Luciafilms Sale and Trailer Archive

Several years ago a hard-drive corrupted that ate YEARS worth of movies and trailers and content that I recently was able to gently get access to. I was only able to pull off a few bits that remained uncorrupted, but among those were some lost trailers that are no longer on the internet for some of my favorite films ever produced. I’ve hosted them up and embeded them into this post for people to maybe get a chance to see some products that have been lost to history, or a bit of nostalgia if they already have. Each one will have a little bit of commentary about the production or my feelings/memories about it for the curious.

This post is also signifying the release of a major sale across the board for all Luciafilms productions on SHG, that will be active when it goes up and run until the 19th, one week from now.

If you’ve ever sat on an oldie but goldie this will be the time to look into it. The dream is that the money from the sale will help us propel the next films with the new talent and open up a line of security for accepting commissions again, so thank you in advance for anything you snag during it.

Most things have either been dropped 5-10 dollars, or dropped all the way down to 29.95, including many of our older films that have never once had their prices touched.

Forever will I die on the hill of this movie- haha. One of my least selling projects for whatever reasons, I absolutely love the story, and over-the-top anime vibe of the whole thing. I still love this film. It remains the only time we’ve worked with Amy Fantasy, which is a shame because she will always be a knockout in my book. Our good Dr. Villain also did me proud with his anime-nerd vibe in this.

Trivia: This was the first and only movie that I made ample use of hand placed Lens Flares in, to give it a more dramatic feel. I adored how it looked, but it was a lot of work and no one seemed to care, so the effect technique was left to sleep with this film. May J.J. Abrams forgive me.


This one was a bit of an odd duck commission, costume wise but we went for it full force. Xiphos playing “The Centurian” kind of stole the show on this one, even as a villain. I remember them doing an amazing job in the role.

Trivia: Keeping Lucy’s outfit on when she bent over required ample amount of double-sided tape. One of those costumes that works in drawings but not in real life!


What an absolutely crazy film this was. We had a blast on set. A (obviously) low-blow focused film, we had a lot of fun coming up with different ways to sneak them in without it hopefully becoming too repetitive. This was the first re-appearance of Morticide since my first film, The Orb and it was super fun to see the android on full display. I *think* this was the first time Mckenzie was Starwave as well, which was as natural a fit as anything else she played.

Trivia: The scene where Morticide picks up the giant metal tube, says- “Batters up” and proceeds to hit her between the legs over and over again is so well known on and off set that I still hear people quote it constantly.


Hoollyyyyyy crap we went hard on this one. As our first POV film we really wanted it to be unique and polished. It remains one of the only films where we actually had a rehearsal day, something these things are never ever afforded due to prohibitive costs. This film was brutal and exhausting, since we tried to use the “one take” vibe and stitch scenes together. That meant that looonnnnnng and tiring takes could be messed up by a single mistake and then the whole thing would have to be filmed again from the start.

The end result is something I am still incredibly proud of, as is Lucy- who knocked it out of the absolute park on this one.

Trivia: While the whole first 70% of the movie was rehearsed and planned, the extremely brutal, messy last 30’ish% was not. Both actors know each other well enough that they were comfortable enough to just… adlib most of that. Which is and remains absolutely crazy. I feel like that is one of the reasons it remain so intimate and intense in a way that virtually none of our other films may have surpassed. And may never surpass.


Though Strike 2 was a two-parter, unfortunately the 2 Part 2 trailer was corrupted beyond my ability to recover. But here we get to see the same two talents as the first one setting the stage for the big shakeup. One of the issues people had with the first strike was wanting to see more from afar, so we introduced a second villain in to let the POV camera get a good look at what was going on.

Trivia: The computer graphic playing on the screen through all of the scenes with it was actually made by Lucy!


Wow! My very very first film completely on my own. I’d technically directed and shot one alongside The Rye and TBFE’s producer as like a learning experience, but this is the first one I handled top to bottom on my own. I admittedly haven’t seen it in ages and I have no idea how it holds up, but it was an absolute treat to produce and I was thoroughly hooked after.

Trivia: The Orb and the Sable Witch in this film became a running plotline throughout several later films! With the Darkfire character eventually being played by Lucy in her first real villain role!


Wowwwwwwww.. Second only to maybe “Nightmare” this might be the most ambitious thing we ever filmed. An entire road-trip movie in a van, with fightscenes and absolute mayhem involved. It is also the first and most direct “Black Comedy” we ever filmed, (Which I got pushback on from many of my industry friends for. They thought no one would like humour in a SHIP film. Shows them!) and it went over extremely well. One of my big worries was if Mckenzie was going to be okay with the rough-and-tumble nature of shooting in such an unforgiving and cramped space and I really needn’t have been. She absolutely thrashed our poor villain actors and we’re honestly lucky the van survived. What an absolute treat this was to film.

