“Explosive Consequences” by Dark City Fiction

Podcaster Kayla Coyote is preparing for her latest episode when her feed is interrupted by a computer hacker known as Alfred Nerdlap. It seems Mr. Nerdlap is planning to destroy Capital City’s technology grid unless the city wires him millions of dollars. Well, not unless White Shadow has something to do about it…
White Shadow arrives at Nerdlap’s lair confident that she will be able to take this geek out quickly. Unfortunately for her he has quite a few nefarious tricks up his sleeves. After sending a sonic charge through her body that renders her powers useless, he exposes her to a toxic gas that knocks her out and gives him time to…well explore her costume a bit more. It seems Nerdlap is hoping to make a girlfriend out of White Shadow.
What follows is a series of traps involving various rope bondage (Nerdlap is very skilled with rope), toy torture, chloro, forced squirting orgasm, a poison dart, electroshock, and some sort of treacherous slime…
After escaping one of Nerdlap’s traps White Shadow seems to get the upper hand and is about to take Nerdlap to jail when he pulls yet another dirty trick rendering her sightless and giving him enough time to take her down again.
Ultimately Nerdlap tires of her escapes and decides it’s time to get rid of her for good, so he sets up a livestream and straps her up to a chair with some ropes a vibrator and a bomb. It seems she and Capital City are going to experience explosive consequences…
- real vaginal toy insertion and closeups
- electroshock wand
- multiple forms of rope bondage
- toxic slime
- poison gas
- poison dart
- chloro
- fondling/sleepy
- ballgag
- forced orgasm/squirting
- female on male combat
- male on female punches and slaps
- full nudity
- demask
- live stream with negative audience commentary
- pubic hair, and pube pulling
- nipple clamps
- loss of powers
- voice over/internal monologue
- secret identity/reveal
Greetings to all,
After looking at the other forum regarding the debate about using new talent vs. the old guard (Kayla, Coco, Ophelia) for customs, I wanted to weigh in on this forum. First, let me say that I was the custom creator of Explosive Consequences starring Kayla. She did an amazing job and Anthony at DCF is just so great to work with. He really collaborates with you and honestly, that movie is exactly what I envisioned. While I can’t comment about whether it is good or bad to have customers driving the content via custom videos, I am happy that DCF subscribes to such a practice, especially after watching Explosive Consequences come to life.
In that regard, I just completed booking the sequel to Explosive Consequences with Anthony at DCF… It is entitled Explosive Consequence II: Payback. I am certain there will be something for everyone in this movie as I bring back the White Shadow character. However, in the new guard vs old guard debate, I have chosen to go with a new face and have Vanessa assume the role of White Shadow from Kayla. This is not for any reason about boredom or Kayla not being anything but perfect, rather I too, just want too see someone new take over the character–hence, in comes Vanessa. Both Anthony and I are REALLY EXCITED about the script and we both KNOW that Vanessa will do the character justice as she assumes the white outfit and boots. The storyijne is a sequel and will explain why Vanessa is the new White Shadow… However, I didn’t “off” Kayla if anyone wants her to do a White Shadow…I just wanted to give Vanessa a try so for those bored with Coco, Ophelia and Kayla…WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE COMING SOON!!! It co-stars Hazel Honey as the villainess so another new face hits the screen… I won’t say much more other than this one will be similar to EC1 with death traps, perils, and great action. If Anthony wants to share more, he can, but I just wanted to put it out there for everyone to be on notice–coming soon: EXPLOSIVE CONSEQUENCES II: PAYBACK starring Vanessa as White Shadow!!! Hope you love it!! Best always
Great to see that you’re using two new Talent for your net custom. I hope it goes well and I’m looking forward to watching it, seeing how Vanessa and Hazel Honey do 🙂
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for choosing Vanessa as the star in your sequel, Mort! Ever since I saw her on DCF’s & TBFE’s talent rosters I’ve been itching to see her in a SHIP movie. And now it sounds like you’re making it happen with DCF which is music to my ears! It sounds like Anthony’s very enthusiastic about Vanessa so you can probably rest assured you made a good choice with her as your new star (no disrespect to Kayla, of course, she was & is great). And the cherry on top is that it’s a sequel to EXPLOSIVE CONSEQUENCES which imho is the best of the 3 DCF movies released so far (and that’s some stiff competition)!!
As for Hazel Honey, well there’s another hot actress I’ve wanted to see in a DCF or TBFE video. TBFE’s filmed her already but they haven’t released any of her content yet (that’s okay, everything’s eventual of course). But I DID see Hazel in a SHIP video that was made by PKF (not a SHIP studio but they do occasionally film SHIP content), she played Wonder Girl in it and Anthony played the bad guy, and she was FIRE. She absolutely knows what she’s doing in the SHIP genre! Vanessa vs. Hazel? DCF might as well take my money now, LOL
When is this new custom video gonna be filmed if you wouldn’t mind sharing? (If you can’t let us know for whatever reason then no biggie)
I’m the PKF customer who commissioned Conflict Resolution with Hazel as Wonder Girl. Glad you enjoyed that one, I agree that she was amazing in it. Obviously she looks incredible, and she sells peril really well. I’m sure she’ll be a favorite in the SHIP community once she starts appearing in more content.
To add to this discussion, I am also working with DCF to get a custom out that features Vanessa. It will be a two heroine film with Ophelia and Vanessa at the lead.
Hello HM Dude
Wish you all the best with your custom! I am glad to hear that you too are giving Vanessa the lead role! I think she is REALLY going to become a force in this genre if she stays with it! And of course, as you already know working with Anthony is great! He is a master of details…
BTW–may I ask if Vanessa is White Shadow or some other heroine in your custom?
