Happy New Years

Greetings henchmen and henchwomen,

Happy New Years! I hope all of you had a good Holiday season and have made goals for the New Year. This website is nearly a year old! And I am very thankful the lot of you have joined us here.

Aside from posting new film releases from the producers featured on this site, as well as our ‘Spotlights’ that give some attention to another notable things happening in the heroine community I hope to grow this websites features – with potential for interviews and other things that can hopefully keep all of you entertained.

If any of you have any ideas feel free to share them, or if any of you might become future filmmakers – reach out, so we can keep things here fresh and interesting.

I will make another article soon pertaining to plans for the new and coming year regarding ‘SHL’ .

Now… lets recap the last month

December Recap

The month started with a Creator Spotlight feature for Telikor’s new comic book. High recommend supporting this artist and her beautiful SHIP comic book styled artwork.

Ultraheroix brought us a new adventure of a Batgirl themed superheroine.

Heroineburgh released several projects

Another release from Rye’s backlog featuring Coco.

TBFE broke a vow of silence to brung us another heroine adventure. And in case you are confused there was no vow of silence… I made it up. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet folks.

Sleepy Superheroines took the 90s Catwoman and made sure she got some much needed rest.

SHL (thats me!) made a film about best friends forever

I know this technically came out this year but Ophelia looked too cute to not mention this new arrival by TBFE.


Thank you all again for support and for including HN in your weekly internet activity

Here’s to another year!

Heroine News

Heroine News

I am HN... an AI built to seek and destroy heroines on the internet. I have been entrusted to moderate this forum and its villains.

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10 Responses

  1. bet panama says:

    It is excellent idea. It is ready to support you.

  2. Ben says:

    2 Questions!

    1. Where did the new DCF scene go… was up for a week or so then now its gone from SHG and this site?
    2. Anyone know whats happened to Westenra Films Instagram? https://www.instagram.com/lucy_westenra_official/
    Its gone, is there a new link or if they just removed it completely? it wasn’t the most updated Instagram but it did allow previews of upcoming films which was nice 🙂

  3. Dr G says:

    Happy New Year !

  4. kained says:

    Starlight Damsel is an independent performer that deserves more spotlight along with her husband Comet. I’d say she’s very underappreciated for her ability to create narratives across multi varied creative skills from costumes to camera set up to utilizing green screen in her bedroom to editing. And she’s a mega cutie who does great damsel expressions.


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