2025 (SHL)

Hello fellow degenerates its…

Time for the Annual ‘State of the Union’ Address

One year ago I had made some lofty plans for the year of 2024 – doubling production days, making more films aligned with storytelling like TKJ, overcoming some setbacks and narrowing my focus on characters like Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Supergirl. Well you know what they say about making plans – it gives the devil a little tickle to his ballsack.

The 2024 Trainwreck

Had 2024 worked out how I intended – I would have started out the first 3 months of the year releasing Generation Zod and Ares Rising. But variable factors made sure the train went off the tracks: 1. HeroineMovies new management stopped approving producers new post sometimes weeks after they were submitted 2. Consumer spending plummeted across not just the SHIP market but even Ronald McDonald began to panic from the choke on the marketplace 3. A studio and an actress took my money and ran with no intention of completing said work they were hired for.
I spent the first quarter of the year building this website to give all the new and old producers here a platform that was responsive so we can have a functional newsfeed that was made for us by us and not some company with no interest in the genre. Ares Rising had some production issues that the new marketplace didn’t allow me to toss money at to fix. And of course being robbed by two peers massively delayed my reshoot plans for Ares Rising and by the time I was able to shoot again – the summer of LA had come and made it impossible to shoot in LA at the height of summer.

2024 Revisited and Conclusion

Had things gone my way I would have released at least 6 big films last year (I don’t consider LoFi films big films) minimum. In reality – I released 2 big films. No one is more disappointed about that than me and my bank account, I promise you. But I am no ones victim, so while last year was just short of being a fucking nightmare I am ready to put it behind me and focus on the future. I am humbled by having to try to run a fetish business escaping financial disaster by the skin of my teeth. But that being said – all previous promises and plans about what characters I would focus on and what kind of budgets I would be using etc are cancelled. I am returning to square 1. I am ‘Godzilla minus 1’.


This coming year I want to find the ‘fun’ again. If I am going into a marketplace where spending is down, world wars are on the brink, political climates are rising in tension, the end of the world is here and the sky is falling – then I personally want to ensure my and your escapism is free of it all, free of worrying about cost, free of worrying about what character sells, free of whats come before – I want to return to making fun and exciting superheroine fetish films.

That being said – I do want for ‘SHL’ to be partially more collaborative this year. If half of you are no longer buying films cause you can’t afford it then I would like to talk to those who have a wallet ready and willing. If only 50 of you would buy a Sue Storm film – then let’s get the 50 of you in a chat room and figure it out. If 50 of you are tired of films where the heroine is fucked at the end of the film and you got the money to spend – then I want to get the 50 of you to agree on what kind of film that is, who it stars and what kind of costume is featured and lets work it out.

I will be very honest though – I am practicing a new form of taoism aka ‘If you have no customer history of buying anything from me, I don’t give a fuck about your opinion’. There is a little gang of commenters who come in very hot and heavy with some very critical and pointed dialogue about the kind of work I should make and in my research – all have the same thing in common… no proof they have ever bought a single film from me. And I am sorry but I am shutting the door on ingesting opinions from people who watch my films illegally and then want to bully me into making films that suit their hotdog strangling time. I won’t argue with you and your tantrums this year. I am reserving my goodwill and energy for the the people who matter.

Pending Projects

As of now the only public projects I have done preorders for are my three Black Label films. And while there isn’t much to report regarding them I think its due for me to talk through my plan and where it stands now, progress on the plans and where I am trying to head with the projects.
For context and transparency – not a lot of people preordered the Black Label films (in general, not a lot of people buy preorders, I am guessing thats not obvious from afar) so its not like I am sitting like a dragon on a mound of gold. I used the money that I received to order expensive fabrics, began work on prop building or hiring professional prop builders and began building costumes and working on preproduction work for the three films. As a specific example of what this looks like – I have 6 Batgirl bodysuits and multiple cowls ready to be destroyed for her Black Label film.
That being said – the only way these films are getting made is with big production budgets. I have stated it before but for the sake that some of you haven’t seen it or forgot – my plan has always been to roll the profit of my smaller films into funding the production of these bigger projects. And I plan to spend more money per film in production cost than some of my films make in totality. Which means – I need to make multiple semi decent selling films in order to make every single Black Label film.
Here’s how the math of that works out – last year (2024) I only released 2 big films for the whole year, which means – any profit they made simply was used to keep the studio from closing. My hope is if I am able to make many films in the first half of this year – then I can potentially piggyback their net profit into shooting at least 1 of the Black Label projects in the 2nd half of this year. But I can’t make any promises cause I cannot control whether or not a film sells well. No profit means = no production budget.
So recap – the more films I can shoot this year, the more likely it is we get a Black Label film before the end of the year. If I only release one big project between now and July – then no soup for you.

Whats Next?

Goddamn, this is a wordy post. My apologies.

I have been mulling over a couple specific projects, a variation of actresses I would like to work with and what kind of next projects I want to take on. A lot of my mental energy last year went into building plans for my Black Label projects that to some degree has disarmed my more immediate plans. So I would like to take a head count from the lot of you as to what what things might peak your interest regarding some of the potential projects I might take on as I am currently flexible about what I toss myself into next


