STARSHINE – Episode 1 – New Release from Rye UK!
New release from Rye UK, Starshine Episode 1 is now available!
It can be purchased at
After defeating Mercy on live TV Starshine finds herself in a twisted legal battle with the arch criminal that has her agent considering less than ideal ways to pay for her defense. Starshine tries to stay focused on doing her annual TV show “Self defense for Women” but one of Mercy’s soldiers hyped up on GEL crashes the party and challenges Starshine to a fight. The goon attacks her without warning and they go back and forth landing strikes. Mercy’s soldier slowly gets the advantage as he appears to be a little faster and stronger than Starshine! The gorgeous blonde heroine finds herself on the receiving end of a very humiliating beat down. She fights back at every chance but Starshine is simply out matched by the latest batch of GEL. Showing no mercy, the villain attacks Starshine’s most vulnerable area and the tables really turn for the worst. Starshine is punched, kicked, and tossed all over the dojo as the villain has his way with her.

This movie contains beatdowns, bear hugs, back breakers, low blows, many KO’s, battle damage, crushing, ground and pound, hair pulling, several MMA holds, belly kicks, and more!
Purchase this video at SHG-Media
When will Episode 2 come out?
Those colors remind me of one of Rye´s fav videos of mind, Frame of Mind 1!!
The heroine back in that vid was inspired by Moonstone from Marvel but still was primarily white and gold, with a leotard rather than a full catsuit like her comic counterpart, so overall very similar style to Starshine here! That costume was fantastic and few have matched it even if it only had one outing
Seems this is more of a beatdown than a peril focused vid so it´s right up my alley too!
Is there any other way to buy this, than through SHG-media? The whole netcode thing really sucks… Reset my password, never got a link, so created a new account. now i need to wait up to 48 hours
Hi, how any rate this flick? It is good as Superverse? Or eye of beholder? Thanks!
Yeah so I’ve finally watched this and I wasn’t massively impressed. I absolutely love the Rye UK stuff I think it’s up there with storytelling and peril and good old beatdowns.
However this one just wasn’t it for me I can’t put the finger on one particular thing but this one just lacked in creativity, I don’t even know why she was doing self defence classes, her agent don’t know what her agenda was. Don’t know what Mercy’s motive was besides revenge which just seemed too insignificant.
Girl was gorgeous, costume was sexy and it was a good beatdown but lacked pro longed peril for me, everything was too fast paced in this one. Didn’t really give us time to enjoy the peril as it went from one attack to the other sharply.
Disappointing I’m afraid I would tune in for part 2 if there is one but no real excitement for this.
Same question as everyone else though is that the final RYE UK Video ever?
Reached out to Rye – there is 2 more Rye-Uk films to be edited and released. This ‘final production’ I believe was just the last one to be physically shot
Thanks for the update, So its official No Episode 2 for this film
But Glad thee are 2 more releases to come for other stories
I didn’t say that. I believe there will be an Episode 2 of Starshine and a Supergirl release. It’s just that Episode 01 was filmed after Episode 02, so it was officially the ‘last’ production shot.
Hi, so nothing related to eye of beholder 2?NOooooo
lol that ship sailed years back I gave up on that. Big big disappointment.
NOOOO… Ok thanks. I see you didn’t like the flick so much. how do you rate it ? like evolution? Frame of mind? Villainus united uk2? Thanks!!!!
better than frame of mind, but nowhere near as good as Evolutions, Villains uk2. Obviously eye of the beholder still remains the best
Thanks for the info, looking forward to them both
This is a historical release. This is the first time an NGC actress stars in a Rye production
The girl who plays Angel in NGC is in 3 or 4 Rye videos and the girl who plays Deceptress is in one, too.
If you’re a fan of the NGC girls, definitely check out Villain’s United-UK. It’s a classic.
Really? The deceptress actress too? Which videos were they in?
If you go to and sort by just Rye movies, it’s all on page 5 and 6.
– Interface
– Thine Own Self
– Villain’s United UK II
– Villain’s United UK
– Avenger vs. Galaxsis
Like I said before, Villain’s United UK is an all-time favorite of mine. But the Galaxsis one with the Deceptress actress is definitely pretty good, too.
That’s why I was so excited about this Starshine release. It definitely hangs with some of the awesome Rye UK videos of the past.
Thank you for your thorough recommendation!
That era had many of my favorites. The Sacrifice of Angels main heroine is especially hot. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her again.