Trivia: The gas-station scene was (obviously) shot guerilla style and we kept having to bounce and return because cops were (understandably) circling the area- haha… Nerve-wracking to say the least.


This one was, and remains, truly unique. For better and worse. It was pitched to us by a client who did not really want a full production, but was willing/interested in buying a special microphone for us to take even a tiny shot at it. So we did a trade, which we never really did, because we were honestly just curious to see if we could pull it off. Like how do we make ASMR “SHIP”?

The results are something more genuine, and intimate, than I can really think of anything else we’ve made being. A look behind the curtain both on the character’s history, as well as a little bit of Lucy’s feelings on some things. Though it has no action or violence, there is a sincerity to it that makes me glad that we did the little experiment. Alas, it predictably did not sell well enough to make more of, but I still don’t regret it a bit.

Trivia: The ASMR microphone has human ears on it, which remains a wildly interesting thing to behold. We’ve not used it since, so it remains a pair of human ears in a box. Waiting. Waiting for another. Some day.


Woooof… this was a *production*. Due to the wildly constrained time we have to film these, there is a sense of rush and very little room for error and reshooting that we can handle on them. They rarely have time to *breathe*. This one got extra time as the client paid for it, and it really shows. The script was also excellent, and it was one of those times while filming where I was like-… “Yeah. This is special. This is going to be good.”

And it was. And continues to be. Everyone knocked it out of the park on this, including our silly green goons that showed up just to get tossed around a bit and sent home! Our Brain in the Chair Oracle talent would later come back to play Captain Marvel many years later.

Trivia: There is an AMAZING punch at the 00:15 second mark of the trailer that was an oopsy real punch. These are typically a worst-case-scenario thing, when someone gets booped, but they do occasionally result in just incredible results, haha. No one was harmed in the making of these boops, but watch those goggles -fly-. If memory serves, Mckenzie also took a boop from a foam bat on her very first film. So boop we all.


This was soooooooo gooooood! Coco in her fiercest era. This was another script that had a comedic undertone to it and both talents came to play. It resulted in some scenes that remain deeply memorable for me as a producer, and was the first film I made where the Heroine and Villain were ex-lovers or friends with a love/hate vibe going on. Finding out just how close they were across the film was as fun to film as it is to watch.

This might have been the first thing we filmed when we got the new studio space as well. Those walls and floors are spotless, haha. That did not last.

Trivia: Because of the closeups of the wand and lack of sound potentially making it a bit weird in post, Coco volunteered to have it actually be on through the scenes where it was used. So despite it being a softcore film, technically it has the first hardcore *leaning* element in it that we filmed. Those sounds are real!


Prince Xiphos’ breakout film with us, and wwoooooowwwww what a high bar to set. This film sealed them as our one and only Supergirl in a way that will be wildly hard to ever challenge. It is always a bit nerve-wracking to film a complex script with a new talent because you never know what their needs and limits will be on the day, but I think Xiphos outran us all. Shoutout to Lucy’s horrifying cameo in this film as well, her scene made the whole crew jump. Haha.

Trivia: The now iconic ending of this film with all the hands was literally just- “EVERYONE ON SET, HIDE BEHIND THIS TABLE AND REAAACCHH!” It was very silly, and very hard to pack us all in there, but we did it!


On to the second half of the Oni movie! The psychological fuckery continued in this one, filmed at a friends of mine’s house. They were exceptionally kind to give us their space for the day and let us run around it being weirdos in costumes. This one was filmed literally the next day from Oni One, but the energy remained high and we came out of it with an excellent set of films I still think fondly on today.

Trivia: We got a lovely thumbs up from some dude walking his dog during filming the outdoors scene. You too, friend. You too.


A tremendously strange (For SHIP!) film that I regret not even one iota. This film was basically our version of Sailor Moon and it was an absolute delight to take a shot at, even if it never really sold well. (As it is pretty identifiably a bit out of genre). The costumes were amazing, the acting was fun and engaged and I still love it.

Trivia: The art for the animated intro was drawn by Mckenzie herself, who starred in the leading role! She is a wildly talented artist when not doing film stuff and it was really fun to work on this intro with her.


