FETISH MODEL MULTIVERSE starring COCO – Rye’s Video Backlog
Hey guys. We’ve got another release from Rye’s backlog from shoots several years back.
Coco is starring in a Superheroine fetish film directed by her friend but the crew has been replaced by real Super Villains! Coco gets her ass kicked while trying to get the director to call cut but to no avail. Coco is beaten up, fucked, and forced to give multiple blow jobs. Coco begs the villains to let her go but they decide to kill the famous fetish model instead!

This movie contains beatings, bearhugs, groping, BJ’s sim sex, punching, kicking, death ending, long stare, and more!
Price: $39.95 Running Time: 24 minutes
Purchase here: https://shg-media.com/DisplayStore.aspx?SellerID=chris
Email: leecarlproductions@gmail.com
Twitter: LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
Hi Lee, Just one quick question. Is there any update on the last Rye-UK video?
Hi Lee, i see the Lana and Gigi throwback happening at SHGM, wanted to know if it’s possible to rehash the Parolee 2 to 4K and splice in the extra footage into the main film thanks. Hope you’re winning your battles.
What a greedy price for a film so old. Skipping 100%.
genuinely curious, how does when it is shot play into price?
that’s the equivalent of asking “how does what year a product was created play into price?”.
think about that for a minute. it’ll sink in. if it doesn’t – then I really can’t help you lol.
That makes sense, a Fender Strat in good condition from the 1960’s is way more expensive than one you can buy brand new at GuitarCenter. So untouched vintage product should be more expensive, glad you agree!
By your definition, that would be true if this was an actual vintage product – like one of a kind type of product from the 60s that you cant find/buy anymore.
This isnt exactly that now is it? This is just another lame rendition of gazillion Coco products out there that anyone can get a copy of at a ridiculously expensive price.
Nice try though.
Ht is absolutely correct! thumbs up!
oh good, another overpriced rye video that is short, overpriced, low effort and stars coco!
(not even dumping on coco there but if there are unreleased Alicia videos at least rotate? 4 of the last 5 of these rye releases have looked exactly the same!)
and its not even that the videos are overpriced. its that theyre overpriced AND the quality is worse than before. why would i spend $40 on this when each individual part (3 each) of Eternal Prison and Parolee 4 from 2021 and 2022 were $40-50 on release, longer AND better quality?
id legit buy this if it were $20, which is what all the post-retirement vidz should have been based on their quality, but not $40. ive been fooled by rye too many times
beautifully said!
I know Lee Carl mentioned there are a bunch of Alicia C. Moon and Coco Old Rye Shoots still to released (All Filmed in and around 2022)
I did think it would have made a little more sense to kind of Flip between the two… have an Alicia update than a Coco update and vice versa.
I think it would probably help with a lot of the negative comments that come around (especially in the last 6 months directed at coco movies in general)
This is now 4 Coco movies in a row, with no sign of Alicia. I just don’t think it makes much sense to do that considering the criticism, hoping to see an update with Alicia soon
I mean I probably would pay $40 for an Alicia C Moon update long the Rye lines 🙂
Remember when the price was about a $1 per minute and the videos where more thought out ? Wish I could go back to those times
sadly the price will never go down once it’s up (deflation). good old days millennials
I remember when groceries cost me about $60 a week and now it’s up to about $120. I’m with you, I miss the good old days.
I call bullshit on this post, making a new post to challenge it
SHL is always wrong! I will never buy another video until I see NO pantyhose!
Kinda sounds like you never going to buy another video. Pantyhose4Eva
great comments! thumbs up!
I totally agree!
Does anyone know how to order a custom with anyone? I’ve never done it before so I have no idea about budget, costumes, actresses availability, location, sets etc etc but I have an idea of a film and I did e-mail TBFE and LuciaFilms but I haven’t got a response yet. Is there usually a long waiting time for a reply? It’s been over a week now
depends strongly on the studio. I have only worked with Dark City Fiction so far and Anthony replied very quickly. I But I don’t want to advertise another studio under this article to draw away the attention. If you want to know more, write me an email: hual.chr1@gmail.com
It takes a while sometimes. And sometimes they won’t respond. Cast a wide net. Keep your initial message brief and professional. (“I am interested in ordering a custom video. The high level idea is that it is a Wonder Woman type character with a heavy emphasis on KOs and truth rope bondage. Happy to share more details if you are interested and available.” or something like that). And then just be patient.
Also check out webpages for producers. They often have a page that goes into more details about customs and what you can expect. Some (I think DCF) even has a forum to discuss customs that you can maybe get some advice on.
