“The Game” Available Now from The Battle For Earth

Contains: Male/female combat, face punches, belly punches, low blows, knees, bearhug front and rear, backhands, cradle carry, lightning electrical effect while in bearhug, electrocution while leaned against St. Andrews cross, visual effect indicating sonic waves aimed at power center, two different electrocution devices, energy pulse emanating through heroine resulting in KO, visual cue during groping indicating stimulation, forced fucking in multiple positions,

Synopsis: WW shows up to investigate a mysterious corporation specializing in cutting-edge tech and AI development. Once inside, she finds herself in a studio space with an intercom voice welcoming her to something called “The Game.” Not taking it seriously, she laughs at the notion of a collective of players controlling the tortuous actions of a cyborg but realizes soon enough that this is no laughing matter. As the cyborg delivers pain, the creative nature of the attacks step up, and the collective of players deliver “shocking” bits of torture and attack with energy and sound. It doesn’t take long before WW can hardly stand, but the players want more. Find out how things end up for poor WW as she tries to survive an MMO controlled by a sadistic group of players.

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6 Responses

  1. Hual says:

    So, this film was waiting to be released for a while now, some thoughts before watching: It’s cool to see Blair again, she is still gorgeous. The idea for this film, a “collective MMO”, is something unique. I would love to see TBFE get the credit for this new idea

  2. rick says:

    can anyone spoil the ending? really hard to get an idea from the info here. seems like one that would be perfect for corruption or permanent ending but also worried itll just be one of those “heroine passes out, bad guy carries her off” endings which isnt my thing lol

  3. 33sp says:

    Wow this has been up there in the future release page for years… cant believe it’s actually released!


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