“Manipulation” From The Battle For Earth

Contains: Male/male/female combat, face punches, belly punches, kicks, knees, low blows, bear hugs front and rear, wall slams, back breaker, electrocution effect, cleave gag, choking to KO, resuscitation, neck, wrists, and ankle restraints, groping, breast play, fingering, spanking, squirting, real BJ (No dildos), fucking in multiple positions with both actresses, simulated hardcore (Kayla), real hardcore (Alicia)
Synopsis: Leah, an FSA agent and her sister Kat, a pharmaceutical CEO, are victims of unsanctioned government experiments to try and create enhanced abilities. The experiments are successful to varying degrees, but the program is ultimately scrapped. Cyrus Voltera, the doctor responsible for the experiments, wants to capture, control, and exploit the abilities of all the victims. He lays complex traps for both Leah and Kat, and forces both through a series of physical, mental, and sexual experiences with the goal to have both submit and call him master. Will Kat and Leah survive? Will they want to?
Somebody before me asked this (with no answer) so i will ask again: does Alicia gets face punched as well and does she gets a lot of it? Because if not then this video will not interest me. It is too banal and a waste of Alicia’s talents for her to just be reduced to sex scenes only when she is a fantastic actress that is very talented at selling beatdowns. Thank you.
Tormented II is out 🙂
Folks can certainly have their opinions about the ending, and I typically won’t comment on something if it is a customer request. However, in this case, I wrote the characters and story around the customer’s desires, so the ending is all me. Therefore, I can give my two cents.
Showing the death scene of one or both heroines seems a little trite or derivative to me. The film’s point is the mental unraveling of both characters as they experience impossible scenarios and no-win situations. The ending presents a choice for each character with three possible outcomes: One sister dies, the other dies, or they both die. We’re not left completely in the dark. One of those things happens as you hear the electrocution sound before the credits. We don’t get to see the literal, visual depiction of one or both dying, and that’s what, 30 seconds of footage? But that is the point. It’s about the impossible choice, not the result or outcome. Ending on the point of the film seems more uncomfortable for the viewer and more in line with the film’s concept: manipulation. That was the thought process, anyway. But I’m certainly not suggesting folks can’t disagree. I’m just saying it was intentional! 🙂
Welcome back Allan ! Any updates on the other films coming out
That’s an Ingenious idea, perfectly executed. Bravo!
oh man this was almost my favorite tbfe release EVER but they forgot to have an ending. lol
amazing stuff up until that point tho!! kayla and alicia are amazing. love how dark it got at times! and it was nice to see a more varied setting.
Heavy Spoilers ahead:
Instead of writing a way too long text, I will simply list all the things that made this film an instant classic. It is of such high quality that I was stunned after watching it for the first time and, I had to click “pause” a few times to appreciate the attention to detail.
Here is what I felt worth mentioning as positives:
++ Stock footage of FSA HQ and “New York”
+ the display of day and time gives the viewer a feeling of watching a theatre-level thriller while having relevance for the later story as well
+ inside FSA HQ, scene between the two male agents looks believable
++ outdoor scene with Leah and Kat, nice change of pace
+++ Car scene, though short, was just WOW
++ music choice during the transition, great!
++ Jesse Deans acting was phenomenal
+ The equipment room looks believable and fresh to the eye
++ the Interview scene with CEO Katarina Monreau and the pharma logo adds to the suspension of disbelief
++ another stock footage of the “Operation Retrieve Package”
++ Stock footage of the outside of the Bar
+ well-choreographed fight scene with Leah and the Security guys
+ yet another fresh location with the “bar restroom”
+ the way Cyrus is manipulating both sisters in a similar way and both having the hybris to think they can get away with what they want
+ the mouth-play was really nice
+++ the sex scene after her revival was phenomenal
+++Alicias “punishment” scene with her face against the wall was top notch
++ the payoff with Kat in the chair is amazing
++++ Alicias facial expressions are on another level
++++ Kaylas acting when she found out that Cyrus was taking advantage of Kat as well was…unbelievably good
Some personal and therefore minor negatives
– I did not really like Leahs suit (personal preference)
– I did not really like Kats outfit either (again, personal preference)
– some payoffs were done half-heartedly, like the fact that Cyrus was behind it all along. Yes, the viewer could’ve expected that, it was not supposed to be some kind of crazy plot twist, but it was pushed aside too quickly for my taste
–The ending was unfortunately a little unspectacular as I would have loved to see two alternate endings or even one ending that would clearly put one sister to a devastating fate. We didn’t get either, that’s a little sad.
The first half was the best SHIP-content I have ever seen, unfortunately, the movie falls into similar traps in the second half as some of the recent TBFE releases.