Or maybe check out superheroineforums and make a post there. You may get more feedback. Currently you’re responding to a video from Rye/Lee Carl about how to get a custom made with TBFE/Lucia. You might not get what you want out of that since it’s definitely off-topic for what this thread is. If you post on superheroineforums, I’d be happy to go back and forth with you a bit on what you can expect and what might or might not potentially be objectionable about your idea (though it’d all be my opinion, which is only worth so much).
Thanks for your reply tbh, I’m open to ask any studio I just didn’t know there were others that did custom films and yes it is a Wonder Woman idea. I sent a fairly large e-mail with my idea, I broke it down into plot, dialogue, the action scenes and the character work I wanted to see but as I said before I have no idea how much it would cost or who would be available to play the roles.
I can’t access superheroine forums as my chrome won’t allow it as its deemed an unsafe website. Is there any other way I can get in touch with other studios or yourself?
What’s your email? I can send you something that you can reply to.
In addition to what bbsucks has already explained:
Lucia is notoriously difficult to get in touch with (though it is worth the effort if it finally works out). They got a new e-mail, but haven’t updated their website yet, so maybe you used the old one? In that case you can find the new one in their latest post on this forum.
TBFE’s website gives some information on what is possible in customs and what it may cost. You should check that out if you haven’t already done it.
And you can in fact send a detailed script with your first e-mail, if you have one. It may of course take the producers longer to get back to you then, because they have to read it, but they will also have a more precise idea of whether it’s doable and what it might cost.
I read everything related to customs on the TBFE page and that’s what encouraged me to send my idea but yeah it’s been nearly 2 weeks I’m wondering should I send another e-mail this time keeping it short and simple?
I would say have a list of a few producers that you would like to work with. Try e-mailing producer # 1, maybe wait a week and try e-mailing again a week or two later,…If after a month or two you receive no response, try e-mailing producer # 2 with the same tactic. As far as cost, it depends on what is involved in your story. If you are asking for 1 element, it could be a few hundred dollars. If you want to do the whole film, it would be in the thousands with more $ for say hardcore, more actresses,special effects…Best of luck ! 🙂
Besides Lucia & TBFE I don’t know any other customs studio can you recommend any others? Thanks again
I would like to share my experience with you if you want to.
I can name a few but like I said earlier, I don’t want to turn this comment section into a custom guide.
Write me an e-mail and we can chat: hual.chr1@gmail.com
Also, you have to consider that it is the holiday season, so some producers might take a step back and spend some well deserved time with family and friends.
If they don’t respond, try to be patient and ask again a little while later
For other producers, pretty much every producer that posts on this site does customs and are great. I’ll also throw in Steve Noir, Cali
Logan and Tim Woodman (Provillain) as other options depending on what you are looking for.
40 dollars for 24 minutes! made approx. 4-6 years ago as well? what happened to this sub section of bondage videos?
I mean… I get it. This one is priced out of my comfort zone for what exactly it is, as well.
But “disgraceful” seems a bit dramatic. I think if someone took the time to analyze and give you a true answer to “what happened to this sub section of bondage videos,” it’d be a lot of stuff about the changing nature of the porn industry, the rise of onlyfans type content, covid, various laws, spending habits, and piracy. Not sure disgraceful producer greed would show up.
Everyone is equally trying to make things work out, these days.
I agree with you. Literally Over The Last 5 Years the price of just about everything has gone up. It’s not exclusive to just video content. The increase in products like this is actually long overdue compared to other things. Agree with everything you say above
Sadly that doesn’t make it so anyone can afford buying movies at these prices on a whim. Just advocating for empathy and understanding on both sides.
(And before anyone accuses me a being a shill for anyone, we’re not exactly talking big business here. The businesses we deal with in this industry are the little guys just as much as us consumers are)
It wouldn’t have been that many years ago.
Ever since coco returned I’ve been awaiting a Rye/Coco collaboration
With her return we got the Lucia films “Frequency” series. Whatever year that would have been.
So this is the content that was created when she first returned.
It’s unfortunate. They could have bundled all this rye material with coco into 1 movie and it would have slapped hard. All the multiverse stuff anyways.
I know rye is doing different things these days though. I’m grateful to have this available. I’m glad they did end up working together one last time. I just wanted to say this was filmed around the time she had a big roll out of comeback films.
Count your blessings really. The genre is in its empire strikes back vibes right now. There’s potential for actresses but coco is the og. I mean spectre: Outnumbered, Face of Evil. Timeless classics lol