I mention it over a year ago an actress had expressed the desire to do a Catwoman film, that actress being Alina Lopez. In previous comments people suggested some ideas and one of the ones that stuck out to me was potentially a story involving both Batman and Bane. Talk about expensive!
If I am doing a film with Batman in it – best believe I am bringing my A game. And I would want to make a Bane unlike anything you have seen in SHIP thus far. But alas, the cost of such a pursuit would be borderline Black Label territory. (Grade A level Batman and Bane is just honestly that expensive)
Here are my concerns – I don’t know enough of you would actually buy a film with Catwoman that would even break even the cost of producing such a film. I also don’t know I could get Alina back for such a film either – so if you have desire to see a Catwoman film you would need to be open to whomever I would cast as I cannot promise miss Lopez.
All those things considered – I am moving the needle on my end. I will begin designing and making a costume for Catwoman even if I don’t end up making this film. The cost alone of acquiring, making or getting Batman and Bane costumes would probably run between 2-4 grand if they are done to my standards. Therefore – if you magically have deep pockets and Catwoman is your kink – reach out and sign up to the Catwoman newsletter.
Unlike other projects, the only way I will see this one through is with a big budget. In my personal opinion Catwoman in costume and her character is kind of boring by itself (all black bodysuit, anti-hero, etc) – she needs window dressing to really stand out (the window dressing in this case being a film quality Batman and Bane) therefore – her project to me will only work if the production does everything possible to sell you the world of Gotham and it not just be ‘girl in a tight costume vs a thug in hoodie’.
Call me cynical but I don’t know I see a reality in which I could secure enough of a budget through generous donations (in trade for specific content) and preorders to make this film. So I really need the audience to raise their hand and bring their wallet regarding this one, otherwise… this one ain’t getting off the ground floor.

(Link for sign up at the bottom of the article)


Oh… Jessica Drew.

A few years ago someone in the comments asked if I would ever do a spider-woman film. And I was not game whatsoever. I really historically hate, loathe, Jessica Drews costume when it’s done in real life. That is not an invitation for you to send me cosplay photos of the character either – I have seen them and I hate them. But I do love her costume when it’s drawn in comic form. The commenter challenged me to try it – I said fuck no, costumes are expensive, not worth my time or money… so they sent me money to ‘try’ and make one anyway (it was very nice of them, round of applause please).
I spent some time last year building a pattern from scratch for my IRL version of the Spider-Woman costume and low n behold I think I arrived at something that is really cool. But alas the pursuit was kind of aimless – I was making a costume with no actress in mind, no project that I was aiming for and no budget for a film to aim for.
And with that I want to open it up to you, dear viewer, to sign up to my Spider-Woman newsletter if you are aching to see her brought to a hardcore film for $60 bucks or for a generous donation to ensure she does something on film that you would like to see personally. I am open to casting suggestions and the like.
And in case it needs to be said – I prefer heroines with pantyhose. So if this film is going to get made (with a full bodysuit) then there needs to be a generous interest in seeing it get made. Cause I will not be spending my own personal money to do such a thing when instead I could make another film with a heroine in a leotard who shows more leg.

(Link for sign up at the bottom of the article)

Lucy Westenra

Speaking of legs – I plan on working with Lucy Westenra this year if she will humor it. I don’t know yet what kind of costume or character I would want to feature her in (just that it’s definitely going to feature pantyhose or I will die). If you would like to be kept in the loop about this project – sign up for the newsletter below. Please do be considerate and remember – any depictions of sex in a film with her would be simulated.

(If any of you are confused by the photo, my apologies for my lack of explanation)

Super Remote

I do plan on making more films with both Yellozzy and Anastasia this year. How often I work with them is mostly based on how many of you want it to happen – and preorders can potentially make this happen within the next two months or sooner. Would you like to donate more to ask for specific content? Reach out. I know they would welcome the extra work.

Other actresses

Kira Fox, Kayla Coyote, Coco, Dakota/Alicia Moon, Ophelia, McKenzie – like Ash Ketchum I wanna catch them all. From time to time you get comments, emails, inquiries ‘why don’t you make ______ with ______’ and most of the time the answer is usually the same for me… I just didn’t win the lottery this year.
As a human person, with two arms, one brain and a time limit of roughly 16 hours a day (if you leave out the time I shower, feed myself and walk dogs) I simply don’t have enough time and money to do so.
And when I have to be more selective about the work I choose to make (aka I have 5 grand and I am going to spend it on a supergirl film or whatever, and thats all I can afford right now) because I don’t usually make customs and I usually make my own costumes (which costs me a lot of time away from editing) – I tend to deprioritize the actresses that are actively making great work with my peers.
I know this can cause frustration from time to time cause a rare few of you for whatever reason like my finger prints on a thing – but to me it’s always been an obvious compromise. If everyone else is selling chocolate ice cream then I am going to go for strawberry. Especially from a marketing standpoint – I remember like 4-5 years ago I released a film with an actress and two other films with the same actress came out that week. IMO everyone loses in those situations.
But unlike last year – I do plan to be more active this year (God willing) so… cast your vote via newsletter sign ups. I would love to work with any of these actresses if they are open to the work. And if enough of you are willing to preorder films with one or more of these actresses – then potentially I can make begin green lighting some of these projects sooner than later and be more proactive this year with more concurrent releases.
And as a reminder one last time – do not sign up for any of the newsletters if you don’t buy films. If I get tons of sign ups for a specific actress and when it comes time to preorder – no one commits – then the project will be cancelled. The last poll I did (regarding which film I should release next) 4 times more people voted for Wondergirl than people who bought the film. Casting a vote for a project you have no intention of buying isn’t helpful, it’s stupid.

Submit Your Interest


I think that covers just about everything… Ask Me Anything in the comment section below. Fingers crossed this year is more smooth sailing than last (as I type this… LA is currently on fire). Also… let me know if the lot of you might want another Ashley Lane SHX film between now and the Black Label film (Adding it to the bottom of the list in the link above). My original intention was to hold off on another Ashley Lane Batgirl project until her Black Label film but I think enough time has passed that maybe a 60 minute adventure might be of interest to some of you. Last year I was still burnt out from TKJ and wasn’t ready to revisit the character. But who knows… technically I have more than enough costumes made, it would simply be a matter of doing it. Customs perhaps? Lesbian scene? I dunno… it’s 5am in Chicago. Goodnight!


