DCF Crowdfunding Forum Is Live

I’ve gotten some interest in crowd funding and decided to make a place for it on my site. This is an experiment and is not meant to take away from this forum whatsoever. I just thought it might be good for people who want to have extended conversations about collaborating on a project for me to produce.

This is purely for people to openly discuss crowdfunding for DCF projects only! No discussing or critiquing of other producers, and the usual forum rules apply as on here. Just be respectful and don’t be jerk ya know? This is meant to serve a practical purpose.

Anyway, here it is for anyone who is interested. I’ve kept it pretty barebones and I might add more forum categories over time: http://darkcityfiction.com/forum

Feel free to let me know if isn’t functioning properly or if you have any issues. You do need to sign in to comment though, which can be done easily with a gmail or facebook account or any other type of email address.

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1 Response

  1. Hual Hual says:

    Thank you DCF, this is great opportunity!

    I’ve taken the time to write a post about a project that I’m planning to realize with three other people so far, so any person joining now would only have to pay like 1/5 of the final costs, this might be your best chance so far to realize one of your custom ideas for a fraction of the usual money

    You can find my post here, if you’re interested, I’m gladly explaining to you in more detail



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