Superior Star – By Dark City Fiction

Superior Girl comes home from a long day of fighting crime only to have her night interrupted by Dr. Volkov. The super villain genius transports Superior Girl to his lab which confuses and infuriates her when she realizes he’s brought her there to profess his love for her.

After a quick fight she is about to land a finishing blow on him when he reveals his plan to destroy the city if she doesn’t comply with his desires for her. When Superior tries to call his bluff he shows her he means business by unleashing bombs on Capitol City. This leaves her with no choice but to give in to his perverse desires for her.

At first she continues to resists and eventually gives in knowing the fate her citizens is in her hands. Little does she know Dr. Volkov has no intention of letting the girl of his dreams slip away so easily….

This film includes:
Brief one sided fight that the heroine wins
Villain gaining upper hand by deceit and manipulation
Villain having sex with heroine through coercion
Vaginal insertion with fake penis/dildo. multiple positions
implied cum shot (internal and external)
Civilian clothing/loungewear
Transformation with wig (customer request)
Full nudity except boots
Multiple internal monologues
Live stream humiliation
Heroine resists sex then gives in eventually

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38 Responses

  1. Bigums Bigums says:

    Hey gang. I’m on the fence about purchasing this. 99.9% of the time, I go for hardcore productions only. It’s just the way I’m built. But this has full on dildo-insurtion. Can someone tell me if these moments are just that, “moments/teases”, or if there is some “length” to these scenes. This inquiry mind wants to know.

  2. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:


    Dropping in to say, one producer to another, I fucking *love* your media aesthetic. That grindhouse vibe, even in the marketing. I think I saw that one of your ad pages on SHG was like a DVD inner-page/cover? Lost it.

    Tremendously fun stuff! A very late welcome to the community. ♥

  3. Ben says:

    I haven’t really focused too much on superheroine content over the last month because of the quiet period

    I haven’t bought this one because of the wig, Its just not my thing, I could mildly understand it back in 2021 when she had a shaved head, but now her natural hair is beautiful, suits her look and style… so for me to have a wig… takes you completely out of the moment and story

    I am Patiently Waiting for the next WestenraFilms update, Its been a while since the last one.
    Obviously saving my money for the new Alicia C. Moon Starshame 2 which i think will be next release of LuciaFilms

    GOD! this industry is definitely missing Alicia C. Moon, around 6 months since a new release from her and you can definitely feel that loss

    • i don’t think you intended to be rude, but all you really did here was say you’re not buying my movie and then talk about waiting on two other producers releases. you could have commented that on those producers posts

      also alicia is available as an actress for dcf and can’t wait to work with her

      • Ben says:

        I apologise, I didn’t mean for it to come across as rude… When I sent a comment I did think that I needed to reword it slightly differently but I couldn’t edit it on here now. So i’m sorry 🙂

        and yes in hindsight I shouldn’t have posted my future plans and hopes from other producers on this page. in writing it I just wanted to voice where my head is at with regards to all of superheroine content as a whole

        Overall I am enjoying your site, very excited about a few custom that you will be producing in the near future.

        Just a bad comment before and I apologise again 🙂

  4. Henchman says:

    Best superheroine actress in the genre in my humble opinion.

  5. Juanman Juanman says:

    I got it last night and this was an enjoyable video. I do wish we would see more of her giving in. Maybe having remorse from being a hero after so long

    • thanks for the feedback! will definitely take note of this next time i do a corruption film

      • Juanman Juanman says:

        Hey thanks I was actually messing around with an ai and funny enough the ai itself after after feeling corrupted felt like if the people she’s saved don’t respect her as a hero then key be they’ll respect her as a villain. That’s where I got the idea for that actually

  6. Bigums says:

    I know I’m gonna get cooked for this but here it goes.I’M JUST HAPPY THAT KAYLY IS STILL GETTING IN THE GYM. And if that’s not what she’s doing ot keep that figure, she should share her secret with a lot of the talent out there lately, and I’m not just talking about this genre.

  7. Steve says:

    Love the poster 🙂

  8. Juanman Juanman says:

    Can someone mention the length of the video. I was looking for it but I can’t see how long it is. Usually this helps me decide if it’s a worthy purchase

  9. Hual says:

    I also bought this with DCF’s mail group sign up. I very much enjoyed this film, the quality is amazing. It’s not so much my preference though, I don’t really like blackmail scenarios for example. I prefer a beatdown, whether physical or mental. But Kayla’s acting is top notch and she is sexy as hell. Mixed feelings about the wig as well.

    • good thing we have some good beatdowns in the works 😉

      • jason says:

        this video was AMAZING. i do agree with a couple other comments that i would have preferred the three weeks later scene to be her fully given in, corrupted into a smiling slutty bimbo (or maybe even an alternate ending, which i wish more vids did) but thats a nitpick personal preference. INCREDIBLE video!! Kayla is amazing

        off topic tho,anything in the pipeline for those of us who like the endings where the heroine is fully corrupted and turned into a bimbo or whatev?