Huuubrriissssss…. this film lives in infamy with us, haha. What a production. The GIANT alien costume was made from a frame that fit around the actor that had to be crawled inside of, the mask is wildly hard to see through, the giant hands are half a foot longer than the actors, and the voice had to be dubbed. So you have a seven foot tall alien monster man doing Shakespearian dialogue and fight scenes who cannot hear, see, touch, or talk. Despite this, our on-set communication won the day and the results surprised even me. Mckenzie looked amazing in that Samus-style outfit and was an unbelievable trooper when it came time for the slime scene. Speaking of…..

Trivia: The Slime Scene. We ended up dumping an ENTIRE BUCKET from the ‘mouth’ of the alien onto Mckenzie for this shot and it was…. a lot. It was so much that it wildly escaped the area designated for it and after she cleaned up and everyone went out to eat, I spent an hour and a half scrubbing it out of the building and replacing the floor so we could resume filming when everyone got back. The glamorous life of a SHIP producer.


The cursed movie. The ruiner. The obsession with Digital Obsession almost put me out of business. While the end result is something I absolutely cherish and has some of the hottest F/F scenes I’ve ever filmed, getting there was a nightmare. This film was actually originally filmed with Lucy across from a different model, halfway through which I got sick and we had to reschedule the rest. A second day of filming means this movie now doubled in costs. Get it wrapped. Check the footage? Card is corrupted. Whole movie is bunked.

So we do this film with Lucy and Mckenzie next! Objectively great. I get sick. Again. Partway through. Movie now takes two days, and costs doubled. THANKFULLY the footage was not only not corrupted but excellent. So this film cost four films to produce, and didn’t remotely make that back in sales at all. I still love it, and some of its outtakes remain my favorite. If you know you know.

I… could be wrong here……? But I feel like this movie had our first real F/F kiss in it.


I absolutely loved and love this film. I went very hard on some of the special effects and I regret nothing, haha. Both talents had an incredible amount of chemistry with each other, enough that they often remained entwined between takes, and I feel like it really shows in the final product. Everyone came to play, and the game was good.

We’ve had two near misses with serious injury in Luciafilms history and this film had one of them. It is the reason that very nearly all of the films after this one had/have foam floors. During one of the grappling scenes, Xiphos’ boot slipped on the concrete floor and they landed pretty hard on their head. Utterly terrifying. They were okay, but I ordered hundreds of foam tiles seconds after walking through my door home that night, and we’ve used them ever since.


The name says it all. This film was… an… endurance. Mostly for Mckenzie. Since it was an exercise/stress oriented film, she actually had to do a lot of the exercises scattered throughout the script for those long shots. Lots of them. I came onto set that day prepared to “cheat” a lot of them as one does in film, but Mckenzie soldiered up and said- “I’ve got this.” And just…. did it. It was an remains an incredible feat never really replicated on set. An absolute machine.

I did the camerawork in this film, and unfortunately was extremely ill the day of filming. Everyone was okay going ahead with it, (Pre pandemic bravery!) so we did. During the initial pie scene when Mckenzie’s face went into the pie I fell back, laughing so hard that I lost my lunch moments later. But! I made it through the film.

……until we were breaking down directly after wrap and I passed out mid-step. My head bounced off the table, then a chair, then the ground. I woke up to Mckenzie holding my head in her lap, Lucy fretting, and myself being extremely confused. Apparently my fever was like 103+ when I got home.

But. We finished the film. Endurance indeed.


I’d completely forgotten about this one until I pulled it off the hard-drive! We still have that little Wonder Woman swimsuit in the studio somewhere, I think we used it once as a prop later. The intro for this was actually shot in my home at the time, it made a few appearances in different films. I think this may have also been Lu-Lewds first film! This was fun to shoot. We obliterated that little enclosed set we made, smashing into it and making a mess.

The “drugs” that go into the drink are Alka-Seltzer. Sorry to ruin the movie magic. ♥


Hands down, still my favorite thing I’ve ever filmed. The client effectively gave us a short list of musts, enough money to film for multiple days, and free license to make whatever theme we wanted, and this was the result. Like with most of the two+ day films the ability to reshoot and really go that extra mile is evident all over in this film. We got to try crazy things, and play with a horror element (my secret wheelhouse). It remains the most ambitious thing we’ve made outside of the Wonderous Woman in Captivity series, which had roughly three times the budget and time allotment. The outside car scenes were especially tricky, but the “Car Hit” stunt remains one of my favorite we’ve ever filmed. We’ve been DYING to film a sequel with Mockylock’s siblings, as hinted to in NIGHTMARE’s ending, but it is unlikely a client will give us that level of carte blanch again, haha.

