Luciafilms Update and News

Hey everyone!

It’s been a wild few years. From our first film “The Orb” in 2016, to now, a whopping 75 films later. As a studio we got the full experience of those early struggles, triumphant heights, and in the last few years… complete freefall. No one needs to read any of this, but if you’ve been curious, here’s the scoop.

The Bad News

This post is largely just to express what has been going on with our studio as a whole, and while communication (which was never our strong suit! Sorry!) has all but dropped off over the last year and change. Part explanation, part apology, part thank you. Out of habit, I am still using the plurals of “We and Our”, but the truth of the matter is that Luciafilms is pretty much just me now. The Lucia behind the scenes. I still have people who pop in and help me (Lucy to the front!) but gone are the days of PAs, E-mail staff, Editors, Writers, Stage Crew etc. I am CERTAIN this has shown up in how much content I’ve been able to produce and how quickly, even if I fight tooth and nail to keep the production quality the same. That “Luciafilms Team!” signature in my e-mails hurts more every day. ♥

It’s been rough, to be completely frank. And continues to be. Compared to even a handful of years ago, this business costs twice as much and makes barely a fourth of what it did. I could blame covid, piracy, politics, onlyfans, and a wealth of other factors but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. What goes in has slowly slipped beneath what comes out.

One by one I had to let go of people in my crew, I lost my home, my health and mental wellbeing fell apart, and I hold onto this business with a thread too thin to sew with. I am increasingly in debt and running this business from a guest room someone dear to me has let me stay in. So I am and remain extremely sorry to those whom I’ve been in correspondence with so spottily over the past few years, and the commissions I’ve been uncertain about accepting. We’ve (I’m still doing it!) I’ve… never taken money and not put out a project with my heart in it, but it is hard to take people’s money right now when I am worried about both what I can accomplish and if I will even be able to keep the studio open long enough to film it. That is why I have been putting out so many Luciafilms Originals rather than customs over the last year. I’d rather fail myself than fail you. Even if it makes me less money in the short term.

One of the core problems that has been sinking the proverbial SHIP (get it?) has been casting. I’ve had many wonderful and irreplaceable faces retire over the past few years, or plan to soon, and my efforts to cast new people has been met with an almost absurdly cartoonish level of catastrophic failure. In the last year alone I’ve had multiple people string me along and then back out last secont, expensive professional models just… not show up on film day with no explanation, and I’ve even been bloody catfished twice when I took a chance on online agencies. These things happen, it is part of the business, but having them happen all at once, over and over *and over* again has been devastating. Every one of these events costs hundreds to potentially thousands of dollars in wasted wages, travel expenses, lost work, rentals, etc. With nothing to come out the other side of it, and nothing filmed in its place.

And there are many, many other problems. Health issues as well, but I’ll keep my mouth shut about that because it pales in comparison to what our man Lee is going through and genuinely kicking ass through.

I’ve been doing a lot of side jobs in other areas and projects to keep the studio open so that I do not have to shutter it. Another reason there hasn’t been much in the way of communication. I am doing my monkey dance for coins where I can so that the Smut Can Flow. ♥ So I know a lot of people are disappointed in the lack of communication/updates, but I promise you there are genuine reasons for it. I’m not alone in this either, a lot of producers are facing their own versions of this, or already walked off in search of sustainability elsewhere.

The Good News

Oh shit, good news!

I hope!

So. A couple of good developments recently worth talking about. Namely, in that I’ve two new talent (one of which I’m filming in the morning!) that I think you’re going to love. Barring further catastrophe they should be available for customs post-haste. News below on the sale in regards to that.

One is in the photos below, which I had to take in a hurry during a quick costume fitting so I apologize for the low quality of them! But the actress in question is gorgeous and we can’t wait to film something terrible for everyone to sink their teeth into tomorrow. These pictures do not do her justice. The other talent will have photos up for them as soon as we get them.

Going to keep fighting for as long as I can. I love this genre and business and community and precipice or not, I still haven’t given up.

A sale!

Yeah, I never typically do a lot of those because my prices are generally already lower than most peoples, but I’m doing it now. Several years ago a hard-drive corrupted that ate YEARS worth of movies and trailers and things, that I recently was able to gently get access to. I was only able to pull off a few bits that remained uncorrupted, but among those were some lost trailers that are no longer on the internet for some of my favorite films ever produced. I’ve hosted them up, and will be making a sales post with all of the recovered trailers in it after I send this harrowingly depressing one out. It’ll probably take me an hour or three to get the post up, but once it is the sale will also be active. (To repeat, the sale will not be active on SHG until the post for it is visible here, and only here, on Heroine News).

If you’ve ever sat on an oldie but goldie this will be the time to look into it. The dream is that the money from the sale will help us propel the next films with the new talent and open up a line of security for accepting commissions again, so thank you in advance for anything you snag during it. Genuinely trying to be as transparent as possible with all of this because I really want to stay here.