Best of luck Dude!
Anthony is great! This is my first time working with him and I have no complaints. He’s quick to respond, friendly, and willing to include me in the gritty details. Wonderful experience so far.
Both heroines will be original and new characters. Anthony has sent me bits of what he’s thinking for this costumes and I think they are going to look really nice. Very excited.
that all sounds pretty great
Great to hear…
Wow…new characters…that is cool! In working with Anthony I talked to him about it for awhile but my love of the White Shadow character brought me to this point. Good luck to you and can’t wait to see what you come up with…
It good to have something to expect for the future.
I’m working with other and also an individual script that Alicia and Ophelia play as WS. Now the WS series is becoming larger and larger 🙂
Purchased, another great video !! hope to see more humiliated Kayla 🙂
Why is it necessary for her to have a tumbleweed over her crotch? Did anyone request that?
it’s called pubic hair. and yes it was a request and is often requested for her and this character specifically
IS this a death ending or a cliffhanger?
you don’t see her die, u see an explosion. then there’s a shot after the credits end that are suggestive of a cliff hanger. i am in talks with the original customer about a sequel though
Just the horror/terror of the countdown before the bomb explodes is enough for me. 🙂
Kayla still plays WS in sequel?
yes 🙂
Watched it and loved it. Kayla is always amazing. Interesting concept, this movie feels different than others and I can’t really tell why. Very curious what kind of sequel emerges from that ending.
hey question! is the very final shot in the trailer also the end of the full movie and it just kinda cuts off? or is there more to it?
there’s a little more to it
Final sequence is great. Kayla is the best and really sells having the forced dildo working her up to the point the “live audience” knows she has no chance whatsoever of not cumming and triggering the bomb. Great movie with a different concept.
hey if you havent bought yet, but the movie does end at the same moment the trailer cuts off. dunno why DCF said otherwise in their reply
well there’s a different effect than the color bars and beep tone in the trailer plus there’s a shot after the credits roll. my point was you see the explosion in the movie you do not in the trailer
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Where can the WS costume be found? It looks too good
it was custom made in house
Genius ending. When the superheroine has to choose between her desire and saving people(or her pride)
I saw the customer said there will be a sequel! can you cofirm that DCF?
wait is that actually how it ends?? i assumed she would be forced to orgasm and then the bomb would go off. are u saying that she CHOOSES to sacrifice the people so that she can orgasm?
if so im def buying it! i was a little cautious like the comment below because i dont rly like when the bad end kinda happens off screen. but thats such a dark ending i’d love it
please confirm?
I would say it is more of a forced situation where she doesn’t have a choice (my interpretation of the script). but i can also see the op’s interpretation as she does give in to the pleasure and can’t fight it
Also yes a sequel is in the works 😉
hmmm interesting i hope the sequel has a similar theme where she has to choose between pleasure and saving ppl and is like “fuck saving people” lol. best SH vids are the ones that end with corruption, mind breaking, bimbofying etc
will prolly grab this soon
The rolling comment section humiliating her with mean comments while she is forced to cum is a nice touch
i have to admit there’s some of my self understanding as it is a common strategy in GIGA stories.
it also happened in WS 4, when WS need to control herself to keep her reputation as a superheroine, but she eventually follow her physical feeling and cum in front of the public.
Why no low blows? Why no real orgasms with squirting?
Yeah, crazy that they’d listen to what the customer who commissioned it wanted instead of reaching out to you for your opinion first!
it was actually a specific decision to not make the protagonist very physically menacing so the movie is overall not fight heavy or hit heavy. we wanted him to come off more nerdy and pathetic when it comes to fighting. you can see it in the way he awkwardly slaps and punches. the focus was more on his sneaky traps and torture and perverse intentions
no real orgasm because, well it is a fictional movie and not gonzo porn
Looks amazing, love that the customer kept a lot of aspect that I usually wrote in the other WS customs.
Looks awesome . Kayla is my fave and love white shadow
Kayla looks so hot here, any plans on a F/F film?
actually yes. i’m discussing a f/f with a customer currently
Excellent, can’t wait to see what comes from it.
oh man the actual content here looks amazing but it seems like it might be the kind of ending i dont really like (where the heroine’s final fate happens off camera…. like from an explosion since theres no way to actually film that lol). kinda wish it was something like when she orgasms a bomb goes off in the city and then she dies on camera a different way
tho i could be wrong. but it does seem like it’ll be a fade to black and bomb goes off ending
it does happen on camera but it’s not like you see her blown apart and guts flying. boom then camera feed cuts. i’m not going to claim it’s the best effect ever haha. i was going for over the top. but you do see an explosion but no aftermath
WS big fans right here..
Good work from DCF, no debate this work just amazing.
This looks awesome!! Love Kayla and love to see real insertion. Will definitely buy this weekend.
I assume the orgasm is simulated or you would say otherwise. Regardless, looking forward to it!
orgasm is simulated yes 🙂 but a great performance from Kayla as usual
I don’t intend to start a bush/no bush debate, although I prefer it, having grown up in the early 90s. But I wish they wouldn’t use these tiny costumes where the pubes hang out over the sides and top. It looks ridiculous. Her pussy is really sexy. Wear something that covers it, then strip her and let that bush get destroyed!
i hear ya. this is probably one you’ll want to skip then 🙂 i have more on the horizon for Kayla not in this outfit
To balance the scales I would love to say that I like the idea of slutty superheroine 🙂 WS almost looks like she actually wants to be defeated and fucked, and I love that thought.
BTW I would love to see superheroine in “standard” costume, with hard nipples without bra, miniskirt, no panties. Slutty, but not as slutty as WS 🙂