the moves to pull it off!
Really enjoyed it! I especially appreciated Swiftgirl narrating the action so to speak (saying things like “must…get…away…” I love that comic book style dialogue in these kinds of films). I also appreciated the actress’ commitment to the action, which, granted, may have crossed into over acting at times, but honestly, I’m perfectly okay with that. Hope you get to work with her some more!
Hi Ceej! I’m glad you enjoyed it! Ziva did an excellent job here as she really got into the character and it shows!