Lee Carl & The Rye – Sales and Updates
Hey guys. I’ve got some updates. Some good and some bad.
First the bad.
As some of you know, I’ve come into possession of Rye’s unreleased films as he has moved on to another career. Shortly after that happened, some other stuff went down.
First, the Black Canary/Supergirl shoot I had was canceled/postponed because the model left her agency and all the bookings she had booked through them, which included me. Sadly, I had already paid for her airline tickets, so we wound out out a few hundred bucks on that one.
6 months ago, I went into end stage kidney failure. I’m currently on dialysis several days per week and being evaluated for transplant, but that’s a months, if not years long process. I wont go into any more detail than that, as I like to separate my personal life from Lee Carl, but this is the reason my releases have slowed down.
During this time period, Rye, being a good friend, has been editing some of his old movies that came into my possession, just to help me out, as work has been extremely difficult. This is why you’ve seen a lot more Rye releases coming from me, lately, than Lee Carl releases.
The good news is what this means for you.
ALL RYE AND PH MOVIES ON SALE!!! $24.95 FOR ALL MOVIES through the end of the month! After that, at the beginning of October, the Lee Carl library will have a sale!
Also here is a preview for a fun project coming up with SuperiorGirl that will involve picture sets, video clips, and audio stories that follow the pics and clips.

Additionally, I have NOT STOPPED PRODUCING and I will not stop! I have just slowed production while I deal with this medical stuff.. I have 3 movies in the can under the Lee Carl banner, and another filming next month!
The next film to be released with be a Broken Bat custom, which will also serve as the finale of the current story with her (at least for now). I DO have another Kira Fox Bat custom coming up, but that will not be part of this story.

After that, we’ll have the next Fallen Angel movie, which will serve as sort of an interlude between the last film and the next shoot, which will serve as the finale of THAT ongoing story. A villainous couple is trying to steal from the Luthors. Hoping to find valuable treasures, they instead find Superiorgirl, buried alive and worse for wear. Where as a normal couple might call the authorities, this kinky couple take her as their plaything.

After that, we’ve got a SilverBat custom, unrelated to the previous story. And this is definitely a more BRUTAL movie than anything I’ve shot. I’m very curious to see what you guys think of it.

Planned shoots for the future:
Alpha Girl – filming next month, this will feature Caralynn, featured recently in Lucia’s films, as a rookie Alpha Girl who gets in over her head.
Broken Bat Custom – Our Bat heroine faces a Two-Faced mobster and Harlequinn in a custom video. Due to how many bat movies we’ve done, this year, this will be the last for a while.
Fallen Angel Finale – Having finally escaped from Lena, Superiorgirl comes face to face with Lex, who, unbeknownst to her, masterminded everything she’s been through thus far. This will likely feature additional villains working under Lex.
Scarlet Witch inspired horror/fetish film – Scarlet Witch, enacting a dark ritual to try and regain what she has lost, summons unknown entities which seek to drag her into their realm to be theirs forever.
Mary Marvel Inspired Film– Plot is still getting sorted, but her facing Black Adam seems like the most likely option. Depending on funding, we could have her face the Seven Sins by herself. This will use a high quality suit similar to my Super suit that Alicia wears. Actress who will play this role is TBD.
Superiorgirl vs the Alien – Yes, THAT “Alien”. Superiorgirl is called to investigate an spacecraft that has gone silent and is drifting through space. Upon arriving, she encounters a survivor who’s carrying a surprise in their chest. Can Superiorgirl the creature and avoid being infected herself? (SPOILERS – probably not! lol)
None of these unshot films are guaranteed until they happen, but I’m really excited to get cracking on them! I’ll post another article as the next Broken Bat approaches release!
Thank you, everybody for your patience and understanding. It’s been tough, but I love doing this stuff, so as long as I’m able to, I will!
Website: LeeCarlProductions.com
Email: leecarlproductions@gmail.com
Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
Hey guys. As mentioned by Damien (maybe in another thread), I am alive. Just struggling to get through stuff, right now. I’ll be posting an update in the next week or so. But, I wanted to say that the website is down for maintenance. It really is just maintenance. I’m not dead, lol. Purchases can still be made through SHG.
Thank you for your patience, and as stated, I’ll post a proper update in the next week or two.
No worries ! All the best with your health !
Dude, you had many of us REALLY worried!!!
Fantastic news!!!
We can wait, definitely worth it…
That was a month ago… Hopefully we will here some news soon…
I was hoping for a film to come out by now, Its been over 3 months since this post
That Siverbat film with Alicia to is zapping all the life out of me… Waiting for it haha 🙂
Be patient, it’s one in a kind (I mean it had to be to persuade Lee to make it). Like THE ultimate revenge against a cocky superheroine who really has it coming, big time.