Dropped this film roughly 10 days ago… buy it… you know you want too

P.S. Discord

I can’t remember when is the last time we mentioned it here but Ultraheroix runs a Discord group for SHIP. I don’t know how many of you even know what Discord is, but… you are invited

Join us there

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124 Responses

  1. F L says:

    I was planning to get a custom made with Anastasia. She has been using isolated ideas from a script I send her years ago but couldn’t get to film (she going solo and injuring her leg later).

    That said my intention was to feature the character Silk in it, which I know it’s not the most mainstream or popular character for a super remote video.

    But maybe I should write to you and see if we can poll resources. Thank you for making this very detailed post. The Jessica Drew video idea seems to be the dream of many here and would love to see a properly good costume of her done!

    • SHL SHL says:

      You are always welcome to reach out to me but I am guessing you meant ‘pool’ resources? I am assuming you mean for me to get others to contribute to your idea and if that is what you meant – I don’t try to get multiple people to fund another customers custom.

      • F L says:

        Hi sorry writing with phone so mistakes and autocorrect happen. Yes I meant “pool”.

        And no I wouldn’t want anyone else to get involved. The more voices chimming in the more diluted every one gets. I can fund my idea myself luckily but if you are planning on making videos with her and I like the script or ideas I would love to help fund those as well if any of them involve the Silk costume.

        It’s a design I love and I feel it’s criminally under-represented in general.

        Thanks for taking the time to answer and sorry for any misunderstanding

  2. Michael says:

    I have bought your batgirl films. so, I will make my comments known AGAIN!
    showing legs, NO pantyhose! otherwise, I need to see a trailer. I did not like a 100 dollar batgirl movie,
    so, try to cut out the filler.

    • Orphios990 says:

      you made it know once do you really need to make it known “AGAIN?” I am sure he read it the first time. In terms of panty hose, although i agree with you that I prefer bare legs, he has been very clear that he is a panty hose guy. That isnt going to change unless it serves a specific purpose in the story for their not to be panty hose (or maybe an actress he is dying to work with declines panty hose and he chooses to work with her anyway – I guess that is possible). Panty hose are always going to be in his movies, at least at this stage of his career. In terms of trailors, he always offers trailers so you will see them. In terms of not liking a $100 movie? That is your perogoatitive. I dont like every movie I see but that is called life – we dont always like what we see. As for filler, you mean story? A story teller cant ever win with a broad audience. Some want more story; some want less story; in these types of movies – some want more sex, less sex, more violence and beatings, less violence and beatings, different types of violence and beatings, differnt types of sexual positions. Blow jobs bear hugs, boot removal stomach punches (Me). People have multiple and differing fetishes and slight variations of fetishes. A story teller cant please everyone. I often wish producer would offer a slower pace torture/rape video where every movement or action has meaning and you really digest the suffering so to speak. It doesnt really happen and that is okay. Many of my other needs/fetishes are met in most of these videos. So relax, buy or don’t buy, but understand these movies arent just catered to you or me specifically.

      *I do not work with Damien, I do not know Damien, and I am not affiliated with Damien. These are my words not his. He can offer his own opinion if/when he wants to. If he disagrees with me well then he is wrong 🙂

    • Orphios99 says:

      was my comment taken down?

    • LoCLai says:

      He does have some productions without pantyhose. It is just a matter of taste and preference. I am one of those no pantyhose, no money dudes, but I also purchased his non pantyhose products cuz I know he needs $$$$ to pump out more production that makes heroine fans like me happy and excited.

  3. Pegg says:

    I agree with the Catwoman take, the costume is really boring and without the expensive setup of Batman, villains, Gotham and all that it really just doesn’t seem worth it. I feel that money would be far better spent on another heroine who needs less set up to make an equal quality movie

    • SHL SHL says:

      This isn’t a Catwoman vs Supergirl situation. The venn diagram of customers who would pay to see a Catwoman film probably doesn’t overlap much with something like Supergirl, or Wonder Woman. I have pools of customers that only buy very specific characters and nothing else.

      So if Catwoman gets a green light it’s not taking money from the production budget of any other film. Or if it does, it does very little

  4. Badd Blud says:

    The first movie I purchased from you was the first Alina Lopez/Wonder Woman film. She had just done a hardcore lesbian film as Wonder Woman for another company which I purchased as well. Alina doing SHiP was a surprise and I ended getting all of the Rye stuff too! Clearly she is one of my favorite actresses. I missed the presale of the Alina/Spider Girl but got it as soon as it launched. I wish I had gotten the pre-orders as the bonus material you sent out with Ares were top notch. Any chance of an Alina BTS offering?

    Then you launched Alex Coal as Zatanna, damn if you didn’t hit it out of the park with that one! My money was your money on that one!. I did the pre-order on TKG which WAS pricey but well worth the money paid. The bonus material you sent out with the different endings was top notch and killed a lot of space on my HDD. The off shoot you recently released with Harley & Batgirl getting fucked was the cherry on top of that project!

    TBH, anything you make with Alina I will buy, but as you stated, she is a hard catch to book! My next pick would be Dakota/Alicia C. Moon in any role you pick. Her Batgirl stuff is top notch and she HAS done hardcore recently for another studio ($80 well spent)! Hopefully she would be up for it. Liv Revamped as Robin in a sequel to TKJ would be awesome. Not to give it away, but after the photos of her were taken, were they released to Gotham by the Joker? What trauma did the lady under the mask face next? Damn, that would be a good story!

    Your Customer-


  5. Anon says:

    Hey Damien, just a quick question. Will Batgirl:Misadventures be the next release? Thanks!

