Batgirl: The Prison

Batgirl goes to Arkham Prison to interrogate one of Falcone’s henchmen, unaware the two guards who monitor the interrogation room also work for Falcone… and have an itch to grind with Gordon’s favorite caped crusader. Under Falcone’s orders… Batgirl is intended to only leave the Prison in a bodybag.
Trailer Download
Spoiler / Ending
Ending of film: Batgirl is asphyxiated with a cock
A lot happens in this film so it may be easier to address things that don’t happen
There are NO Bearhugs in this film, a brief moment she’s grabbed from behind and lifted off her feet but its short lived
Shes dragged off screen after KO, she is NOT cradle carried when unconscious nor does she get lifted over anyones shoulder
There is NO debooting in film, Boots stay on throughout film
Cost: $60
Length: 1 Hour
Size: 1080P file is 3.5GBs / 4K HEVC is 11GBs
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Final Thoughts
Thank you to everyone who has preordered and sent out messages of support. I appreciate you as customers and as community members to this genre we all are passionate about. If all goes according to plan this year I will release some films unlike anything I have done before and hopefully you all are surprised by what’s coming. I have a few more ideas that are only possible with financial backing and your outreach gives me confidence to take those risks and maybe we can all be rewarded with some crazy content.
I want to find a creative way to give back to those who come through and support, so maybe later this year I will find a clever way to do that. Anyway, thanks again.