“The Interrogation” – a Luciafilms Original Film

There is a place… dark and secluded, where no secrets remain hidden; where cruelty is leveraged to expose anything the syndicates desire to know. Right now, our young heroine (Lucy Westenra) remains locked away in this pit of pain and despair with little hope in sight, her wicked captor and tormentor (Christoph) picking the poor champion of justice apart day by day. Will the location to the League headquarters fall into the hands of evil? Or will tenacity prevail?
Producer Note: This is a temporary departure from our typical speed as it lacks a bit of the humour and camp found in most of our films. Likewise, through hard and careful work by the two talent in this film, you will notice that some, even many, of the impacts are genuine in some respect. (Zero harm came to anyone in this film to be clear!) We collectively wanted to try making something visceral and intense, a touch more real feeling than some of our typical projects, and we hope you enjoy the result. Huge thank you to everyone involved, you guys are amazing. ♥
Likewise, we are fully caught up and customs are officially back open at luciafilms.customs@gmail.com, and we are going to respond to some of the pending messages tonight as well. We’ve had some non-studio related problems that have waylaid us a bit and it’s been a serious struggle to correspond right now. Thank you for your patience anyone’s e-mail we’ve missed.

Features List:
- Softcore
- Restraints
- Interrogation Themes
- Extremely Stubborn/Resistant Heroine
- Drugging
- Kidnapping
- LOTS of AoH (Arms over Head)
- LOTS of Bellypunching
- Cuntbusting
- Water
- Some Genuine Impacts
- Bear Hugs
- Molestation
- Slapping
- Choking/Asphyxiation
- Hanging by Ankles
- Lots of Electricity
- Forced Oral (Both Directions)
- Debooting
- Recording
- Waterboarding!
- Forced Simsex in Many Positions
- Kissing
- Timeskips
- Forced Orgasms
- Eventual Submission/Breaking
You can find this film and others like it at: https://www.shg-media.com/DisplayStore.aspx?SellerID=lucia
any lucia news? been a while! i feel like that Imperiled prequel is never happening lol
I know LuciaFilms mentioned like 6 months ago maybe Spicy doing an Imperiled prequel? I really hope that happens
I would love to see more of Spicy as a hero in the future (with Alicia C. Moon too) I know those two do some Onlyfans stuff together… They seem like they enjoy each others company and bodies haha
I love it when a new movie comes out featuring Lucy.
Super cute and she sells the peril so well.
Keep at it Lucy, you’re doing great!
I found this site, didn’t know it existed. I have a back log of films I’d like to purchase from SHG-media, but I don’t want to give my ID to verify, mostly out of speculation and fear that some how I’ll be tracked, (you know, some vices need to be my own business haha). Any helpful tips?
HI Anon, I totally understand. If you are indeed in a location that requires age verification let me share a few things that might put your mind at ease. SHG does not receive any of your age verification information… Nor would we want to. The biggest reason being liability. I have zero interest in being responsible for anyone’s personal information and thus we save none. The company we use for age verification is highly reputable and this can be self determined with just a bit of research on your own. They have been in business for a VERY long time, initially providing age verification services for the tobacco and alcohol industries. They operate inside the united states and strictly abide by all global privacy standards, laws, and requirements. when you age verify with them, they simply tell us that user with email bla bla bla has verified, and we mark your login as such. It is worth noting that we do NOT send ‘what’ you are purchasing to the age verification company so even though you have verified your age with Agechecker, your vice is ‘still your own’.
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Presently some 20 states require us to do some sort of age verification in order to make purchase. We do more than a few verification each day and to date have had no issues. I have actually been very pleased with how many people have verified and how smooth Agechecker has made the process.
If you have further questions, or are not located in an location that requires verification, please reach out to me through the contact page at SHG and I will do my best to help.
Not sure what “ID” you’re getting at. I’ve been buying off of SHG-Media for years and I’ve never had any problems, other than one or two of the movies didn’t download correctly. A quick email to the producer and everything was fixed quickly.