Oh you commissioned it 🙂 love to chat about it if you fancy… email me bd.bantham@gmail.com – no pressure to though 🙂
Does anybody know, what’s going on with Lee? Is he alright?
He just posted a new Rye film he edited, so he is alright enough to be writing articles. In general though I would ask you not to ask questions like this in the comment section as nobody in this audience knows more about Lee’s personal life than he does. You should email him directly if you have questions for him. This audience is not going to have updates about his personal health thats unavailable to you.
I pray for him every day (because I want him to be able to release my custom, the Silverbat solo film with Alicia Moon). No seriously, also for him to get better regardless of whether he releases it or not (but would rather it released also if I get to choose).
That Silverbat solo film with Alicia is a film i’m so hoping comes out soon 🙂
Still no new on that one?
It’s due after a couple other ones Lee has lined up for editing.
I commissioned it a freaking year ago, no one is more anxious about it than me.
And as always it’s all about communication here. Lee’s not answering any questions while posting old Rye videos at the same time. A few sentences: Hey guys, I don’t have the time to edit now and can’t say when the films will be released. All would be fine. But like this, no one gets an answer and no one knows what’s going on.
No one knows what’s going on? The man is dealing with some serious, life-threatening health issues, that’s what’s going on. It is quite amazing that he has been posting and releasing anything at all under these circumstances. But instead of being grateful for that, people are bitching about how long it takes him to edit movies they are waiting for and about “communication”. Seriously? What is wrong with you guys?
Fully understanding for his health issues and wishing him just the best. The only point is that he’s posting older rye videos while not answering a single question regarding to his own productions. And if I ask, what I did in the past, if he’s ok, then somebody comes and says “YES, OF COURSE HE’S OK; HE’S POSTING RYE VIDEOS SO WHAT DO YOU THINK HE’S ABOUT????!!!!” You just can go wrong with this, I guess. So wishing just the best to him again and that’s fine wirh me.
I reached out to Lee and his response was “I will post in the next week or two an update. I am on dialysis and it zaps most of my energy.”
So in general – I recommend patience and letting him respond when and if he can. Arguing among yourselves about it if anything is counter productive as I am sure he could do without the stress of knowing his inability to respond is being talked about, causing arguments, etc.
Hey Lee,
hope you are ok?
First: Sorry about your medical issues … I wish you all the best!
Second: Wow, I am REALLY looking forward to that Silver Bat custom!
That awesome suit combined with a cowl… that’s near perfection for me 🙂
Good, because that is MY custom.
Carl in his infinite grace helped me get that, well, “vision” of mine come true and from the multiple pics he shared with me, it looks even better than I hoped (that’s just a small taste).
SilverBat gets worked over like you have NEVER seen a superheroine get it before, think “what if someone REALLY had it out for her, and made sure to beat / rape / torture the absolutely living shit out of her”…
Can you share the pictures here?
Or at least share a picture of her in full costume?
Damn, not sure I’m allowed, but they’re like the ones Lee posted here, only MORE of them.
Just trust me you’ll LOVE it if you liked them pics (don’t want to assume anything nor spoil Lee’s hard work on it by posting pics he didn’t post himself) when he releases it
Ok, understand 🙂
The costume is similar to the one, Alicia wore im first batgirl movie, isnt it? Just a cowl instead of a mask this time and a different cape, as far as I can see? Or no cape this time?
1. Different bodysuit (brighter and latex looking), looks BETTER than the first one.
2. Cowl indeed.
3. Same cape (same everything else as in gloves and boots and utility belt)
4. Cape is removed at a certain point because it keeps getting in the way no matter what you do, and it makes sense in the story (plus it showcases Alicia’s rocking bod on that suit)
Thanks for the information. Thought I saw a silver lining on the cape in one photo which led me to the meaning that there was a new one used. The bodysuit indeed looks pretty the same to me as in the first movie, but it’s pretty hard to get the full expression out of four photos.
And to make an unpopular opinion: for me a cape never gets “in the way” as it’s the most beautiful to me to see a woman in a whipping longer cape. But thats something with my kink that mostly the people could understand who share it and yes they are few.
Well the first bodysuit had to be cut at the elbows and elsewhere (which can be seen in the first Silvebat movie) for Alicia could not move properly in it, this new one (like the Broken Bat one, BUT latex shinny looking) fits her like a glove, and this not cuts were needed.
And I also like the cape, why it gets removed AT A CERTAIN POINT. Rest assured she rocks it for a good while until then (it’s not like she never wears it or removes it after 5 seconds).