UPDATE: 2/19/25

Though the sale has come to an end, a glorious update is below! The aforementioned film is in editing and I pulled some early photos out of it at random. So enjoy a peek at what is on the way! There is more combat/etc than the screens suggest, it’s just harder to find good screenshots during frenetic scenes while in a hurry. So enjoy some lustworthy stills! Those of you with corruption fetishes are in for a treat.

The new talent’s name is Luna da Vine and you can expect more with her soon!

Lucia Films

Lucia Films

Luciafilms! We make Superhero and adjacent parody films about Peril!

37 Responses

  1. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

    Update: Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, I moved! Found a tiny place near the studio that will hopefully help keep things moving along. (Means the spooky vampire lair, IE my décor, might make an appearance in some films again! =P)

    The Wonderous Woman film is 95% complete and will be released in the next few days. To tide people over, here is a clip I pulled from the film!

    On release, there will also be info about the next film in the lineup.

  2. UnkZiq08 says:

    I hope that starwave is coming out first can’t wait for that!

  3. dashoutaor dashoutaor says:

    Oh, when will it be updated? I can’t wait

  4. Batman says:

    Please release this

  5. Jj says:

    When will this be released?

  6. Juanman Juanman says:

    Any update on when the release is coming out?

  7. Jj says:

    Wow I am a huge fan of Luna! Perfect Wonder Woman casting

  8. Juanman Juanman says:

    Shoot I’d pay for it now just to secure I get the new one immediately.

  9. rbabar says:

    Awesome update Lucia! Luna looks great. You had mentioned digging/unearthing a unreleased film from the bad drive. Did you have any luck there? Hope 2025 treats you a little more kindly.

  10. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

    MAJOR POST UPDATE! (With pictures! ♥)

  11. Michael F says:

    I am VERY sorry to hear about your troubles. you are the ONLY producer I support these days. PLEASE try to continue generating magnificent product. regards,

  12. Anonymous Lurker says:

    Can’t believe its been 75 films already! Good luck and all turns well with you. I was wondering if there other ways the community can support the producers like investing or selling bonus content on like patreon maybe. I think people will pay photosets and bts

    • Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

      Me either, I did a doubletake when checking! And that doesn’t even count all the ones I helped other producers with behind the scenes, haha. What a career it’s been!

  13. Whiffle Sniffle Hornswoggle says:

    The new talent is gorgeous! I can’t wait to obliterate my wallet to see her get… well, obliterated in turn lol

  14. SHG Admin says:

    Thanks for the update! As the person behind the curtain at SHG I can tell you with mathematical certainty that you are a fan favorite in pretty much all ways and I suspect I speak for many (including myself for obvious reasons) when I say it is good news to hear about your future endeavors. Thank you for all that you do. Pics of your new talent look great! Really a breath of fresh air given the talent bottleneck that everyone has been facing these last few years. Super excited to see what you all come up with!

  15. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

    Also, thank you everyone, for the warmth and kindness in these posts. There can be a lot of vitriol and hate in the community at times and it can really cover up the reality of how many mutual nerds are out there enjoying things alongside each other. Thank you all for being the reason this both happens, and remains exciting.

  16. Lucia Films Lucia Films says:

    Still recovering from filming, but holy crap did it go well. I think everyone is going to *really* enjoy this one.

  17. afadingsignal says:

    New actress looks great. If you are looking for new talent to work with I would personally love to see more Kira Fox in this genre!

  18. Zeron says:

    The new actress is smoking hot. I am eagerly awaiting new films with her in it.

  19. Hual says:

    And I forgot to mention: How gorgeous is the new talent?? Incredible, looking forward to anything with her

  20. Hual says:

    I am so sorry to hear that 2024 has been a rough year for you. You are one of my favourite producers out there and every movie I ever bought I very much enjoyed, some of them were really groundbreaking for the genre!
    I’m defenitely going to pick up one or two of my wishlist-films that I didn’t have the money for when they came out. just to support

  21. Dr G says:

    2024 seemed to be the year from hell for a lot of producers here on HN. All the best to you (mental/physical health, $, other…) and thanks for the great past and future films ! 🙂

  22. n0ir3 says:

    Thanks for sharing. Pretty Bird and Wonderous Woman in Captivity are my favourites. A pity that McKenzie and C Moon are not there anymore (retired?).

  23. Raezer says:

    Thanks for the update & wish everything the best. It’s real producers like you who make this genre lively and keep us excited.

  24. josh says:

    thanks for the update man. i really hope things get better, pulling for you. lucia has so many of my top tier movies in the genre. Imperiled and the original Pretty Bird are like perfect with those evil endings. Hope to see something like that in the future!

    Dunno when the next movie is planned to drop but ill be there day 1!!

  25. queensw says:

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. I think lots of us are all sorry to hear that.

  26. LC says:

    Sorry to hear about the troubles and hope we as an audience can support you.

  27. ace ace says:

    Thank you for the update. Your films are among my personal favorites and I wish you the best in “righting” the ship.

  28. Jake says:

    Wow!!! The new actress looks AWESOME!!! Can’t wait for you to get back in the game.


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