  6. Ben says:

    I want to bring up an idea that may benefit everyone in the long run

    Over the last few months that have been a few people that have talked about the communication issues in this SHIP community certainly between producers and Customers/Fans

    I certainly think a few people that have brought up these issues haven’t put them in a very respectful way, have been quite rude about it but having said this there’s definitely underline issues that can be addressed and I may have a solution that will benefit everyone.

    I’m only been in SHIP fandom for over a year now, there have been other Communities and other fetishes that I’ve been interested in certainly communicate a lot better than this community… I understand some of the issues that the prevent producers from communicating as regularly as I would like

    what I think would be a good solution is maybe there be a monthly post written by Damien that will collect updates from all the Producers (certainly the big ones like TBFE, Lucia, DCF, LeeCarl, Westenra, Himself) but also add the smaller producers as well if they want to be involved.

    Producers could just spend 10 minutes to write an email to Damien, just giving a monthly update status on any releases that are planned in the next month or two, any Productions that are in filmed recently, any plans for the recent future, any housekeeping issues, and general updates really…

    Damian can collect all of this and then post it in one post at the start or end of each month

    I think this will benefit the producers in the long run, having better communication and having a connection with fans that’s a more of a structured process, it would certainly benefit paying customers and fans to have a regular updates from their favourite producers and hopefully we’ll get rid of some of the negativity that’s been around for the last year.

    it’s an idea… that I don’t think it will be too hard to complete and comply to… maybe Damien can email all the producers and just pitch out of them

    Cos I do think it’s disappointing that we don’t have regular updates and communication from most producers (I think the only person that’s regular in communication is Damien)

    • SHL SHL says:

      I can definitely run a variation of this thought by producers to get their response as to whether or not they could accommodate such a thing. And for the record, if I notice something brewing I do reach out to people to communicate things (like recently with Lee a week or so ago when some people wanted to check in)

      I think my only concern is that if someone is unable to communicate via this site be it cause they are busy or whatever may be occurring in their personal lives – then they may not have the time for me to be inquiring either.

      I don’t know there is a perfect solution for this kind of situation though as I suspect as sales have trended downward there is probably a higher sense of urgency regarding making an income outside of the genre as well as less incentive to be spending more time here socially. Take that with a grain of salt though as I cannot speak on the behalf of anyone else, nor have I ever directly inquired about reasons why either.

      As for me – I am very active here cause I am a SHIP fan. Arguably an addict? But I don’t think it’s realistic for anyone else to be as chronically on this site or on SHIP discords as I am. I have just very much built my life routines around being readily available to this audience regardless if you like me or not.

      • Ben says:

        Thanks for the response and saying you going to pitch it to the other producers 🙂 hopefully it’s something that can come to fruition

    • Ben says:

      But we do have to have all producers sign up to doing this.. We can’t have Damien one month saying well i haven’t heard from Lucia (or whoever) this month. If the producers can get in a routine of doing this each month, again I don’t think it’s much to ask (1 email a month) I think it can have huge benefits to everyone here

    • Snidely Snidely says:

      As a customer (and client) I would love this, but at the same time I know these producers haven’t got much time and are working day jobs as well. I am no expert in their time commitments but I feel like for this to work it would have to be a very easy time commitment for them that could be a useful routine if it leads to more sales. My question to the producers out there would be, does it benefit you to sneak info out about what’s coming vs surprise us all? When I have a custom in the works I try to build hype without going into too much detail (my job is fairly secretive in nature so I tend to lean towards secrecy in other things).

    • Hual says:

      I fully support your idea, sounds good

  7. Anon says:

    Would love to see Star Nine make a return, those legs are unmatched. I’m aware she has one film out with SHL but the costume doesn’t really do it for me.

  8. Rawrlock says:

    Would you consider a pre-release crowdfunding campaign to help gauge interest before making a film?

    For example, you could make a post detailing the next project you’re thinking of doing (e.g. Spider-Woman). Then open it up for pre-orders, with the caveat that you will only take the money and commit to the film once the pre-orders hit a certain threshold (e.g. $3k in pre-orders or whatever you think is right).

    If you don’t hit the threshold, no one gets charged any money and you don’t start work on the film. The implication is that there wasn’t enough real interest.

    If you do hit the threshold, all the people who pre-ordered get charged, you collect the pre-order money, and then you start work on the film.

    You could even use this approach to decide which of several projects to pursue next. I.E., put up a few options and let people vote with their wallets.

    (Separate from all of this, I’d still be in favor of a pink kryptonite movie!)

    • SHL SHL says:

      Through what mechanism do you believe I would be able to do this through? Cause I can promise you Kickstarter or Indiegogo or whatever wouldn’t be cool with crowdfunding rape porn.

      Otherwise it’s a cool thought, but it’s a complicated programming issue and I don’t have the skillset required to build such a thing.

      • Rawrlock says:

        Good point. I suppose this would only work for more consensual-type content to avoid violating terms of service for crowdfunding sites. I just ran a quick Google search and saw that Indiegogo allows crowdfunding for porn, but there’s probably stuff in their TOS that prohibit darker stuff.

        Another way you might be able to do it would be via this website. Something like the following:

        1) Advertise the project on this site, with an email link for people to express their willingness to fund a pre-order.
        2) If you hit the threshold of commitments, use the pre-order system you’ve used in the past for people to actually make their payments.
        3) Make an update post on this website so that people can see how close we are to the threshold. Also, this gives an opportunity for other people to join in.
        4) If you don’t hit the threshold for actual payments (i.e. people not following through), then take down the payment link and refund anyone who has actually paid.

  9. Darren Hodge says:

    Alex Coal was superb in Zatanna. Would love to see her in one of your future films.

