SHLoFi: Intruder Tape #03 – Claire Irons
Price: $25
Length: 56 Minutes
Size: 1080P: 2.5GB / 2K: 6.2GB
Version Information:
Download comes with: 1080P Download, 2K
Starring: Claire Irons / Ben Hill

Claire is away from home on a business trip (fighting crime) and misses her husband. She gets back after an all nighter, calls him before bed. Shes too tired to even disrobe – she lays in bed and passes out while still in costume. An intruder is hiding in her closet… he sneaks out while she is sleeping and decides to take a chance – lightly fondling her while she sleeps. His finger tips roam over her legs, teasing her nipples through her costume, removing one of her boots. He strokes himself looking at her sleep, cumming on her feet. As she comes too – he runs.
She awakens to discover she has stepped into something slimily – she curses the hotels maid service and stumbles over to the bathroom sink to rinse off her pantyhose clad foot. While having one leg up in the sink – her intruder attacks her from behind – syringing her in the buttocks with a powerful ‘love’ drug. She fights back and easily over powers her attacker, she pins him down onto his back…
But the aphrodisiac drug overloads her system as she begins to masturbate and pleasure herself on top of him. She grinds her cunt desperately on his body looking for some kind of relief. In peril – she is shocked and humiliated by her behavior.
He easily forces her down onto her knees and forces himself into her mouth. She uses her mouth to pleasure him to completion, shock in her eyes as his cum drips from her lips… but its not over. He drags her into bed.
He watches her molest her body as he helps her out of her other boot. She can’t help but give in to her bodies desire… he pulls out a vibrator to help her loosen up… helping her to complete multiple orgasms (real). Just when she thinks its over – her thong is pulled to the side as she begs him to stop – he begins to rape her (softcore). She gyrates into him, unable to stop her bodies desire. He has his way, despite her protest – her body is eager to help. He finishes all over her costume.
He unmasks her, exposing her true identity. But it isn’t enough… he stripes her out of her leotard, forcing himself back into her as he continues to fuck her into oblivion
- Softcore
- Pantyhose (Stay on, crotch torn open on film)
- Hyper realistic dildo in mouth
- Multiple fake cum shots (feet, in mouth, on stomach)
- Stripped out of costume (51 minute marker)
- Breast are shown but only briefly on film
- Deboot (One Boot) – 11 Minute Marker
- Deboot (2nd Boot) – 27 Minute Marker
- Simulated Sex – 37 Minute Marker
- Multiple orgasms on film (all orgasms via vibrator are real)
- No internal monologue
- Molested while unconscious
- Drugged with hyper Libido drug (through shot in ass)
- Heroine is not overpowered – she become too horny to fight back
- Unmasking (51 Minute Marker)
- Ending – Lose ending (Villain leaves heroine disgraced in bed)

Love this series. Would love to see Claire do a version of these videos where she is terrified and not aroused by what’s happening.
What an awesome video! I have an idea for a Lofi custom, if possible. How could I contact you?
God I really wish Claire did hardcore scenes. Her body is insane and she’s really great at balancing the fear with arousal in this Lofi.
Also, you said May would have multiple releases. Is this one in super remote the only ones or can we expect more?
Claire is great, she really looks like a heroine
Super Remote will probably be the last release of mine this month – though another is nearly ready to go
Love an aging heroine in peril!
Why do you hate tits so much? 😉
…cause I love heroines in costumes. Its kind of a whole fetish
I am trying to get better about it though, this one was shot a hot minute ago and has been sitting on the shelf. Hence why LoFi #04 is lit better – I shot it way later when I got a better handle on how I wanted LoFi films to look. This was an earlier shoot when I was still trying to get a handle on shooting in hotel rooms, so you aren’t able to focus in on every detail cause you’re distracted by everything all at once.
It’s easy to forget things that seem obvious when you watch it after the fact. When you are on set – you are just trying your best for the boat to stay above water
I would say that it is about balance. You stuff is more “realistic” and hardcore (ok, not LoFi) than TBFE and others and having heroine in costume for roughly 55 minutes with guy there groping her over costume without desire to actually feel her even when he can … well … I dont see that as realistic. First 20-30 minutes to satisfy everyones desire for costumes? Sure. But almost the whole thing? Weird.
BTW love the story, I just wish it was hardcore SHX (?) and with more nudity.
To be fair – LoFi was about exploring things outside of what I was doing with SHX (Hardcore) big budget films. Like drop the huge set – drop the 20 minute fight scene – slow things down – have the bad guy molest the actress longer than the bigger films – dial in on niches (chloroform in Tape #4, aphrodisiac drug Tape #3, vibrator orgasms Tape #1).
I was upfront about nudity in the description. It’s nearly an hour of content for $25 bucks.
So like, I think not covering all the bases is very in line with LoFi. Its a new brand of films I am still figuring things out with and in the near future will re-explore wether or not I do them altogether.
Historically speaking I haven’t been known as the ‘Boob’ guy. I am very leg and costume focused. Though arguably I could make a Boob LoFi film where theres 30 minutes of torment to someone’s tits. But then again there would be someone complaining that I didn’t show her legs for 30 minutes.
Can’t win them all!
What’s the saying? “Different strokes for different folks”? I for one, enjoy seeing the costume on the heroine more for these sexual encounters. For me it keeps the superheroine in the fantasy and I like seeing her defeated and sullied in costume,
LoFi concept is great. From introduction you stated the goals and you are achieving what you stated.
FYI… i support your leg (pantyhose) focus, being a leg man myself!
Ok, that makes sense.
My frustration comes from perfect setting and stuff except … it isnt. I am not saying that you should switch to boob guy, I am saying that 55:5 ratio (judging from desc and screens) seems a bit extreme to me. And as it is repeating in your films it is one thing that puts me off more often than I would like (eg Batgirl in prison, even Zed is not that great in this regard and thats your latest SHX if I remember correctly), so I feel like voicing it. Thats all. Also you can focus on legs with naked tits, or just naked tit, right? Its not exclusively one or another.
All good.
I haven’t seen “the Prison” since I finished editing it, but I could have sworn they tore her outfit spilt down the center so her breast would come out
I feel like the words “I” and “me” should generally go to the bottom of the priority when selling something, but…eh.
This is my 15 year in the business, been doing it since I was like 20-21ish.
So far I have made it pretty far focusing on the ‘I’ and ‘Me’
If my priority was how to increase profits and sales – I wouldn’t be making superheroine films. I am pretty confident I could make a lot more money in just about every other genre of porn that doesn’t require the amount of effort this one does.
I make fetish films and I use my personal taste to aim where the ball is going, not where it’s been.
There are plenty of great producers in this genre, the majority of them featured on this site that I built to help promote them and this genres new releases. If I am not serving you and your needs – I implore you to buy from them. Rising tide lifts all ships, even in SHIP.
Yeah exactly and if people don’t like it they can watch someone else there are other producers doing the things you like. Just happens that people who like the style of LoFi have the same tastes as Damien like I do. This kind of vids is up my street. Straight hardcore is so mainstream if you want to watch that there are many free sites that can cater to your tastes.
Personally I like the costume,
I’ve got a billion other videos if I wanted to see more nudity