SHL February Releases (Coming Soon)

Hello hench folk,

I know the website has been quiet lately, rest assured I believe there are a few releases brewing from me and my peers coming soon, a sale (not mine) and some updates coming your way. In the meantime I figured I would share what I personally have been cooking up for y’all.

Both of these releases should come out this month (February) but no promises, cause I am artsy fartsy and I can never manage to hit deadlines I set for myself. Batgirl ‘Misadventures’ features two stories, one of a more capture, cleave gag and bondage scenario / the other story featuring a quick knock out, bondage, vibrator and simulated sex situation.

The 2nd film is a sequel to my Super Remote: ‘Prison Break’ Spidergirl film featuring Anastasia. The film is longer in length, features a lot of fighting, submission holds, costume destruction and a singular dark ending. There is also an opening scene where Spidergirl is in a civilian outfit that I hope some people will appreciate. I think Anastasia did a great job with the script I sent her and I know some of you will love it.

As always – Trailers will be available closer to the film(s) releases. Preorders are available below for any of you that enjoy exercising blind faith in buying films from me. Both films are nearly finished, enough so that I had the courage to write this post believing I could drop two films in one month and maybe actually pull it off. There is limited information about the films below, more information to come when I drop the trailers.

I think thats it for now? As always – I am cooking up more projects behind the scenes, costumes are being made, phone calls are calling for availability, nothing I care to report about what films will come out after these two and…

If anyone wants an Ashley Lane or McKenzie custom get in my email inbox soon, cause when the weather gets a little warmer I am going to try and get some work doneeeee. (My apologies if my responses are delayed, editing two films at once is never a good idea).

Batgirl Misadventures LoFi

  • Will be roughly between 30-35 Minutes in length
  • Simulated sex
  • Vibrator on crotch
  • KO wrench to head
  • Unmasking (fast, not slow)
  • Bondage
  • $35


Super Remote: Spidergirl Forever

  • Will be roughly 30 minutes in length
  • Sequel to ‘Prison Break’
  • Dark Ending
  • Costume destruction
  • Fightning
  • Unmasking
  • Nude pantyhose
  • One foot is revealed
  • KO
  • $30


Super Remote: Spidergirl Prison Break

In anticipation of the sequel to Prison Break – Prison Break is on sale for half off. I hope this encourages people to give Prison Break a chance so they can fully appreciate ‘Spidergirl Forever’ to its fullest extent.


Read more about the film here:

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18 Responses

  1. Ted says:

    Like why even bother trying to say you’ll get it done in February. Just tell us the more realistic delivery dates rather than letting us down for a month

    • bbsucks says:

      “Both of these releases should come out this month (February) but no promises, cause I am artsy fartsy and I can never manage to hit deadlines I set for myself.”

      Let me paraphrase. “I have set a deadline of February, but I will likely not hit that deadline because I’ve noticed that I often don’t hit them (because of artsy fartsy).”

      This is what has come to pass. The statement was 100% accurate. What’s the problem? That he shared his goal with us without knowing 100% what the outcome would be? Do you only speak when you’re absolutely certain about every element of the thing you’re saying?

      Lighten up.

      • Ted says:

        Then don’t bother to say you’ll try to hit it by February and just say March. Setting expectations high and missing them so largely is not a good look. Just be straight and say March from the get go. Why bleed into the second week of March with no updates of the delivery?

        • bbsucks says:

          I honestly do not understand what the problem is. It was maybe going to be done in February. But likely March. That is what was said. And I’m assuming that was said because it was maybe going to be done in February… but likely March. (And he didn’t even say “March” in the statement. Hell… maybe April! Maybe May!)

          It was presented as “this is a rough, not-concrete idea of when things might happen.” It was not delivered as a concrete release date that you can put on your calendar. And sure, maybe you don’t personally see the value in that. That’s fair. And maybe you’re disappointed that one of the movies isn’t available yet. Also fair. But if you’re assigning false expectations to the statement, that’s on you.

          He’s one dude working on something that has doesn’t have a defined state of being “finished.” This isn’t a mega corporation releasing the 2025 model of a car. Relax.

    • SHL SHL says:

      I am responding to Ted’s message but this response is more intended for everyone else, as I don’t believe Ted actually cares that much about reasons why, he is just upset the delivery did’t arrive on time

      The film technically has been done since February but – when 3 films came out in 2 days (in late February) I backed up my release schedule, so that my Spidergirl film didn’t distract from people like Lucy’s new film from coming out. I do think there is a thoughtfulness I have be considerate of, as, I run and manage this site. It would be in bad taste of me to bump other producers releases the same day they release theirs, or bump them a day later, and could arguably in the longterm cause a paranoia amongst other producers that I might be intentionally doing it to game the system.