  10. SHL SHL says:

    I am have noticed a trend I would like to shut down in the comment section – Spider-Woman would be a hardcore film. Please do not suggest non-hardcore talent for Spider-Woman casting. I have no intention of making a softcore Spider-Woman film.

  11. RenNStimpy says:

    Mckenzie as Spider-Woman would be 🍌’s

    I can’t even fathom what kind of a story line it would be though, I’m not gonna write a paragraph suggesting shit.

    The Spider – Gwen film was an instant certified hood classic tho.

    We need anotha 1. Amazeballs.

  12. MarzBarz says:

    Add me to your list. A Sue Storm or spiderwoman film would be out of this world!

  13. Hagarb says:

    Anastasia is insanely hot. +1 for another super remote with her. Maybe a Silk video this time? Well, I can be wrong but I think she does have also a Black Cat outfit. Anastasia as Silk or as Black Cat and you have my money.

  14. What happened to the Robin project with Liv Revamped?
    I had given to see this film, I hope it is not canceled…

    • Super Lex says:

      not sure how anyone else feels about this but I’d be down for a Liv Revamped as a Halle Berry version of Catwoman.

  15. anonymouse1313 says:

    Any hope for that PG-13 Batgirl ‘66 project?

    • SHL SHL says:

      0 percent chance. Various reasons but the primary being I don’t know a single casting that could come close to Yvonne Craig, therefore I am just not interested in doing it. Yvonne Craig is the 66 Batgirl, to me its not really a costume thing but a performance thing

      • swampy170 says:

        Angela Sommers? – Her acting ability is excellent, well represented by Mr Weathers work @ jimweathersarchives.

        Fetish model rates for a PG-13 film could be challenging though.

      • anonymouse1313 says:

        Maybe I’m thinking of a different project, actually (hopefully not a different producer, if so, sorry!) There was a non-fetish model already attached to the concept who was interested in portraying Batgirl with an emphasis on death traps. It sounded prohibitive in terms of set requirements.

        • SHL SHL says:

          The person you are thinking of ultimately was unable to be a part of the project, so I put the thing to rest temporarily to focus on my other work.

  16. KZ says:

    Hopefully, we can see more pantyhose getting dirty and ripped in the new movies.

  17. Bob says:

    Spiderwoman should be done.

  18. Evilvodkaman says:

    Would love a Spiderwoman film, loved the character since I was a kid watching the cartoons on TV, she was always in peril in them getting tied up or captured and probably subconsciously got me into the genre.

    Hated the phase they went through with changing her costume after the Milo Minara fuss and glad she’s back in her original …although seems to be drawn less sexy.

    I agree in every live action thing I’ve seen the costume never looks very good and the mask is always a bit weird so will be up for buying a film to see what the costume looks like if you’ve managed to crack it (the tightness and stretchiness looks like it would need to be rubber), as mentioned above I’d like to see a black label …but TBF beggars can’t be choosers.

  19. Riton says:

    STOP with BANE ^^
    You searche a reason, to don’t make the vidéo.
    You can make a video with Catwoman / Batgirl, and Batman.
    STOP with BANE, it’s a BAD IDEA !!!

  20. SGFan SGFan says:

    Added my vote/email for the Super Remote option as I really enjoyed the last one with the three actors. The ‘scratching’ poisoning Supergirl peril idea, the villainess, a lovely Supergirl, and even the guy’s look was up my alley as well. Costumes and everything were great and I’d love to see them doing more. I’ve also enjoyed the LoFi vids I’ve purchased.

  21. Anonymous lurker says:

    +1 for cat. The catwoman costume doesn’t have to be all black. You could do the purple balent/long hallwoeen suit or the grey animated suit and make alterations to your heart’s content. You could get away with a fabric cowl too. I can’t find it but I remember seeing a cosplayer in an alternative Peiffer suit that was made into a leotard, dark pantyhouse, and thigh highs that looked amazing

  22. LoCLai says:

    Hey DW, as a loyal “Shut up and take my money” customer since you started your projects. Catwoman or any other projects, for me, all depend on the costume; if your costumes reflect any leftist ideas of gender equality, no legs, no pantyhose… count me out. I think what you need to do is diversify the ending of each movie. I would love to see more happy ending movies instead of all bad ending films. Also, besides the sex and fighting scenes, I would love to see more tied-up torture scenes. My bottom line is pantyhose and legs. As long as you have that stuff in your films, “just shut up and take my money!” Cheers!!!

    • SHL SHL says:

      “if your costumes reflect any leftist ideas of gender equality”

      What? LOL

      • Orphios99 says:

        yeah on what Local said – I found your henchmen in zod the coloring on their left socks each had a color that at one time a leftist in Little Rock, Arkansas mentioned in causual conversation to a leftist in Piscataway, New Jersey in an online forum about how much ricotta cheese to put in a lasagna. you need to stop that immediately. It just kills my immersion!

        lol some people

  23. fpylp says:

    Is it possible to have more black rather than skin color pantyhose in future films?

    • fpylp says:

      Also to get more accurate customer interest data, maybe send out survey only to emails with purchase history, or multiple purchase history.

  24. blackjebus blackjebus says:

    The catwoman flick sounds interesting. It would be a cool idea of you combined the Knightfall story and the recent storyline where Bane sabotaged Batman’s and Catwoman’s wedding.

  25. Jake says:

    Spider woman would be awesome for a dark label project! I would be down for the 100%

  26. Parts Unknown says:

    I signed up for the Kira Fox newsletter. However, I’m only interested if the costume shows leg, like a leotard. So I’m not interested in Catwoman or Spider-Woman.

