Wonderful Girl – Vintage Series

Next on the Vintage series is my work on the Wonderful Girl series. I still haven’t completed a breakdown per film of content shown, I will update that information more in the near future when time allows for it. All films have been re-listed on this site per their original release dates (or as close to the original release dates that I could figure out).

Wonderful Girl: The Return

My third heroine film if memory serves me – the character and casting of Hannah Perez was originally done by HM. Through conversations between me and HM at the time – he trusted me with making a sequel to his film. Due to a casting/costume issue – my original intention for a mutant gorilla fell apart and the end result was less than ideal. Original controversies for the film were the shallow focus used as a creative choice, be it maybe foolishly on my part as well as the red lined panties used for the costume. Despite some negative feedback at the time – it was well received and probably my most popular installment of the Wonderful Girl series. Its success is most likely the only reason I continued making superheroine films after my 2nd film – Nina Drive – did poorly in sales.

Wonderful Girl: The Broken City

In my personal opinion this film features one of the best shots in any of my heroine films – a sledgehammer ram into Wonder Woman’s breastplate causing it to break in a POV shot. I also like the performance of the mayor and his slimey corrupt ways.

Wonderful Girl: Inevitable Insurrection

Hannah shows off some acting chops in this one – crying on camera during her interrogation scene. I forgot how perverted this film was until I recently reviewed the footage. It contains a POV shot from the Hitachi I forgot about and arguably I should bring back in the future. Films like this one make me wish me and Hannah had done more films together back in the day. Hindsight is 20/20

Wonderful Girl: The Mercy of the Queen

Oh the old days. I can’t say I remember the production of this film that well but looking back at the end product – I am surprised by how many storylines I was crossing and weaving back in the old days. I was a very ambitious 20 year old. Who doesn’t love a fishnet gag? We need to bring them back.

Wonderful Girl: Torture and Atonement

Holy Slave Leia Batman! This film features Wonder Woman in a slave outfit having been caught by Queen Demise. It also features a masturbation scene. I think the slave costume came out well.

Wonderful Girl: The Final Chapter

This was originally intended to be… The Final Chapter. If memory serves me – me and Hannah agreed we were running out of ideas of things to put her through within her content restrictions at the time. I love this film, we shot it in an abandoned building, it stars Miss CJ as Lady Slaughter. I remember there being a fun scene of Miss CJ driving her knee into Hannahs crotch.

Wonderful Girl: Night Terrors

This is in fact – the final installment of Hannah as Wonderful Girl in my contribution to the Wonderful Girl series. God, she looks great, doesn’t she? She was made for that costume.

What is this?

The Damien Woods Christmas Special

Originally released as a limited holiday release – The Damien Woods Christmas Special was only available for a month upon its arrival. It’s a simple film but it does contain some fun peril. I remember we had a lot of fun filming this one. Being that this came out a decade ago I thought it be fun to bring back for any collectors who missed it.

For the record – Hannah Perez was a pleasure to work with. One of the most professional people I have met in the business.

July 16th 2024

Hey gang

I was organizing some data yesterday and realized that when it comes to some of my older work some films lack any trackable way to find them or information about them. Unearthing all this data can take time so I decided to start picking away at it when editing new work runs into a wall (sometimes you have to step away from editing to recharge etc)

Two films that have been unlisted and not purchasable for some time now are – Supra: Phase 2 and Supra: Curse of the Queen. They have now been unearthed and been made available again for purchase. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to track down their original trailers – if any of you magically have them let me know. This content will be re-listed on this site but the dates for the product pages will be set to their original release dates, so they will not appear on the front page.

I plan on eventually rewatching these films to better provide listed content that appears in the films, but for now here are the links to the content:


TKJ and Generation Zod – Sale to end soon

I will also be killing the sale prices for TKJ and Gen Zod by the end of the month. So if you have been on the fence now is the time to hop on them.

Lofi #5 will also be coming out soon. Look out for a trailer in the near future.

Original Post – July 1st 2024

Happy July Henchmen and Henchwomen!

Two of my bigger releases from the last year – TKJ and Generation Zod are on a limited time sale. Other titles may be added to the sale, please let me know in the comments if there are any specific films I should consider adding.


Standard Price: $100 Sale Price: $60


Read more about the film on the link below:


Standard Price: $65 Sale Price: $40


Read more about the film on the link below:

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53 Responses

  1. Fools collector says:

    A measure of your craziness is the amount of money you are willing to spend on these old videos. I’ll tell you my figure: Zero!

  2. Dr G says:

    All of the Wonderful Girl vids with Hannah Perez are great !

  3. SW says:

    I wanted a custom from Hannah and apparently she is no longer available 🙁
    Definitely one of my favs in DID situations and looks, especially in hose!

