Batgirl in “Sleep Tight, Bats!” from Sleepy Superheroines

In this newest tale starring LilmizzUnique, Trickster has already claimed Batgirl’s cowl as a prize from their last encounter. Now, as Batgirl seeks to reclaim her stolen identity, Trickster ups the stakes—he doesn’t just want the cowl; he wants her utility belt and cape to complete his “superheroine trophy collection.” When the two face off, Trickster’s sleepy tricks quickly overpower Batgirl, leaving her vulnerable. But as his obsession deepens, Trickster sets his sights on a final prize—Batgirl herself. Now, she must find a way to escape not only his sleepy traps but the psychological torment of being reduced to a trophy in his twisted game. Will she outsmart the tricky fiend, or will she become his ultimate prize?
This video features male/female fighting, multiple chloroform KOs, multiple blackjack KOs, multiple electic KOs, humiliation, mind control, over the shoulder carries, cradle carry, bondage, unmasking, and limp play.
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Hey I think you should consider doing a movie without a tight fullbody suit from time to time. I loved your older stuff but seem to become repetetive