“Bionic Star: Vex Power” – Ultraheroix.com

Hi everyone! We are back with the popular bionic super heroine, “Bionic Star”! Starring Noriko Sato!
In this story: Bionic Star hunts down the culprit responsible for stealing the schematic plans to her powerbelt, the source of power to her bionics! She soon discovers that it is the criminal mastermind, Vex Vader that was behind it. She confronts him but is eventually over-powered and becomes his prisoner. She now has to escape and try to protect the secrets to her power!
She is knocked out via:
- She is pummeled
- blasted by lasers
- shocked by an electric prod
- carried over the shoulder
- chloroformed
- bear hugged
She is also chased, chained/bondage, choked.
Check it out now at ultraheroix.com
This looks like a really good one definitely going to get it soon. The actress looks awesome as well. Anyway in the future she could wear a thong maybe?
Always good to see one of your videos. It is great to see the actress Who always make an spectacular expressions and action scenes. The horror element of your films are great to with the helpless heroine losing her power source. Always waiting for your next film, wonder Who would be show up in your next adventure. Congratulaciones.
Thanks RRP! I’m glad you enjoyed in and her performance! As for who we’ll see next? It’s a heroine we haven’t seen in a while but is going to make an awesome return!
This is a great film, I love it when the superheroine’s source of power is either a part of her costume or her costume itself, like in the case of this movie in which it’s her power belt that provides her with her power, so this movie is right up my alley. And Noriko is very cute, with great facial expressions. And like ceej said, there’s a bit of a horror film vibe to it, so it’s kinda like this movie has crossover appeal, too. Well done all around!
Thanks Odile! I enjoy the Horror genre too as you’ve noticed, so I try to sprinkle some of that element in these videos too. Thanks again !
Another winner! My favorite part was seeing a weakened Bionic Star struggling to get down the stairs while Vex is slowly stalking her, had a bit of a horror movie vibe to it.
Thank ceej, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I am a fan of that scenario too with the stalking villain going after the helpless heroine.
Noriko as Bionic Star is an instant buy for me. Big fan of the outfit and the peril in these. Would absolutely kill for a low blow in one of these videos though.
Hi el goodo! I’m happy to see you’re a fan of Noriko’s “Bionic Star”. We try to do new things in each video which you’ll see here. Hopefully, we’ll squeeze in the low blow in the next Bionic Star adventure! Thanks!
for the record, this was an instant buy for me and i really enjoyed it. big fan of the power belt/losing her powers element in the Bionic Star videos and this is no different in that respect. so great work! if there is anything i would have loved added, it would be low blows. but all in all, great video.