  27. SW says:

    Any plans on more Lo-Fi releases?
    Pantyhose lovers appreciate your support (pun intended)

  28. Bobby says:

    Signed up for the Catwoman list! For full transparency I did fund an upcoming Catwoman v Bane film with tbfe. Imo, there’s not enough catwoman ship films but in case that affects the story idea for your film

  29. ck1402 ck1402 says:

    I have purchased a few films and love your work and the quality you put into your work. (my email my not pop up in the registry, but the username might)

    Regardless i have signed up for the different lists and did pre-orders as well and loved TKJ. I am looking forward to what 2025 brings. I enjoy the black label films and those would be my primary purchase, but i have purchased from your back catalog.

    I would definitely love to see more of Alina. I also would love to see Kira in something as well. Of course the right fit for the right part can get hard to do.

    Regardless you will always have a customer in me. If i can put down more money i definitely would once my peak season starts to roll in. Would love to discuss where i can help etc.

  30. nix says:

    If the Catwoman movie is about Baine (an EXTREMELY MUSCULAR villain), he defeats and subdues Batman, leaving him tied and immobilized, only to see how in front of him, Baine savagely rapes Catwoman in her mouth, her vagina and in her anus (when he penetrates her anally, this is when Catwoman suffers the most because the pain is unbearable) and then puts Catwoman in front of Batman and breaks her neck, she falls to her knees in front of him. to Batman, dead and with her eyes open, and then Baine leaves quietly, leaving Batman alive, as a lesson not to continue with his night patrol or get involved in his affairs.
    If the story goes more or less that way I buy, buy, BUY

    • AWS Man AWS Man says:

      That feels a bit too dark for Alina, or probably any of Damien’s regular models except for maybe Ashley. But I like dark, so I’d enjoy seeing it!

  31. AJAAJA says:

    Catwoman with alina would be terrific damnn, especially with her new tits

  32. ciaran says:

    I have always loved your videos including your batgirl films from the prison, double crossed and TKJ. Are the costumes mix of bodysuit and full body suits. I prefer the costume worn by ashley.

    A catwoman or spiderwoman film would be great. I look forward to seeing alina she was great in your spidergirl film.

    I also enjoy your custom characters and would love to see them more.

    I just wish we could have the heroine getting unmasked before the costume is destroyed. I would love to see them in the costume without the mask.

    I like the idea of the heroine being in normal cloths and changing into costume (either strip and put on costume or have costume on under their clothing).

    Mabey someone sees barbara gordon (or other batgirl) in normal clothing they capture her. The start to undress her seeing her batgirl costume under her cloths.

    I am normally not a fan of really hard-core films but I know they sell so I am willing to compromise.

    Hopefully we can see you do what you do best in 2025 and I look forward to hear any news about future projects.

  33. Siggi says:

    In general, I am especially interested in any film with masked women.
    Especially if they are wearing a “real” mask that properly hides their identity (like a cowl or full face mask).
    Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman and Spider-Gwen are my favorites.
    Alina is my favorite fetish actress, she just looks gorgeous!
    So… if you are making a Catwoman video… especially with Alina… DAMN, that would be awesome!
    And any other flick with a masked heroine or villainess would be very much welcome….

    • Siggi says:

      P.S.: Yes, we may have had some …differences… on a forum about my opinion on a video of yours.
      But still… I have bought quite a couple of your videos over the years.

      • SHL SHL says:

        You were the one who was massively underwhelmed and disappointed with TKJ right? If you find yourself buying more of my films I guess I would forewarn you that you’ll leave disappointed again and that’s all I really can say about all that.

        • Siggi says:

          “…who was massively underwhelmed and disappointed with TKJ right?”
          No… that is way too much.

          • SHL SHL says:

            If you insist, dug it up and this was the intro to your review

            “When I get too hyped about something … I mostly end up disappointed one way or the other. It’s difficult for me to stop the hype train 🤔 And yeah, in terms of my over-the-top expectations… I am a little disappointed with this one. Often I am more positive than others, but not in this case. This time I am not hyped anymore… unlike many others. The long waiting period (which I can totally understand) certainly made things worse for me as I was looking forward to seeing this one more and more. Not even fully sure why I got THIS hyped, guess following the whole production process with the comments on HeroineMovies contributed to getting my expectations too high. This is a fetish video with an epic length… which results in the most expensive single video I ever bought. And when I pay a lot… I expect a lot….“

            You can translate that however you like, you also kept bringing up how much money you spent on it. So I think it’s fair to say: brace yourself… you are about to experience… lots of disappointment

  34. Dr G says:

    The Catwoman and Spiderwoman movies sound like a good idea. Which version of Catwoman would you do ? I liked the Jim Balent version of Catwoman, but the version of Catwoman might start a catfight here 🙂

  35. Eric Perridon says:

    6 batgirl costumes and cowls that must be crazy to pay but it’s they are going destroyed from your own projects and also creating Catwoman flim that would help, hopefully you can doing anything to make it.
    P.s. Had Alice Moon in your flims would be nice and amazing.

  36. Super Lex says:

    well, I’m working on winning that elusive powerball, if I ever do, you’ll be the first one I ever call.

  37. Anonymous says:

    I’ve purchased a few of your films, and I’m hoping my email can pop in your sales registry. I don’t comment much or often;

    I admire your work, although the batgirl films are too dark in my opinion, I understand that they might be another’s tastes, and I respect that. I’ve only purchased videos which I find interesting.

    I am personally waiting on a Catwoman film, and would like to see a rubber latex clad actress in a high productions value film. I’d wish for a scenario where a heist has gone wrong and her whip gets used against her (some costume destruction there) and antagonist has her way with her. Batman and Bane are not necessary, but I’ll bite whatever has Catwoman in it.