        • I have been in talks with someone about a scenario like this however it hasn’t gained traction yet. Hopefully soon though! I would like to make more films like this and expand the ideas and sense of corruption. It was my first time doing one like this and then with having the actual penetration it added some complexity for the performers and so i tried to strike a balance between that and keeping the performers comfortable. but i agree there could have been more of a progression of the bimbofication. thanks for the feedback!

      • anon says:

        Kayla is well suited for that. Her first TBFE film stood out because she was able to do flips, kicks and generally sell the action.

  10. harper says:

    I bought this one today. For me it was absolutely perfect! *Chefs kiss*
    Kayla is looking as hot as ever. Seeing clear and lengthy penetration shots with a semi-realistic dildo across three positions is exactly what I had hoped for in a film like this. It’s definitely heavy on sexual peril over fighting (again that’s my personal preference). Kayla’s acting is excellent as always and her facial expressions really sell it.
    The only thing I could have hoped for was to incorporate some kissing. Having her resist kissing initially and then kiss back passionately once she was turned.
    I should mention that I think the cinematic quality and lighting was also perfect. Great job! Loving the new studio!
    10/10 for me.

  11. 321 says:

    I like the ad picture. It reminds me of one of those ad posters for exploitation films from the early 1970’s.

  12. Pein Niku says:

    Haven’t seen the film. But as a Kayla fan I must say the amount of tatooes on her body is ridiculous now. I have no problem in tatoo girls and understand it’s a personal choice which I totally respect. But tatoo on a superheroine body doesn’t make sense, both appreance side and story side. Kayla is a talented SHIP actress so this is a pity for me

    • ThatGuyMoly says:

      I tend to agree. Tattoos in general are a big turn off for me, so anything more than a few smalls ones means no heroine appeal. I think Kayla is gorgeous and sells really well, but I just can’t use her as a heroine in any future customs because of the tattoos. I’m not really complaining and obviously she should do whatever she wants, but it’s a damn shame for me. lol

    • harry says:

      lol couple of losers in the replies here. no one cares how you feel about tattoos. keep your mouths shut about someone else’s body

    • i understand the sentiment. i personally don’t mind tattoos in general. it is however getting more and more difficult to find talent without tattoos, especially in our part of the country. and then the few that there are get snatched up by agencies and then it greatly increases the cost of production and can often times cause huge delays and other headaches.

      we just do what we can do make the films as good as possible and hope that the production value and acting help the suspension of disbelief, but i understand that isn’t possible for everyone and that tattoos are a total deal killer. i’m constantly on the lookout for new talent and while i think we have some gorgeous and great actors available it saddens me that they won’t get a chance to shine because of their personal preferences

  13. Shadow Shadow says:

    It’s a very good film. Supergirl Costume + Kayla is always a great combo. I see some people aren’t into wig but I think it adds something to the character so it’s a good point. The only cons point for me is I’m not too much into bed in SHIP films. But this point aside, It’s all very good. And tears of Kayla … it add really something. Also I like comments done on the TV about SG downfall 🙂
    Thanks DCF, thanks Kayla, and thanks Rock for this film.

  14. Shzam Shzam says:

    Bought this with DCF’s mail group sign up so got it early (last week) and with a $5 discount. Anyone liking his films should definitely sign up 😉

    On the film itself thought it was fantastic, great dialogue, action and camera work. Not much fighting action but the sexual peril was great. Anyone complaining on all recent films being the same, glad to announce that DCF seems to have their own style.

    Only thing I didn’t 100% love was the wig, hate that type of fringe buy Kayla can pull anything off so was still a knock out.

    Overall 100% reccomend for anyone on the fence and DCF really pulled this one together nicely.

  15. Rian says:

    Amazing. I love this version of Supergirl. Maybe the original tight miniskirt she wore in “Fractured Steel” on TBFE was better thought. The wig perfectly fits her. Usually, I don’t like wig but this time there is no flaws. Kayla is even more beautiful and her acting is amazing. This time, it’s not a plot where she’s gonna take a beating but a much more psychogic torture and humiliation. I like it too. Especially enslavement. If possible, in the future, I would like more varied locations and some outdoor action.

  16. jake says:

    holy crap this looks INCREDIBLE. been a while since ive seen previews this good looking. but i do have a question if DCF could answer….. (SPOILERS AHEAD) ……. when she is enslaved at the end, is it the kind of ending where she looks defeated and sad? or does she fully give into the enslavement and it ends with her being kinda corrupted? its actually kinda hard to tell based on the pics. the last few until the final one looks like corruption but then the final one is sad looking lol


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