I have seen some chatter on the net for a lack of updates for film releases pertaining to this site – rest assured its simply cause right now everyone is working on projects.
I may not leave this post up long (being that it doesn’t have any heroine related previews or more direct news) but I felt it was due to let you know – this site hasn’t run into a wall.
There will be a series of SHL related news in the near future, but alas – tax season deadlines have had me tied up for the last several days. Put it all off trying to get ahead on heroine related content but – the tax man waits for no one.
Love Y’all,
HN? SHL? DW? Who knows anymore!

Funny how SHL was mentioned in this news … and many other creators posted news since … but SHL didnt so far … which makes me sad 🙁
omg! thank you for noticing!!!
Starshine is already out at shg. page!! YES!!!
Is there a reason why Lucia’s newest film isn’t showing on the scrolling part of the main page that currently shows the Lee Carl, Heroine News Updates, and the Spider-Girl film ? Just curious. Thanks !
I think cause it wasn’t labeled ‘news’ which has been corrected
Thanks ! 🙂
ya kinda disappointed in this one. plz, creators (not just lucia) no more open endings unless there’s an already announced part 2 coming or something. the best vids are the ones with an ending for the heroine, whether its a perm ending or corrupted to evil or bimbofication mind breaking (which we actually dont see often enough lol)
I think you intended to comment this on a video release and not a generic news update article
Just a heads up
Comments have been made open to the public (fingers crossed people don’t abuse it)
Ability to edit comments has been removed (would throw comments into moderation, no easy way to fix, so for now that feature will be removed)
Thank you, Love you
Thanks for the heads up! Understandable and good to hear people are working on things. And awesome AI image to go with the post, very sexy heroine in leotard and tights there 🙂
I really appreciate giving us this update becuase it actually was getting a bit quiet here. Right after the launch, you don’t know what to think. Good to hear that there are a couple of projects in the pipeline
Ditto with taxes as well! We’re also doing a small remodel and refresh of our studio which has us running. But I’m working on two to be released in the coming weeks! Been meaning to post up a more thorough “what’s happening at TBFE” post. I’ll see if I can throw that up over the next few days!
Same here! Had to deal with the nefarious taxman too but I should have an update out soon!
Love this heroine picture.. Is it DALLE or Midjourney?
Tied up? I see what you did there. HA!
what movie is the clip-art in? TAKE MY MONEY!!!!
Even the drawn heroine looks hot in pantyhose! 🙂
Yup! We’ll have one out in a few days or so! Just doing a lot of editing and prep for upcoming films. ^_^
yo any update on this??
Only in that we are, as always, *awful* at predicting deadlines!
It’s almost complete- haha.
Thanks for this Update, i was already worried, too. Looking forward for those new projects and have some money to spend on them