  4. 321 says:

    Wonderful Girl: The Return was one of my early favorite videos. I too, loved the abandoned building location shooting; it added something to the peril element. It got me started on a sort of Hannah Perez binge; I found quite a few good Wonder Woman things she did for Hypnotics World. This is getting to be so long ago that I can’t remember exactly how many years it has been. Hannah Perez was one of the best, with fantastic facial epressions, and she seemed born to play Wonder Woman.

  5. Andros says:

    >>For the record – Hannah Perez was a pleasure to work with. One of the most professional people I have met in the business.<<

    I have no doubt that what you say is 100% correct but as a fan and consumer I find her to be a massive cock tease. I know that's her genre and I am really not trying to discredit her at all, but she comes across as one of those girls who just intentionally doesn't go the distance to torture the audience. She is beautiful and I really enjoyed seeing her body transform as she got older but man you just want to see a little more from her to be satisfied.

    Well done on the films in any case.

    • Jeqt says:

      I mean ok… But models have their limit.

      Glass half full, vs thankful she puts herself out there at all, right?

      Kinda wild to say “cock tease” based on your judgemental assessment of her limits

  6. john says:

    can someone spoil the endings for The Final Chapter and Night Terrors? wondering if either have permanent ends or if Night Terrors ends with permanent brainwashing/bimboification

  7. Dr G says:

    The Hannah Perez Wonderful Girl series was great ! 🙂

  8. bbsucks says:

    The Wonderful Girl series is, in my opinion, one of the genre’s all time classics.

  9. Wilson P says:

    Slightly off topic but your mention of it just triggered my memory….

    Nina Driver was an awesome movie! I remember purchasing it years ago when it first came out and I loved it! To this day I think no other superheroine movie has been made like it. Hearing it didn’t sell well is a shame.

    I need to dig out my old hard drive and give it a re-watch as I haven’t watched it in a few years.

  10. 33sp says:

    Wonderful Girl: The Return was sensational. Probably one of the first SHIP videos I bought. The abandoned location added so much peril. The debooting was legendary. The dirt added so much urgency to the pantyhose.

  11. SHL SHL says:

    Quick Update

    I have been sick with a debilitating round of COVID over the last week and some days. Otherwise I would have dropped a new film sooner. It was bad enough – I spent three days in bed, barely using my phone, cause I was miserable

    Might drop 1 or 2 films this month
    Might announce the actress of Ares this month
    Might put some more products on sale this month
    Might might might might

    Thank y’all for being patient with me (despite not knowing I have been ill), getting sick with COVID hopefully is the last train derailment I will experience this year, god willing. But the lord laughs when you make plans, so no promises

    • Dr G says:

      Hoping for a speedy recovery ! 🙂

    • 321 says:

      Is that going around again? I just read that Michaela Mayer the female boxer had to pull out of a match because she caught it. I had it in December. Almost five days with a fever of 105. Out from work for more than two weeks because I kept testing positive. Lost my voice, and had to be careful about raising my voice for months. That is the second, maybe third time I’ve had it. I’m getting tired of this.
      I am glad that you are feeling better. I got Anastasia’s Spidergirl video. She did a nice job. Is there anything more coming from her, or from anyone else over there?

      • SHL SHL says:

        Anastasia has been on a long vacation, so I haven’t spoken to her much since I released the film. So no active plans

        Over here in the Midwest it seems to be making the rounds again. I’ve had it once before, but this 2nd round was worse for me personally. I think I’m in the clear but I’m having random flair ups and stuff throughout the day.

        Nothing like having a fever during the summer, I just felt like I was melting and it was very uncomfortable

        • anon says:

          Sorry to hear that. Summer spikes are normally in hot weather where people are indoors all the time in air conditioning. We have a spike here in the southwest too. And I know the south gets hit in the summer more. At least winter spikes are milder here.

          This latest wave seems to have it for our little SHIP genre. I follow a few artists who got hit in the last few weeks too.

    • Daredevil says:

      Cannot wait for this lofi and for the announcement of Ares actress(fingers crossed). Wishing you a swift recovery. I’ve only had covid once and that was pre vaccine. Was locked in my room for two weeks. Fever for 3 days. Lost 15 pounds due to my appetite being reduced. Shit can hit you hard.

  12. Hugh says:

    Lofi #5 looks really promising!

  13. ADAM says:

    Any Chance that the Original Supra coming out?

  14. Al J says:

    Does it make me feel old when I remember seeing those “vintage” videos like it was yesterday? Yes it does.

  15. Nate says:

    Any news or updates on the Wonder v. Ares

  16. Depo Man says:

    that actress who played Supra is/was an absolute doll… wish we had seen more of her. Missy Rhodes (think that was her name?) and CJ are others who were absolutely awesome.

    the one where Missy is captured by a villain using a kryptonite chain (if steel breaks?) is one of my all time favs, Livewire with CJ is def in my top 5 ever.

    love those girls!

    • Nemo456 says:

      The actress in the Supragirl films is not Missy Rhodes. Don’t know her name, just know it isn’t her. Would love to get her name, see what other work she’s done.