    I’m curious how your Zatanna film fared in sales? As it is one of the few films (if not the only film) where a unique heroine is featured, anyone wanting to see her must’ve purchased the film? With that logic, I’m assuming a high production film featuring Catwoman would fare well as well? I am certain there’s a crowd wishing for a latex/pvc suit heroine.

    • SHL SHL says:

      Zatanna for its time sold about half as many copies as any other Wonder Woman / Supergirl film I sold around the same time. I didn’t mind it didn’t do as well, but I think a lot of people missed out as I thought the film was pretty cool

      I am squeamish on ‘whipping’ scenes. Early in my fetish career I did a couple whip scenes mostly because HM use to put them in his films and since we worked together on a few projects naturally I ended up shooting them as well but – I had multiple rabid ‘whip’ fans come after me for not doing whipping to their standards. I am not a whip fetishist – so I won’t take an hour on set to try to make convincing whip marks and things of that nature – and since I won’t take the time to do it right I would mostly be inviting a lot of criticism in doing it poorly

      I don’t fault you for not having dark taste. Granted, I don’t think my Batgirl films are as dark as people often tell me they are. Must just be the black costume in stark lightning or something!

      • Super Lex says:

        I don’t think they’re that dark either. I think your choice of actress and her acting abilities create good immersion for the scene and that’s what makes them appear dark. TKJ was probably the darkest I’ve seen your films go with some of the extra scenes that you shot. I loved the additional fun scene that I bought where it was just a wild fun threesome between Joker, Harley and Batgirl. I love seeing a contrast between the dark serious stuff and then seeing a fun scene like that with the same actors and actresses.

        • SHL SHL says:

          I suppose Ashley not pretending she likes it is what people really mean regarding how “dark” they are rating the films. Which to be fair – she is definitely playing it like a real rape scene

          • saxman314 says:

            This is precisely why I’m not really into your videos, and exactly what I mean when I think “dark.” In the genre, most everything is rape, but there’s usually an element of it being a kinky consensual non-consent vibe somehow in how the actress sells it. In the SHL vids it just feels much more realistic. Very well done, attractive cast, great outfits, etc. Just not my thing. But there’s not really anyone else consistently putting out videos with that feel, so for the people who are about that, I’m sure every video is an instant buy. And even though I know the vibe is not quite my thing, I’m usually sorely tempted. Will probably wind up buying Wondergirl: Without Honor, too.

            • SHL SHL says:

              I have a feeling you are mostly reacting to Ashley Lanes performance, which, is not usual for ‘SHL’ videos, its just how she prefers to play the scene

              • saxman314 says:

                Maybe… I have an extreme kink for the WW character so I buy all of those regardless (Alina Lopez, Abbey Maley, and soon enough the Without Honor one which is close enough for me) and still find your productions to be a bit more real in feel than I’m 100% on board with. It’s definitely true that Ashley’s performances are more so, but it’s also part of the vibe of most of your videos that I’ve seen. Strangely, I think that’s actually what I liked about the very first Uninvited back in the day. Kinks are weird lol. IMO it’s a factor that sets the SHL videos apart and I’m sure there are many people that buy them just for that feel.

      • John says:

        Zatanna I think might be your best movies.

        And I know I don’t speak for everyone but at least I appreciate the darkness of how Ashley plays it, makes it different than other producers.

  38. Frank says:

    Honestly, I think Lucy would be an awesome Spider-Woman based on how flexible she is. I think her posture and movement would fit that character well.

    • SHL SHL says:

      The Spider-Woman film as per the original donating patron is intended to be hardcore, which Lucy does not do.

      • Frank says:

        Ah, I didn’t know that (that it was intended to be hardcore). I could see her playing a non-hardcore version really well either way.

  39. SHL SHL says:

    Updates are coming soon but I am not going to be talking about that project until its closer to delivery.

  40. afadingsignal says:

    I’ve bought a few of your films and they are always high quality. Kira Fox in a black label film would be an instant preorder for me. She would work for me as any character but would love to see her as Catwoman. Her being forced by Bane after breaking Batman’s back and making him watch would be diabolical

    • SHL SHL says:

      My only resistance to that idea is – Kira is already in an all black outfit in Lee Carls films. It be a little to close to the work he has made with her for me to feel good about it.

      • afadingsignal says:

        That’s fair and honestly probably why I imagined her good in the Catwoman suit. I love those films and think you could probably bring a little more out of her performance similar to how Ashley plays it where she is more actively resistant/not enjoying it.

        But yeah maybe her in a different color suit would be better. Like I said I’d instant preorder anything you did with her in it

  41. dilmrilm says:

    Instant buy on Catwoman and Jessica Drew (totally agree with your comment, Jessica looks great in comics but IRL never looks as good for some reason, but I trust you’ll do your usual magic 😊). And more Ashley as Batgirl or Supergirl would be awesome. Also intrigued what you would make with Lucy, she’s so beautiful, thought you did wonderful films with McKenzie, so something similar maybe?

  42. drswaz says:

    SHL2025 has potential to be fantastic!!
    Am absolutely on board for a Catwoman/Bane movie. Can take or leave the Batman element. 1 because I don’t find him particularly interesting (personal opinion) and 2 I feel another main character would take away screen time from Catwoman. That being said, would contribute with or without Batman.

    Spiderwoman – Yep am up for this too! Always thought Spiderwoman was hot in the cartoon so would love to see her brought to life.

    Would love to see Alina in both roles but trust Damien’s judgement with actress.

    Not really interested in Sue Storm….. Isn’t she invisible??

    Ashley Lane/ Batgirl – Yes again!

    Can’t wait to see what Damien delivers this year. Never disappoints!

