Let’s talk customs…

I appreciate all the support I’ve gotten and all the custom inquires that have been rolling in lately! I’m really glad to be a part of the community and to see such a positive reaction to my work. So thank you.

I did just want to make a quick note to let customers know that my custom inquiry form on my site is for customers who would like to commission me to make a film for them. This means you are writing to tell me an idea that you would like to pay to have produced. Not just an idea or suggestion. I do work on a custom model (as many other producers here do) and so I don’t exactly have the freedom to make any idea that comes through.

I have gotten several emails over the past month where people are just sharing an idea or suggestion and did not intend to order a custom. I also get emails where people are telling me what they and others think I should be putting in my movies to satisfy a certain portion of the audience that is craving certain elements in these movies.

I’m not writing this to complain or lecture anyone, i just want to clarify the difference between a custom inquiry, and simply sending me an idea. I also don’t want you to spend a bunch of time writing out an idea I can’t produce and leave you feeling disappointed.

I welcome your ideas, i just can’t afford to produce them myself. By all means feel free to communicate with me and share ideas, just know the likelihood of me being able to produce that idea are zero unless you, or a group of you, want to pay to have the idea produced. And yes I am open to crowd funding if multiple people want to get together to pool the funds for me to produce a concept. When you email me you might want to clarify if you are just sharing an idea or if you would like to order a custom piece of work.

Anyway that’s all! Thank you again for all the support. I do wish I could make every idea that comes through my inbox as a lot of them have been very interesting. Maybe some day I’ll be able to work outside of the custom model; but for now while i’m still establishing myself in the community I will have to focus on custom orders.

while we’re at it here is my custom order page: https://www.darkcityfiction.com/customs

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30 Responses

  1. Ben says:


    I’ve just seen Alicia C Moon available for Customs on your site. WOW! I know she’s been in a lot of content already but she is the greatest SHIP performer in history. you will never go wrong with having Alicia in any film (or even every film haha)

    A true Oscar winner has come to your site, standing ovation from me

  2. Rian says:

    Is it possible to have :
    – More locations (some outdoor) ?
    – More developped stories. (like episodes or seasons) ?
    – Videos with alternate endings ?

    • Hual Hual says:

      outdoor would be interesting. Some minor outdoor scenes were in “Completely Broken” for example, but the boundaries would probably be PG13, right?

      • for the most part yes. I can get away with nudity, however anything sexual would not be possible unless i found a very secure location. Mainly because of the laws here and the comfort and safety of the actresses

    • It is very possible yes. Where i live the weather can be unpredictable though and shooting in the rain is not an option for us. But this time of year it is more possible, however it can be risky because the weather so i always recommend people have a backup scene in place in case the outdoor scene cannot be shot. Otherwise if the outdoor scene is required then we’d have to shoot another day and wait for good weather, which can increase production costs.

      And yes i am actually talking to a couple of customers about episodic films, and am currently brainstorming a series with never before seen heroines and villains

      Alternate endings are also an option if people request them in their custom order

  3. BCCCCCK says:

    Have ordered and have partially paid for a custom with DCF, and let me say Anthony is great to work with and with the quality that he has produced already I think his prices are very good and very fair. Anthony always response to my questions same day, and sometimes we will email back several times a day, and is open to any idea/theme/concept that he can pull off. I have asked him to produce and more bondage/interrogation style film with a shorter backstory and setup.

    But I would recommend anyone on here to work with DCF. I am looking forward to what they produce for others and for me.

  4. Ben says:

    I too would love to see Kira Fox appear on other SHIP sites.

    I’ve already mentioned I’m not a fan of Lee Carl’s Productions and the way he shoots content, so currently I haven’t really been able to enjoy Kira Fox, I’m really hoping she can appear on LuciaFilms/DCF/TBFE productions soon so i can fall in love with her and her talent… but I also know that that’s heavily reliant on customers wanting to book her

    I know DCF mentioned he might be working on something in house (that isn’t custom related Project) that might be some kind of series… Love for her to be apart of that (along with other new girls like Harper Hunt and Cora Moth

    Cora Moth has done some great work with PKF, hope she can get into this community more.