Overall, I think this movie is a fantastic SHIP-film, but even more, it is a great indie thriller – and I love that.
i agree with everyone else that this video is amazing and def needed for everyone’s library – must buy!
the price tag i can understand may be steep for some but it’s definitely worth it. you essentially get 2 videos, 1 that is a great story set up and the other which is the peril. very well done, solid editing and definitely worth the buy.
95% of this is in my top 3 SH releases ever. incredible stuff! amazing story, acting, Kayla and Alicia are amazing, all the buildup…… and i dont wanna be one of those people who complaints about the ending just because it wasnt the type i wanted (like corruption, death, whatev) but my one issue is like…. a long 80 minute video that cost $80….. all of that amazing buildup…. and then the fate of the heroines happens off-screen after a fade to black. really disappointing.
and i know that ending was probably in the request. BUT….. this was probably the most perfect set-up for a film with alternate endings ive seen in years and thats something tbfe did at least once in the past. like an ending where they both go as the fade to black implies, an ending where Kat presses the button and an ending where Leah presses the button and we get a like 2 minutes of the aftermath for each ending…
hopefully this doesnt sound 2 harsh or anything. i recommend this vid to anyone if they dont mind an abrupt off-screen fate for the heroines. other than that, its one of the best vids tbfe has ever done and i dont regret the $80 spent! just know that like….. if u were to ever do a directors cut or something with an alternate ending….. id buy that too lol
totally agree with you on the “alternate ending” thing. It’s a little sad, because if done well, it would probably turn this film into #1 SHIP-Film of all time for me
This should be considered an instant classic
Just finished watching it and wow! Loved the story, great production values with an excellent variety of locations – loved the car scene. Alicia is a beautiful and I really appreciate her going the extra mile. I also appreciate the 4K video quality – very nice and crisp. Thank you TBFE – what a great way to end the year!
I like this; Kayla always sells her fights, beatings and fefeats with real authenticity and always looks so hot and sexy. Alicia too is very hot to watch fighting and losing so I hope her character takes a beating too!
Simulated hardcore for kayla means hardcore with a toy or simsex as usual?
I understand it’s simsex (no penetration)
I believe everything with Kayla in it is simsex. It’s pretty good simsex, though. She gets fucked (both vaginally and orally) pretty hard in it. Hard in a way that I don’t think we’d get to see were there either a real or fake dick at play, as it’d probably be unsafe for the actress. So that’s kind of fun. Faking it has its perks sometimes!
I agree, if done well “sim sex” is just as hot as real.
That’s not entirely true, Kayla did real penetration with a dildo in “Twin Wonder” from DCF. If I understood your definition correctly, that is not “sim sex” but “hardcore with a toy” then?
The question was what she’s doing in this movie. In this movie, it is simulated sex without penetration (well done, and very effective).
“I believe everything with Kayla in it is simsex” – I guess i misunderstood you. I thought you mean that every movie Kayla ever made was “sim sex only”. my bad
No worries. Just clarifying.
Hardcore isn’t really my thing, but I’m happy to see Alicia in one of these movies.
Alicia is punched or only Kayla?
We waited all this time for this ???????? (edited for excessive smiley faces – DW)
The censorship on this website is reaching ridiculously turdy levels under führer DW. Unky ducky lil funky, I like the smell of my own turdy sorry it’s getting wordy, unky punky
How mature of führer DW to edit the post. Proves my point, though.
I can assure you Hitler didn’t edit comments, he killed millions of people. So give him a little more credit than that and also “why so seriousssss!?” Stop being such a quivering pussy bro
Total in the world 15M
Total in Europe 6M
Murdered 6M
Survivors 0.5M (2024)
I am all for censorship on this site and wish there was more. Lack of it is what killed the last site. So much stuff is unnecessary and not constructive to the theme of the site being a review. Not to mention it’s privately owned, I would barely say you could call it censorship. It’s someone deciding who and what can be in their own house really. My two cents 🙂 I’m sure many will disagree
I think the irony is that barely anything gets edited or removed. 99 percent of the moderation here is removing random spam from crypto sites
Real hardcore????? How???? Oooh yeah I forgot, its Christmas. XD
Thanks for the wonderful gift.
Oh yes, It’s a really good Christmas this year. And Alicia doing it in a SHIP movie. Let have a dream, both Alicia and Kayla with real hardcore for the next year 😉
Hi, I just bought but it seems to have problem with the audio in the first part(I tested also with 4k and both first two parts have a problem as well)
Hi, if you shoot us an email via our contact page on SHG-Media I can pass it along to TBFE (usually much faster than posting here). Be sure to describe the issue with some detail. Also, just a quick side note, ‘sometimes’ the player you use can effect audio issues. We have had our best luck with VLC player. Tends to work much better than the windows media player or default ios players.
By changing to VLC seems to have fixed the issue, ty
So glad to hear that!! Some of these larger files can be a bit much for the standard players. =) Thanks for letting me know!
To hardcore for my liking but glad you’re back Allan!