For the Tentacle Scene, we actually filmed that on a third day, on our own time/dime because we really wanted it to make the film. Lu-Lewd (Who ROCKED it in this film) was not available, so we had ARIANA ROGUE actually step in and help with it because she was in the area. For that one blink-and-you-miss it shot, it’s actually her in the demon costume, and she’s one of the two people helping control the tentacles behind and under the table.

Also, the demon’s name, Mockylock is a reference to The Cell, one of my favorite horror movies of all time. ♥

Also ALSO! This was Lucy Westenra’s first heroine role. Holy SHIT what a way to come out punching.


You can find all of these movies and many, many more- here.

You can reach out to us about customs and commissions here.

Lucia Films

Lucia Films

Luciafilms! We make Superhero and adjacent parody films about Peril!

26 Responses

  1. Parts Unknown says:

    I’m a big fan of your work, and I love that you continuously innovate. I’m picking up “The Orb” and “Broken Bonds” just based on this post. Sorry to hear that you’ve been in a bad place. I hope things turn around for you and everyone else in the SHIP industry. Keep on truckin.

  2. Storid says:

    Just wanted to say I appreciate all you’ve created and respect you for the hard work put in and adversity you’ve endured! I hope you keep putting out excellent films!

    I feel like a lot of comment sections end up being “Here are my three nitpicks about the film and how it doesn’t align with my hyper-specific fetish” when in reality for each comment like that there are probably 100 people who loved the film that never comment.


  3. The MalevolentMoly says:

    I am sorry to hear about your troubles. Your passion for the genre always shined really brightly, I enjoy your work a lot. Of all the customs I’ve done over the years, Dolorfer; Arrival was my favorite. You guys killed with it. SIFT was amazing too. I was and still am so glad to have to been a part of those films. Thank you for bringing them to life for me.

    I hope things improve for you and you’re able to continue to share your work. It’s always a gem. I will do what I can to support you as always and I’ll visit you when I’m able to fund another custom. I hope to work with you again, but at the very least I hope to be able to see your work for a few more years at least.

  4. bbsucks says:

    I love hearing about the behind the scenes stuff and how everyone is having fun (barring potential injuries and intense illness). A lot of these movies have a very dark nature to them, obviously, and it’s hopefully a nice little reminder that, while the subject matter is taboo and a bit villainous, we’re all just playing in the space. Emphasis on playing. The purpose of dancing around the subject matter is to have fun.

    I feel like that point is lost on some folks stopping in every once in a while who get a bit too intense about things OR perhaps a bit lost on folks that don’t appreciate what we’re all doing here (which is a somewhat fair reaction, given the times).

    I appreciate all the people who have come and gone over the years and all the hard work people have put into creating this safe space to play around in. Very fun to look back!

  5. Hual says:

    I have to admit, my favourite movie that you ever did was “Daughters of Kryston”. Reading about the accident, I am so glad no one was badly hurt…
    The story is no nice, Supragirl getting abducted by a stronger version of herself. I was so happy to see that after all these years you recently made a sequel in “Abduction”. The first movie showing the defeat and the kidnapping of Supragirl, the second portrying the transport to Kryston (or the new planet where the Krystonians are living now) – perfect. I wish there was a third movie, turning the story iinto a trilogy, set on New Kryston where Supragirl recieves her punishment in a ceremonial fight that she obviously looses and finally gets turned into a “breeder”. One can hope I guess 🙂

  6. This pinhead had a dream and Lucia knocked it out of the park with Endurance. Gabba Gabba Hey, LUCIA, Gabba Gabba,Hey! Also, Frequency? Captivity? Both films go completely off the rails into the wild fetish yonder. Kudos with extra taco sauce for flavor. I will continue to chase the magical moments of both these films as inspiration for future productions.

  7. Bob says:

    Hey, always the best films! This was a great recap to everything we have been blessed with so far.

    A question out of curiosity. Was there a film by you with Mckenzie as Tomb Raider that was never released? I swear I was always wondering if it would ever see light of the day

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Mckenzie and I worked together on sets for a photography website a while back, doing Tomb Raider and other things. Lucy had some on there too! I am not certain if it is still up though. @SHG_Admin would know!

      That is why there are some high quality peril photos of both of them floating around with no film attached to them!