      • SHL SHL says:

        Depo didn’t mean to suggest she was Missy, he was just also remembering her.

        The Supra girl actress didn’t want her name to be listed in the credits as far as I can remember from a decade ago, otherwise it would have been included in the credits

        I always credit anyone who doesn’t mind being credited so they can be promoted in the work itself. The Supra actress never did any other work aligned with these kinds of videos

  17. Dr G says:

    Thanks ! The SHL Vintage vids are great ! 🙂

  18. djay311 says:

    Just pre-ordered which I rarely do, looking forward to this one. Are there many close-ups angles I feel in other SHIP films you don’t get great angles sometimes.

  19. Cat-herder says:

    I’m hesistant to preorder another project (Ares)from SHL without at least some estimates/ballpark on when either will be out.

  20. andrew says:

    I bought the zod film and realizes it left supergirl alive at the end does that imply you have a sequel planned for that one?

    • AWS Man AWS Man says:

      SHL films almost never have death endings, so do you always assume that means a sequel is coming?

    • SHL SHL says:

      Sales tend to dictate sequels. Generation Zod wasn’t compelling enough of a seller for me at this time to continue the story. It’s a shame – I love the film. I think the acting is great. IMO the costume should have been tighter and shinier, probably would have made it more popular!

      • djay311 says:

        A bit of feedback from my end yeah the suit could have been better but the kicker for me was just a bit tired of seeing supergirl all the time in these films.

  21. Mongey says:

    More Lofi please!

    • Full Contact Origami says:

      While Ive only seen one Lofi so far. # 2 w/ Sage Pillar. I knew the premise was low budget, however I just got the impression it was a low effort test shoot. I think your film, Uninvited, was significantly better.

      • SHL SHL says:

        I’m not sure I understand your comment. LoFi films are suppose to be low budget, and low effort. That’s the point in the name and the low price for purchase.

  22. Rian says:

    When is the next Super Remote film ?

    • SHL SHL says:

      As of now – there are no more in production. The first two were to test the market and see the viability of it moving forward as a series.

      • Rian says:

        Ok. I hope the test was successful. I loved these two movies.

        • SHL SHL says:

          I have a better idea for what the market for the product is, so in that way – it was a success. But – I am in no position to fund more out of pocket in mass, so there is no plan on on making it into a ‘series’. I have been mulling over crowdfunding/customing more from the audience – so I can script out peoples ideas and edit the films into higher quality customs, but – direct customs with both actresses is possible already through Boosty, which I am not involved with

  23. F L says:

    I’m so dumb that when reading the title I thought this was a new video with Batgirl facing Zod or some Supergirl villains (and getting absolutely wrecked in the process)

    This is what I get for sleeping 4 hours 😂

  24. michael says:

    WHEN are you going to skip the pantyhose! I can’t buy these.

    • SHL SHL says:

      Historically speaking – I don’t do nude legs. And never will unless it’s a custom. And I rarely take customs.

      • Lee Carl Lee Carl says:

        Honestly, just from a production standpoint, I feel the same. I have nothing against bare legs. But real women have flaws. And that’s okay, everyone should. We go through life, get marked up, here and there. Tattoos, birthmarks, cellulite, tan lines, bruises (especially if the model does fetish content). I’ll use bare legs if a custom calls for it, but in general, I feel the tights help the actress look more “super-heroic” by helping mask those flaws.

        • 33sp says:

          Tights definitely make heroines look more “super-heroic”! I mean, satin tights were a definitive part of the OG Wonder Woman!!!

        • 321 says:

          I will not mention names or titles, but I can remember one video in which the heroine’s legs were pretty bruised up, probably from a recently shot previous video. I would bet that too tight a hold on an overhead lift would cause bruising. In that case, I wish the actress had been a little bit less of a trooper and a little bit more of a prima donna–as in “Can I wear hose for this shoot? Because the camera is really going to show my bruises in this lighting.” Not that I am advocating prima donna behavior in general, and things like only wanting close-ups from a certain angle are probably a bit much, but in that particular video the bruises were distracting enough to break my suspension of disbelief.

      • SW says:

        Pantyhose are a sexy add to any costume and woman! Keep it as part of the costume!! It also adds to the sexiness of debooting!!

  25. Hual Hual says:

    You have convinced me, now you have my money, I bought both movies. I gotta say I never bought “The Killing Joke” because the price (however deserving so) scared me off a little. But with a 40% discount, I gave it a try.

    Also, that Constance LoFi film looks super cool

  26. Fletch says:

    Wow this upcoming Lofi looks fantastic. I’ll definitely put this one on preorder tomorrow and finally pick up a couple of your other lofis as well. I still love your SHL and SHX lines and hope to see more of those as well, but I know you’ve been having a rough go recently. Get some BBQ for the fourth my guy you deserve it and thanks again for running this website too.

  27. queensw says:

    the new upcoming release looks great!

  28. Fragmag Fragmag says:

    OK, we got a Deal!


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