Otherwise, never had a problem with them.
ill be real, i was pretty disappointed in this. a lot of the actual content was pretty great but it ended up getting kind of repetitive for an hour long video. there was even a moment where you could hear the directing saying “action,” which i honestly can’t remember happening in a lucia video, which made it feel kinda sloppy.
and i agree with the comment below about the ending being weird and feeling like an entire scene was missing.
the entire film is built to up to the idea of the heroine giving in and telling the villain where the HQ is, selling out her friends and fellow heroes. theres even a line early on where the villain mentions having a truth serum and like “but i’m going to make you ask me to give you the truth serum,” which is such an awesome evil idea…… but then its never brought up again. and then when she finally gives in at the end, theres no scene of her giving up her friends. its just like she gives into the idea of being a sex slave (though still not enjoying it), which isnt what the film was building up to. i definitely expected the film to be building up to her giving into the pleasure, smiling and being mind fucked, and no longer caring about her friends, giving up their location so she could continue having sex. and then being like “give me the truth serum so you know im telling the truth” but that never happens. it just kinda….. ends.
and like another comment said, it feels like the lucia vids have been ending kinda abruptly lately. like starshame 2 was INCREDIBLE but when the corruption happens its like 30 seconds before the film ends and we never really see the results like we should. or going back a little further to Pretty Bird 2, which is the sequel to i think like a top 3 heroine film EVER… and it was so good…. but then in the second half it forgot about the plot of her seeing a corrupt version of herself and when the mind break happened at the end, it faded to black and happened off camera…. unlike the first Pretty Bird we we got to see it happen and then we saw the result after.
another great example of peak Lucia is Doctress, where we got to see her break and then we saw what she was like after in a scene or the AMAZINNNNG Imperiled where she breaks maybe 75% of the way through and then we get a lot of time with the broken heroine. i hope Lucia looks at stuff like that again when doing the mind break stories like this. cuz at least for me, the film is make or break by the ending because thats what its all building up to.
(and just to be clear….. i dont think this is AWFUL. just disappointing given the plot and what it could have been)
also while im at it……. wasn’t there an Imperiled prequel teased a long time ago? what happened with that???
can anyone give info about the end if it feels unfinished like person below said??
I don’t have a super good answer for this but I can maybe help a little. ?
A trend in the comments that I’ve noticed lately is people having really strong preferences about a specific style of ending in these movies. Some people push the idea that it’s not really a proper ending if it’s not permanent. People also seem to be grasping onto the term corruption lately, as well. Same deal there. People argue that the heroine isn’t really defeated unless she’s “corrupted.” Personally, I like a losing ending more than a winning ending.
Point is, everyone has their preference. And with anything in this genre, not all movies will do everything you want it to. I feel like that’s fine for some people who just like heroine peril with a few preferences and kinks layered on top of it that will make them rank a video higher than something without it. Meanwhile others are here for their one specific thing and only that one specific thing. And I find that it gets hard to figure out what people are looking for, sometimes. Particularly, for something like “corruption.” Is giving in and accepting one’s fate corruption? Is “yes master”ing corruption? Or does the heroine need to be smiling? I don’t really know because I’m not in the camp of people that specifically grasp onto that concept.
Which is why I’m hesitant to say whether or not the ending feels incomplete. It doesn’t feel incomplete to me. I feel like it’s well established that the heroine has been pretty thoroughly defeated. SPOILER HERE: Towards the end of the video, she thanks the villain for fucking her (though is she legitimately grateful? I’m not sure about that. She is still in distress). She’s choked out. She’s left laying unconscious, no longer caged because it seems like the villain doesn’t even think that’s necessary in her current state. Personally, I liked how it ended. It felt dramatic and impactful. If a comic book ended that way, you’d say “holy shit! I can’t believe that happened!”
But she is not dead and I don’t have a clue where this falls on the “corruption” spectrum because I’m not sure the scale is the same from person to person. So someone might look at it and say it’s incomplete.
Sorry for such a long and rambling non-answer. Maybe that helps you figure out if it’ll work for you.
I truly don’t know what’s going on around here lately. Suddenly there’s a torch mob every time the heroine doesn’t end up dead or a gibbering mess. And this is concerning as I have two customs in flight that don’t end this way. Personally, I don’t have strong feelings either way about the endings… I like not knowing exactly what’s going to happen.