  8. John Morgan says:

    What a trip down memory lane. It’s interesting to hear what goes into making some of these films. And it also made me realize, I’ve been watching your films for a long time, since the first Scarlet movies. For my personal two cents – Frequency pt 1 and pt 2 with Coco and Vengeance with Coco and Lucy and Hubris with McKenzie would be my top 3. Thanks for all your hard work, I hope things go more smoothly this next year!

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Scarlet Betrayal remains one of the darkest things we’ve filmed. It was *brutal*. When we are demoing things to perspective talent and helping them understand the range of these between campy and dark, Scarlet Betrayal is the one we typically use to display the far end of that.

      What a brawl that was.

  9. CS1620 says:

    Hey I’ll join that hill for broken bonds, it one of my favorites too. Both costumes and story.

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      And upon that glorious hill, we will look down upon those that simply do not understand… haha. ♥
      (But not really. Individual taste is and will always be fine and good!)

  10. dealfredi says:

    yeah, nightmare was absolutely amazing and lucy was incredible. her selling of the electrocution scene is absolutely the the best ship moment i’ve ever scene. please do somethign like that again 😛 i love when the movies are more about perils

    • dealfredi says:

      than just sex scenes

      • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

        We are unfortunately at the mercy of a market that votes with its wallet. If there are theme and content shifts, it is usually because that is what people are paying more for. Despite that, we do try to scatter a little bit of everything out- but I also miss the days were pure peril films sold as well as the sexual ones. It made going through the trouble to do complex, unique predicaments worth the time and money investiture to pull off.

        But we do still do it! And hopefully always will.

  11. Lowly says:

    Pretty Bird might be the best flick anyone has ever put out in the genre. its so perfectly paced and the ending is exactly what i want from these movies: actually SEEING the heroine get corrupted and turn, followed by a solid-length scene showing the aftermath of her corruption

    Pretty Bird 2 was still amazing overall but i was a little disappointed because the corruption wasnt done as well. i loved that it followed the same “heroine seeing a broken version of herself” theme but it seemed like the movie forgot about that halfway through for Alicia. and then when she ddid finally break off it was off screen and the aftermath was her face being covered (and still kinda feeling like she was more being forced)

    in other words ya, more build up and endings like Pretty Bird 1. best movie in the genre ever

    Endurance was really great too

    other really good examples: Imperiled which has some amazing breaking moments (still hoping for that prequel that used to be talked about!) and Doctress. oh and Sundown is incredible tho i wish it stayed with the ending scene a bit longer.

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Pretty bird was and remains a really unique and special moment in SHIP history, I agree. At least ours. Every now and then there comes a movie that *feels* different, and that one always did. Kudos to the writer of the script, and the willingness to invest enough money into the project to do it real justice. That is the sort of thing that really lets scenes breathe and magic can be made from that. Endurance is in the same boat on both sides.

  12. Raezer says:

    Reading this article word by word feels like going through a beautiful time travel. Learning the difficulties in the process makes me more impressed by these classics. It’s a blessing on the SHIP community that there are real producers like Lucia who put heart into every single film they make. Hopefully we can see more classics in the future.

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      It felt like that writing it too! And. It can be really hard to not just blab about process and hijinks all the time, so it is a selfishly lovely catharsis to get to dote on some of those wild moments. Good and bad. Every film is an adventure, no matter how small.

  13. Billythered says:

    It makes me happy to hear you say Nightmare is your favourite you ever filmed.

    IMO, I think possibly the greatest superheroine film ever made. The peril is top notch but the way its woven into the story and her “nightmares” is brilliant.

    Lucy is perfect in it and her selling of the back pain is insane.

    I know they say you should never touch a classic but to see a sequel / remake would be bliss.

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Well as my top pick I can hardly argue! We dream of the day a sequel can be made, but I won’t even take a shot at it without a proper backing for it. It deserves better than my measly savings. And if it never happens? I’ll always be happy with the original.

  14. Jake says:

    SHG says some of the vids have never been for sale before. Does that mean that some of them have never been released, or just never discounted?

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Means that some (many) of them have never been discounted before.

      *Though*, one thing I forgot to mention in the update was that I think I may have found an entire unreleased movie from 2017 or so on that harddrive as well, though I haven’t gotten a chance to look through it all yet.

  15. bbsucks says:

    As someone who has bought literally every release from Lucia Films, I can say… buy some of these. Any of these. They’re all great. (Hubris is probably my favorite… though Xiphos as Supergirl is always a win)

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Hubris will always have a special place in our heart. We love that alien costume so much we’ve held onto it all these years despite it taking up a WILD amount of space in storage. (Though we did get to recently use it in our sci-fi movie to grand effect!)


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