Robyn Project in Development

Hey gang,
I am in the process of beginning preproduction of a Robyn film starring Liv Revamped that I hope to shoot this fall. I had mentioned this previously earlier this year (February) to gauge potential interest. Those who had signed up for the Liv/Robyn newsletter were reached out to get the ball rolling on this venture.
As of now – I am not interested in taking preorders on this project from the general public. The whole Ares ordeal has me squeamish on getting myself tangled up in another web until I deliver as promised on that project. And despite that – I do want to ‘fundraise’ so that I have proper resources to film an adventure with Liv, so, I am trying to be creative with how to do that in a way where you receive an immediate benefit, not a delayed one.
I do not know how many of you haven’t bought TKJ but were still interested in seeing Robyns hardcore scene from that film. Since TKJ was spilt into 3 chapters – I thought there might be some potential in selling Chapter 1 “Robyn’s Home Invasion” by itself for those who had no interest in the rest of TKJ, or simply did not want to buy such an expensive film.
So if you haven’t seen TKJ and were ONLY interested in seeing ‘Robyn’s Home Invasion’ scene, it is available for a limited time only, for $30 dollars, on the purchase link below. It is a hardcore scene, Robyn is fucked by the Joker and one of his henchmen. She is surrounded by Joker’s whole crew unable to escape her fate. It does have a dark ending aligned with the Barbara TKJ scene from the comics. I love this scene and only ever received positive feedback regarding it.
Robyn: TKJ Chapter One
Robyn Big Donors
I am also looking for ‘big donors’ who are passionate about Robyn and maybe would like to have specific content inserted into the film for a generous donation (within reason). Minimum ‘big donations’ I am looking for are at the $500 dollar range. You can email me at: to pitch me your request (since this film will be shot in fall, this window of opportunity will be a short one).
I will be in LA shortly to attempt to complete the filming of the delayed Ares film. After shooting has been completed I will be better able to give a more specific timeline of release. If all things go according to plan, this fall hopefully will be a productive time with releases, aside from Ares and can hopefully keep all of you entertained.
I think that about covers it… any questions – ask below
With love,
I like the idea of big donors. It’s a way people can really show support for a character.
I don’t dig female robyn at all so I’m not interested in this project, but whoever puts that much money behind a character they want to see on screen has my respect.
Hoping to hear an update soon.
Hopefully this film project will work.
I truly understand that it’s too risky to experiment right now.
But in the future, it’s interesting to see some new characters like Mera, Lois Lane, Jesse Quick (Speedster), Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern), Hawkgirl, etc.
I think a spider Gwen movie could sell really well with sage pillar or hopefully melody mark in the role.
I know you are busy with recent projects but have you ever thought of exploring more with different superheroines like Vixen, the Dove, Spider-Woman(Jessica Drew) and Rogue. Also great job with the last couple of projects.
As of right now – I can’t afford to experiment with characters that have no proven sales history. I don’t know who Vixen or Dove are.
Will you be working with Ashley lane? I’d love to see her in silk stockings
Nice, LIv played Robyn Very well.
Hoping It is a gangbang. I miss It lately, the best ones from SHL
Why have you bolded random words and sentences? Are you OK?
Hahaha, I’ve been doing it for awhile and I know it might look strange but
Historically speaking – I’ll write a big explanation of plans or things I’m going to do and I’d have at least 5 people in the comments asking me questions that are answered in the article above
If you bold something like “there will be no knock outs” you can avoid someone later saying “I bought it! There was no knockouts! What the fuck!?”
I can’t tell you how many times people have bought a preorder from me that was clearly labeled as a preorder and I’ll get an email immediately afterward asking “why didn’t you send me the film?”
I think in the ADHD world we live in most peoples reading comprehension is plummeting. So I try to bold the parts of my explanation that are critical parts. I expect most people’s brains to be glazing over having to read more than one paragraph, etc
Any plans for a new batgrl project anytime this year
There is a LoFi Ashley Lane Batgirl coming out soon, no other Batgirl plans this year
If it’s Ashley does that mean it will be hardcore?
Looking forward to it. Hoping for a creampie ending for our heroine.
Same here. XD
I know this is a ‘Robin’ project. But. The mental picture of Liv in a Nightwing costume has effectively derailed my whole day.
Excited to hear more updates as this comes along.
I literally said the same thing, an arc story of hardcore peril,,,,multiple “defeats” lead from robyn to nightwing in progression,,,,,leotard to unitard so to speak 🙂
With some water dunking perils as well