But I think what might be going on is that heroine win endings may not feel earned or well-executed (so to speak) compared to defeat endings. The heroine really has to flip the script at the end to win and at times that can feel forced (so to speak again.) The complaint about the new DCF seems to hinge on that. The commenter says the ending feels tacked on. I haven’t watched it yet but I’m most certainly going to buy it.
Personally, I tend to write heroine win endings just because they’re a better fit tonally to the movies otherwise. You have to be careful making something comedic the whole way just to go for a serious downer at the end… but it’s something I’m going to try soon.
The community that comments vs the community that buys are very different. I wouldn’t take too much away from all the people negging for death endings and or corruption endings
Even if 10 people publicly complain they don’t get death endings (and assume the average cost of a film is $50 bucks) that’s roughly $500 dollars of missed sales, which would what? Cover lunch and transportation?
The bigger reality is that these films are very expensive to make and it takes a lot of people to make them profitable, and the majority of buyers probably won’t want to see people die in their jerk off films. I rarely personally do death endings and a lot of people think my films are too violent for their taste
To each their own, but IMO there are always waves of request that pop up, and they are never aligned with the community that buys.
Great answer, man. Thank you!
There’s a sequence on an older video called Powercat 2 by New Phoenix Filmworks that has probably my favorite peril sequence in any SHIP video. This video feels like a long form of that sequence, and I totally dig this shit. Only thing cooler would’ve been showing her capture and maybe more than one abuser. What makes that sequence works is that she’s AOH and dragged and tossed around and groped by three dudes just tormenting her. And it’s a really dark moody piece so it really sells this idea of her being totally out of her depth and just completely at the mercy of her captors. With all the videos that have come out since then, I have yet to find a video that gets close to the mood of that one sequence, but this one gets pretty close.
can u give more details on the ending? curious after some of the talk here
I’ll say it’s a more ‘typical’ ending where the heroine broke and committed herself as a sex slave
is she like all sad about it or does she kinda give into the pleasure and just doesnt care anymore
Lucy is so beautiful
i am REALLY interested in this but if its not gonna have a permanent ending after she submits, i hope the “breaking” listed is LEGIT, like fully mind broken/mind fucked beyond repair
This intense peril action looks amazing, especially with a lot of AOH and Lucy’s fit bod! Can’t wait to check it out >:) 😈
Lucy BADLY needs to take a real dick on film in every position. She comes across as a shy nerd from high school who just wants to let herself go now that’s she’s smoking hot but doesn’t know how. My bet is wasn’t popular growing up but now has a lot of self confidence as natural sexual energy.
She clearly works hard to keep things tight and toned, unlike the others. Let’s see what that smoking body can really do.
Maybe you’re just projecting your own needs onto her?
Maybe you should keep your mouth shut.
DOG, the Internet chihuahua
lol shut your mouth “Dog”, hes not the one that needs to be quiet
Calm it down fellas, the only one who can insult people here is me.
Why is always andros with the stupid comments?
Because Andros probably ate paint chips as a kid
lets commision a hardcore one
Really enjoyed it but felt like it’s not finished with the ending, or a clip is missing as there’s no credits. Also could hear some “actions”
okay so this is kinda what I’m worried about. I saw a comment on another post that said Lucia endings have been kinda lacking lately, like they end abruptly and dont really spend enough time on the corruption or death or whatever. im a little worried that her “breaking” here will just be really quick, she’ll pass out and then get carried away, which is super boring.
hoping I’m wrong though and her breaking is her like…… giving into the pleasure of the sex and giving up the information because of it. like she no longer cares and happily gives up the info and gives into the evil
can you give more info on the ending? im in agreement with the comment above
this has me worried that the file itself is corrupt? Lucia movies always end with a credits card. gonna wait for more info on this ending before buying
Lucia’s movies haven’t had credits for quite some time. The last with the old “credits card” that I’ve seen was “Pretty Bird 2”. They just fade to black nowadays, and it’s common that there is still some sound to be heard when the screen is already black. So I without having seen this film, I am pretty sure that there is nothing missing or otherwise wrong. It’s just how they do it these days. I have no idea why though.
ya they kinda recently dropped the credits card for some reason. but either way, comments about the end got me worried so im waiting for more info on the ending
Lucy’s physique is magnificent, and the costume suits her well. She seems every inch the superheroine. I just wish they had shown her capture.