    But still exciting times ahead

  5. Reynold says:

    If anyone is thinking of doing a more sex focused custom, please do, do missionary and multiple scenes, DCF does sex really well imo but the blood is not to my liking so I reckon that should be lefty till after sex

    • I’m very open to more sex focused films. I am actually editing a Superior Girl one right now that is primarily sex focused and shows penetration with a fake penis. so half hardcore maybe?

      • AWS Man AWS Man says:

        That sounds intriguing, mind sharing who plays Superior Girl in it?

        Very good to hear that you’re open to more sex-focused films, I’ve been meaning to reach out to ask you about that very thing. We’ve never interacted directly, but I’m the guy who orders most of PKF’s SHIP customs, so I think you’re very familiar with my scripts by this point. (You’ve always done a great job acting in them, by the way!) So I would definitely be interested in discussing a potential custom with your studio once my budget allows for it.

        • Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m actually doing two shoots with PKF this week with Hazel and Blue! Always a good time with those two haha. So yes i believe i am very familiar with your scripts 🙂

          Kayla is playing Superior Girl in this current one i’m working on!

          • AWS Man AWS Man says:

            Oh right, I wasn’t able to commission anything for that shoot, but I have committed to the planned Hazel/Stella shoot later this year. Hazel was fantastic in my Wonder Girl custom from her first shoot. I’m thinking she would also make for a good Lara Croft…

            • oh great! hazel and stella are my favorite duo. that’s going to be a fun shoot. and i agree hazel would make a great croft. i told her you’re a fan and she said thanks very much 🙂

  6. MegaDeth says:

    I have an idea, I’d like to see Kira Fox as Batgirl in a jungle running away from poachers, in the end she falls into quicksand, in the meantime the poachers find her, free her and fuck her

    • Reynold says:

      I’d like to see hardcore or dildo penetration with the pussy visible on kira fox, the leecarl movies seemed very lazy in that sex scene regard “multiple position” it was only one and u couldn’t even see the dildo in the pussy. She does hardcore so if they do cream pie that’d be incredible

  7. HolyMolyDude123 says:

    I like that you mention crowd funding as well. It would be nice if there was a place to look for custom partners somewhere. Maybe one day we can get a place on his site or just another one entirely where we can post/browse custom ideas with the intention of finding a partner or two.

  8. Hual Hual says:

    That’s an interesting part you wrote here: “unless you, or a group of you, want to pay to have the idea produced. And yes I am open to crowd funding if multiple people want to get together to pool the funds for me to produce a concept.”

    –> I already have a custom in the pipeline with DCF, but I am also loosely working on an idea regarding the character White Shadow and a custom involving Kayla Coyote and a second female actress, if possible, Kira Fox.

    Since to lead actresses are more expensive than one, and Kira is not a local, the custom would be quite pricy and therefore not doable for me alone.
    If anyone is interested in my idea and maybe even willing to contribute to that project, either via money or input on the script, please feel free to answer to this comment.

    I would be thrilled if a kinda crowd funding would work in this case.

    • MT says:

      I may be interested. I am thinking about crowdfounding since a while

      • Hual Hual says:

        hey, thanks for commenting.
        You can send me an e-mail to hual.chr1@gmail.com and I can let you know what the basic script looks like as of right now.

        • Hual Hual says:

          I had an interesting exchange with an interested person for a crowdfunded White Shadow script.
          IF you are a fan of TBFEs and DCFs White Shadow films AND/OR a fan of the following elements, hit me up under hual.chr1@gmail.com

          – F/F
          – lesbian domination
          – wedgies
          – breast attacks, crotch attacks
          – humiliation
          – two heroines, one turning evil and against the other

          The script is far from finished, so ANY input would be very welcome

          Thanks and Kr,

          • Fletch says:

            Check out the Writers workshop on the villainy inc discord. That originally started off as a way for customs writers to work through their scripts without taking any more than the necessary from the film makers.

            • Hual Hual says:

              Thanks Fletch for the advise 😉

              • Hual Hual says:

                By the way, we gathered a group of four people as of right now (including myself), so whoever joins from now on, it only gets cheaper 😉
                Of course, we also have to bring our ideas together, which won’t be easy. But if you are interested, please let us know, we have started a Discord channel especially for this purpose


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