    • SHL SHL says:

      IMO Bane only works in a Catwoman film if Batman is his reason to cause trouble. I don’t think I could sell a ‘Bane is aimlessly looking for Catwoman story’ I think she would need a personal crisis and Batman would be a good way into putting her in one

      I wish I could get Alina for both roles but I can’t make those promises with someone who actively isn’t looking to be hired.

      Sue Storms film – she would be invisible throughout the rape scene. Imagine the invisible man movie…

      • anon says:

        Hopefully, you don’t end up cancelling an almost finished film because the Batman actor flaked out on you.

        Also, isn’t one of the LA fires where the porn industry is mostly located in?

        • SHL SHL says:

          If I were making the film I would try to get it all at once to avoid any hiccups (cough cough ares rising) that I experienced before. Fool me once, fool me twice kind of situation

          None of the LA fires have burned anywhere I’ve ever worked when I’ve shot there but – we’ll see what’s left standing by the time if and when I’m making a Catwoman film

          • anon says:

            I wouldn’t know personally. I’ve just heard the San Fernando Valley is the porn capital of LA. There are a bunch of fires in the area though I suppose LA is a really big place.

  43. ME92 says:

    “Lesbian scene?” If the time comes where you decide to do a F/F one, I’ll definitely be checking it out. From a production value, your movies seem very crisp and have always intrigued me, but since I only buy F/F ones I have yet to experience one. In either case, here’s to a great 2025!

  44. Hwinks says:

    Would love another ashley batgirl film

  45. Hual says:

    I’m one of those who pre-ordered both the Supergirl and Wonder Woman Black Label movies, back in ’23.
    I was having a lot of fun with The Killing Joke, even though I am NOT a big fan of Batgirl (therefore did not sign up for that newsletter). Which means, I will probably have even more fun with those Blacklabel films where I like the character.

    I signed for the Kayla Coyote newsletter because she is one of the few actresses where I’m certain I will enjoy the movie, regardless of the character she plays.

    I also wanted to mention that if you ever consider doing a piss scene again (like you did in Lofi Lane #3), I would be on board. I know it was a custom and I think I remember that you disliked filming it (and cleaning the set), but I felt like mentioning it. If there was a “pissing scene newsletter” I would sign lol.

    Not so much interested in Spider-Woman or Catwoman that I would assure to buy the movie at this point, I would have to wait for a trailer for that decision.

    I hope you will have a better 2025 than 2024.

    • SHL SHL says:

      Unless someone gave a generous donation I don’t see myself doing another piss scene. I don’t personally like it and I don’t know it makes any meaningful impact on sales. It also requires for me to personally clean piss up so I need to account for my misery when I am on my hands and knees wondering if I made the wrong choices in life as I am face first gazing into a pool of human piss.

      I could go on but I hope there is some humor there for someone.

      And thank you for the Black Label preorders. I know I said it would take at least 2 years to make it happen but I am thankful most people have been patient as I am actively trying to make them.

      • Hual says:

        I get it, probably not the best feeling in the world 😅
        Just curious, how much is “a generous donation” for you?

        Yeah I was taking that “risk” in regard to the blacklabel movies because I knew they will be great, whenever they will see the light of day

        • SHL SHL says:

          I guess the question really is – how much money will be enough money for me to clean up piss, right? Well that depends doesn’t it? Seeing as most of my films the costumes are torn up until the sex, so realistically are we talking she pisses the costume?

          How much would depend on what kind of situation someone is asking for, cause not all piss scenes are equal. I remember reading a comment that was upset I had Ashley piss onto a towel instead of the hotel room floor cause they felt it was cheating the scene.

      • Evilvodkaman says:

        You could probably charge people who are into it to clean up/remove it for you 😂

        • SHL SHL says:

          I imagine someone who likes to clean up piss, on a set with someone pissing, is probably more of a liability issue than just not filming a piss scene

  46. Batman2 says:

    I would like another Ashley lane batgirl film; I enjoy the sense of continuity

  47. C@womanfan1 says:

    Hell yes to Catwoman! I really hope there is enough intrest in the community to make this one happen. Love the idea of it featuring batman and bane too. I’d buy it twice if that helps lol. How do I sign up for the newsletter? Hopefully Alina is still into it, but im sure there are other awsome actresses that would do great.

  48. Mongey says:

    I would like a handful more LOFI films, they rock!, Westenra for sure and Coyote. Since it’s opinion time, I’d prefer straight, nylons are good, oral every time and endings where the heroine almost wins, but doesn’t. It might be interesting to do some more transition where we see the heroine in her real life prior to the heavy stuff. Several of your actresses are bad ass in street clothes too. Im not jazzed by spider woman or cat woman. Bat girl? Hell yes! Lots of ways that could go from villains taking her to her own team abusing her for being a pain in the ass. And yes I’ve bought probably a grand of your stuff and it was worth every penny.

    • SHL SHL says:

      More LoFi is coming as I have a decent backlog of LoFi films that I am actively editing through.

      Is there specific kinds of ‘heroine in real life’ scenes you enjoy? Are we just talking them like in their home making coffee kind of stuff? Or like the beginning of Ares Rising?

      • Mongey says:

        Exactly like your example. Office or gym wear, so we have a point of reference. I think it adds some expectation. Thx for more LOFI. Especially the one where she can’t control herself after the injection. That was the best of them IMO and the actress looks great.

      • Parts Unknown says:

        Heroines at home doing their taxes and trying to figure out if they can deduct the cost of their costumes and dry cleaning as work expenses.

        • anon says:

          If they get captured and are forced to dance in a strip club and/or service the villains for free, does that qualify as a charitable contribution?

  49. redmanx says:

    I hope everything works out for you and the genre this year…we need some fun and fantasy in the ever growing horror of the real world!
    How ever, I tried to join the SHIP Discord you mention but when I clicked on the “accept invite” box I read that it was unable to accept my invite!


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