      Now, if I predict push back, someone might suggest that I am being overly cautious for a theoretical scenario that isn’t real. But I have had other producers admit to me that they have done this intentionally to me, to hurt my sales. I am not naming names, it’s in the past, I only bring it up cause – it’s happened to me and I run this site. So it is kind of my job to try to ensure I do not create favoritism that benefits me over my peers, for the health of the genre, as well as being a ‘good faith’ operator since I decided to make this site.

      Now, if the Batgirl film has been done since February, why not release it before Spidergirl? Well, Anastasia who stars in the Spidergirl film, thoughtfully pushed back a couple of her own films thats content might be competitive with ‘Forever’ in order to give the film we did together more space to be successful. So, in being mindful of her, ‘Forever’ was partially delayed for consideration of my peers and got placed in front of Batgirl in consideration of Anastasia.

      And finally – Batgirl has undergone a slightly longer delay, cause, with all this additional time I had on my hands from delaying its release – I went back to tinker with the film, give it some better color correction and fine tooth comb the edit and discovered – there were unused material I had forgotten about that I could add back into the film to benefit the consumer.

      You see, I had shot the Batgirl LoFi content when I filmed a bunch of customs for Ashley Lane back in 2023. Some of those films have already been released, aka the LoFi Lane series (Tape 1-3) that have come out before. Back in 2023, though customers who purchased those customs were told their editing would be delayed, a bunch of them started to threaten Ashley Lane with chargebacks shortly thereafter despite the heads up. So, I had to essentially do a bunch of ‘junk’ edits on the customs to rush them for Ashley, cause she was very stressed out via all the ‘charge back’ threats she had received from multiple people.

      In the process of rushing those edits – some material got left on the cutting room floor. When I released Lofi Lane Tape 1-3 I went back to clean up the edits and restore some of that material, but because of the large amount of data shot from those customs – some things simply got lost between the cracks. I personally hate that it happened, but thats what happens when customers apply pressure to a film while it’s being edited, for it to come out sooner than its ready to while baking in the oven.

      All that being said – Batgirl LoFi was nearly a victim of the same collateral damage. But essentially – me delaying Spidergirl to not step on Lucy’s new film – allowed me more time to tinker with the color correction on Batgirl – which made me realize not all the footage shot was being used in the film cause of the chargeback threats to Ashley Lane in 2023 – which then has pushed back the Batgirl film a little longer so that I can properly release it with all the good trimmings to increase the runtime for people who bought the film / will buy the film.

      Is it ideal? No. Am I thrilled about the extra work? No. Can I morally release a film where large chunks of the footage accidentally were left out? No. Am I happy that my bank account has been punished for trying to do the right thing? No. Do I like being insulted by people like ‘Ted’? Maybeeeee. Is there more to life than crying about a SHIP film? There shouldn’t be, but there is…

      Anyway, the film is almost done cooking. But, as of now, its release has been delayed about 20 minutes that I have spent responding to Ted instead of spending it on editing the film. And in case it needs to be said – YES, RESPONDING TO QUESTIONS DOES IN FACT TAKE TIME AWAY FROM EDITING FILMS


      • Ted says:

        Thank you for the clarification. It just sucks being kept in the dark that’s all, and not to mention I was voicing out what others may be thinking too. We still appreciate your efforts regardless of circumstance.

  2. Tardigrade says:

    Any updates from any of these releases?

  3. MrRomber says:

    That Batgirl looks very hot, in the Spidergirl video I’m interested that you use the phrase “singular” dark ending, why is it singular?

  4. Sicnarf says:

    Anything with Ashley Lane as Batgirl is a must-buy for me. Looking forward to it!

  5. The Suit says:

    Looks like the cape is already off for Batgirl.

  6. dorf says:

    Gonna get the batgirl release first thing!!! love that ashley doesn’t have the black eye makeup in the lofi

  7. Toutatis Toutatis says:

    The Prison Break sequel is coming much sooner than expected, excellent; It’s going to be very interesting to see how they destroy Spidergirl’s costume, Anastasia is a very good actress and I know the video will be epic.

  8. dashoutao says:

    Excuse me, do the actresses of steel claws still play Super Remote

  9. Anon says:

    So excited for the Batgirl release!


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