Hope you can take care enough of your health so we get to enjoy you for many years to come!
And I’m very impartial for Batgirl with full bodysuits, but those previews a leotard version can also look good if the costume is good quality!
Hey guys. Just a brief update. The sale on Lee Carl movies is live. All of my films are 50% off!
I’m gonna get an article up, here, but they can take a few days to get posted, so I wanted to notify everyone, here. I’ll get a banner posted to the SHG, tonight, after I’m out of dialysis.
I also want to say thank you to everybody for the understanding and support. It’s indeed been rough, but we’re doing what we can, here.
Lee, hope you are ok?
Those previews look amazing! Take care of your health though, I would rather have you doing what you need to do whether its taking a rest or a break rather than pushing out new products(as much as I enjoy them)
Wishing you all the best and hoping they can find you a donor real soon.
Sad to hear about your current health difficulties, I really hope that things turn around for you and you get better soon
Got to say i’m very excited about 2 upcoming projects you have planned.. Scarlet Witch and Superiorgirl vs the Alien.
Are you still planning to have Alicia in as Scarlet Witch? That is the perfect casting choice…
And your Batgirl one with Alicia looks awesome
Hope you get well soon
I wish you all the best, a speedy recovery and a new kidney for transplantation. Stuff like that is always for important than your work and we totally understand if you take a step back.
Looking very much forward to the Scarlet Witch film, I hope the chose f actress and costume gits my expectations and I love that kind of dark appeal.
I hope you get well soon!
Looks amazing, Alicia in Silverbat looks awesome, can’t wait to see more.
Are there any updates for the RYE UK videos?
The pics look amazing. It would be interesting if we had a film like fallen angel or broken bat where where it starts off with a fight but as she is defeated she is knocked out and then she wakes up and she is in a sexier suit (maybe made of nanobots where the suit is more high cut and is in her ass more and with a boob window ala power Girl and with thigh high boots) and secretly gets tighter and the villain has the nanobots excrete aphrodisiac and as she fights a thug the main villain hidden away and speaking over an intercom slowly increases the power of the nanobots making the suit feel tighter and release more aphrodisiac . As it goes on it gets tighter and tighter and she gets hornier and hornier until she gets knocked out again later on. You then could end it where the main villain finally comes out and same thing as the thug scenario until she gets put on a table and gets fucked into her final submission to make her his slave and it ends there
Also when she wakes up before the thug fight the main villain can explain that the suit made of nanobots is too strong to be taken off until they are deactivated or he chooses to change how the nanobots create the suits style
Just take care your health and be careful.
We will see some unmaskings in the Batgirl and silver Bat movies?
Man…. Alicia c moon in those bondage gears is just mindblowing.. nothing like a noble, depowered heroine turned to a common gagged bondage slave against her will by some fiends (although one can sorta guess an escape ending based on the Luther story that would come after)
But also, take care of yourself and put your health before anything. Hope you do not exhaust your physical well being at the expense of work, especially with a condition as serious as yours
WOW! Whoa! That Silver bat film, those boots.. that’s mostest automaticestest buy I have ever seen.
That being said, take care, man. Health comes first!
Well you ain’t seen nothing yet, that is MY custom, and believe me, that is only a small taste of what SilverBat is made to endure (she’s captured, beaten BIG TIME to a bloody pulp as in literally, then raped, broken, strangled, and finally killed; and not exactly in that order)!!
Lee, is there a possibility that the rest of the Shimmer video is amongst the old Rye stuff? There’s a bunch of videos missing from that series that took place after the videos that are in the Classic Collection 2.
Thanks for creating all these great videos ! Hope you receive your transplant soon. All the best to you in your recovery !
I wish you well on your health. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Be strong!
Sorry to hear about your health issues but hope you get better soon! Excited about all of the updates/news, but especially the Mary Marvel one. When you say depending on funding, is it based on preorders or something else? It’d be amazing if you managed to execute the Seven Sins idea!
The horror film and alien ones are strait out of my dreams
Looking forward to seeing that too! Would love to see some sci-fi oriented peril more often.
Hey Lee,
hope you’ll be better soon at first…
Looking forward to the video with Kira, but curious how did she manage to change her costume while in Jokers and Harleys claws haha.
Any plans when you will release it?
For the silver bar custom does she die, because I really hope not but the noose is disconcerting
i hope you get your transplant sooner not later, and you concentrate on your health.
Am looking forward to your future releases whenever they come out.
“i hope you get your transplant sooner not later, and you concentrate on your health.”
I’m really sorry to hear about your health troubles! Thank you for the updates the ideas for the future shoots sound great! Did you have any update on the rye uk superverse film?