The Deceptress actress and her first costume became my all time fav combo from NGC, but sadly the video she is for the Rye (Avenger vs Galaxis) is not the best simply cause she was just starting so her acting wasn´t the best. Felt like she was more annoyed than in pain sometimes and her performance lacked energy overall
Still looks fantastic in that costume so if you are a big fan of her take a look
Also just noticed this is the actress who played Alias! thanks for the tip I would have missed it otherwise!
Sadly I think she is not making more SHIP videos, I remember reading recently about it in a QnA that NGC made
Sexy girl. Shame she doesn’t get more naked. Reminds me of the video with Cassidy McWilliams, another mega babe who never realized her full potential in the genre.
How are the low blows? That would be the main tipping point for me to purchase but i’m always really disappointed when the heroine undersells the low blows.
I noticed only 1 low blow near the end. The fighting between Starshine and the kick boxer is great though.
How is the low blow sold? I prefer when they give a big reaction to it, it’s basically make or break for me. if it’s treated like any other hit it doesn’t mean much.
I liked it but it’s subjective depending on the person. If you like NGC vids, you’ll like Episode 1.
I counted two low blows. I find the first one much more devastating than the second one.
Overall I liked it. The acting, jokes, story, fight scenes and the visual quality were all great. Episode 1 is more geared to beatdown fans I think. Can’t wait for episode 2 !
How does it end? Does she lose?
She loses for most of the vid but ends up winning at the end of Episode 1.
Thanks, that’s a bummer ending though.
I dig the actress and the costume. Cool premise too. 2 questions:
—How does it end?
—It says this is Rye UK’s final production, does that mean there’s no episode 2?
In the trailer is says this is Rye UK’s Final Production… So does that mean there are no more updates?
What about this scene
has this been lost forever?
This is exactly the question I want to ask… Villains United Superverse is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen. Hope it is not lost forever.
And i’d still like to know the name of the women who stars in Villains United Superverse.
Its one of my favourites too. I’d like to see what other things shes done, In this fetish world and outside modelling etc
And the women who plays the one of the thugs looks familiar too. I think shes a mainstream actor or something. I know her from somewhere, just want picture it
That’s probably Rye USA not Rye UK
Rye has consistently shown a steady hand on creating some of the best peril narratives Ive ever seen regardless if they are pg 13 or not. Its a shame to find out their hanging up the camera for now but I hope they remain the community to pass on production advice. I sure hope to see a part two to this script perhaps with more sexual peril but still model looks amazing. Costume looks amazing. I hope we see this heroine again.
While I would also love to see some sexual peril with this character, I suspect it’s not going to happen (again, based on the UK laws, and who the actress is). My big hope for a sequel (assuming “episode 1” implies there will be an episode 2) is a losing ending. Rye UK films have done some great losses. And that I don’t think is outside the realm of possibilities. But we shall see. Will be buying whatever gets released in this series, either way.
Who is the actress? I feel like i recognise her and should know but can’t put my finger on it… especially with being from the UK
Which year was this filmed?
This is filmed in 2021
Instabuy! I’ve been waiting for this one for years!!! Would love if there was another episode but doubt it would happen since the original never released. Love the actress who played Alias at NGC
Here is the trailer:
And yes, Rye UK content is and has always been PG13.
Hi Lee I aware you’ve ended up the curator of Rye’s last production and I was curious as to what is meant by episode 1? Do you intend to keep furthering the plot of this series with another actor where you run the production?
Hopefully episode 2 will feature more sexual content
Rye-UK has been always PG-13, I believe!
Yeah, as far as I know, there are laws that prevent them from filming sexual peril stuff in the UK.
Trailer will be up later today. I will post a link when it’s up.
Is there a part 2 coming?
This was so good. Best SHIP movie I’ve seen in a while. These Rye-UK videos have always done a really good job of making the peril really dramatic and impactful. The ONLY issue I have is that I was ready to see a different ending… but hey, episode 1 implies an episode 2!
how does it end for starshine in this vid? is it a cliffhanger or do we get some sort of ending where she corrupted or killed
Softcore? Hardcore? No trailer?
Why is there no trailer? I’ll still buy but a preview wouldn’t hurt
Insta-buy, Rye UK really knows their stuff and glad to see this is released! Didn’t know there were 2 parts
dunno about this one. all the images look the same, doesnt seem like theres a lot going on here. doesnt seem like theres much of an end given part 1 either. given the horrible quality of rye stuff for the last year and a half and this being only part 1, ill at least wait for part 2 before giving it a shot. (also why cant we enlarge pics??)
it seems a little repetetive after watching the trailer. For a complete PG-13 movie, considering the runtime, this seems a little too expensive for my taste. If there would ever be another sale, I might pick this up. Until then, let’s see what part 2 will show us