‘Spidergirl: Forever’ – Super Remote (OUT NOW)

Spidergirl Forever

Price: $30
Length: 30 Minutes
Size: 1080P: 1.62GBs 2K 2.55GBs
Version Information:
Download comes with: 1080P Download, 2K Download, Russian with American Subtitles

Starring: Anastasia 



Spidergirl has been poisoned, she returns home desperately clinging on. Unbeknownst to her… she has been followed. One of the men from the Prison Break (previous film) was not satisfied being disrupted by the police and has unfinished business with the weakened heroine, can she escape again?


  • Sequel to ‘Prison Break’
  • Spandex Bodysuit
  • Costume destruction
  • No nudity
  • Fightning
  • Bearhug
  • Beatdown
  • Kick to crotch
  • Backbreaker (done at waist height, refer to trailer for reference)
  • Strangulation
  • Unmasking
  • Drugging
  • Nude pantyhose
  • One foot is revealed (with hosiery)
  • KO
  • Ending – Heroine Loses, Dark Ending, no alternate


Spidergirl ‘Prison Break’

‘Prison Break’ is on sale for half off. I hope this encourages people to give Prison Break a chance so they can fully appreciate ‘Spidergirl Forever’ to its fullest extent.


Read more about the film here:

About Anastasia 

Anastasia is a cosplayer from Russia who produces her own content, which you can subscribe too on Boosty and Patreon. She was also the director of this film release. 



Social Media



‘Super Remote’ are films written and produced by DW / but filmed by a ‘remote’ team. In recent history there have been a few actresses I have wanted to work with but global politics have made that logistically impossible. Roughly a two years ago – I made the decision to support some of these talents by promoting them to my audience to bring awareness to the content they were making and offering on their pages. 

Since then – things haven’t changed when it comes to my inability to work with them directly, so I began to think of the possibilities of what was possible in the here and now. That eventually shaped into Super Remote. Handing off responsibilities I cannot be present for and shaping the parts that I can – Super Remote is an experimental series to see if there is any value in this international creative process. 

In case it concerns you – ‘Forever’ was filmed in Russia, with Russian actors. If this is an issue for you – do not buy this film. Simple as that.

(Political conversations will not be allowed on Super Remote posts, if you have issues with the content - vote with your checkbook. Nothing is louder than a product not selling. This forum is for the SHIP genre. Political / Xenophobic content will not be allowed.)

Previous ‘Super Remote’ Release

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15 Responses

  1. brendan brendan says:

    This was a good video, i think the 1st was better, due to the initial unmask scene. As said below Anastasia does try and portray the character her expressions and acting is very good. Love to see more with her.

  2. Toutatis Toutatis says:

    Anastia’s way of acting is very good, I loved her expressions, her gestures. The way the fight develops is dynamic and although at times Spidergirl seems to recover, they quickly take her down again to continue punishing her. The part about the destruction of her costume was satisfying, we can finally see that in a video of her and I would pay to see it again.

    I would like to continue this series with Anastasia, starting from the point where this story ends, but now with Silk you could maybe add two more super remote chapters with that heroine, you would have my donation assured for the next super remote video with Anastasia (P.S.: Next time we will be more specific for the ending hehe)

  3. Jeremiah says:

    AMAZING work as always thanks to Anastasia! The movie felt thrilling and aggressive. The peril felt real and suspenseful. Thank you for making another truly spectacular film

  4. Anon says:

    Will Batgirl: Misadventures be released as well later today? Thanks!

    • SHL SHL says:

      I never will release two films in the same day – I pushed back my release schedule to not step on Lucy’s new film and I would have held this one back longer but I know I had promised (all of you) February release dates, so March 1st was my internal compromise.

      • orphios99 says:

        I am actually curious – do you, Lucia, Lee Carl, Lucy, and TBFE ever do zoom group calls together to kind of plan out release schedules or discussions within this industry or even filming styles and techniques?

        • SHL SHL says:

          I have never been an apart of a group call, or group zoom, or any zoom call regarding heroine stuff. No one has ever asked me for filmmaking advice. No one plans out release schedules. Recently, since making HN, I have been communicating with newer producers like DCF and Lucy to check in about potential releases, to make sure I don’t bump one of their post needlessly. I personally would like a more structure release schedule between all of us but – most of us are delivering films from the edit straight to the market. I don’t know that anyone is just sitting on completed films just to have a more official release schedule, exception maybe being NGC. But alas, they don’t post here.

          • Orphios99 says:

            makes sense and I apprecite the response. I’m curious how do go about scouting new talent? Obviosuly with vets in the industry like Ashley, Mackenzie, and Coco you have either worked with them directly for years or have a ton of film on them from other producers to assess their talent level and how you might utilize them (if you do). What about newer talent? How do you scout that now a days (or do you?).

            • SHL SHL says:

              I am always scouting for new talent. A background in dancing really helps for fight choreography. Usually someone’s filmwork helps you understand whether or not they will be a good fit, even if it isn’t heroine themed. 95 percent of the newer talent I try to book doesn’t work out cause: 1. Their agent frowns upon the work and encourages them not to do it. 2. They are self booking and never respond to follow up emails. 3. Refuse to take measurements so I can make them a costume. 4. They are unreachable, one way or another.

              I have made costumes for talent that magically never respond to locking down a date for a shoot. I have had talent disappear and leave the industry right before working with them. I have had agents lie to me that an actress isn’t interested in shooting with me (but I have already spoken to them and they were).

              It’s a nightmare and its one of the biggest hurdles when making films. Eventually you have to shoot something cause the bills come every month even when you can’t manage to book a new actress for a shoot you have been working on for months. And if you rebook people you can count on – you can then count on this audience to punish you for it.

              Not trying to sound negative, but, overall the whole thing fucking sucks hahahahaha

  5. bbsucks says:

    I love this series. I’m a subscriber of some of the Boosty sites that do heroine content and I like them very much but always feel like they leave a bit too much on the table. Obviously they have their boundaries in terms of what content they’ll do and those should absolutely be respected, but I always feel like there should be ways to ramp up the peril safely within those boundaries that they sometimes don’t take advantage of.

    That’s kind of what I feel like the Super Remote series has been doing. And I’m here for it. Some of the most exciting releases in the genre, IMO. (And this was the best one, yet)

  6. Abel says:

    I’m impressed you managed to convince her to rip her suit. I only wish they completely destroyed it! Damien delivers once again tho, thoroughly enjoyed. Hope there’s more with her in future.

  7. kahadertysitu says:

    Is there any cooperation with Yellozzy?

  8. SHL SHL says:

    Preorder Downloads have been deployed. Check your emails and spam folders.


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