‘Spidergirl: Prison Break’ – Super Remote (OUT NOW)

Prison Break
Price: $20
Length: 15 Minutes
Size: 1080P: 2.7GBs 2K 5.66GBs
Version Information:
Download comes with: 1080P Download, 2K Download, Russian with American Subtitles
Starring: Anastasia
Three prisoners escape a prison, hurting guards on their way out. Spidergirl tracks them down to a nearby warehouse – unbeknownst to her… she’s there target
- Spandex Bodysuit
- No nudity
- Fighting
- Bearhug
- Unmasking
- Drugging
- Beatdown
- Kick to crotch
- Backbreaker
- Strangulation
- Ending – Heroine Loses, no death

About Anastasia

Anastasia is a cosplayer from Russia who produces her own content, which you can subscribe too on Boosty and Patreon. She was also the director of this film release.
Social Media
‘Super Remote’ are films written and produced by DW / but filmed by a ‘remote’ team. In recent history there have been a few actresses I have wanted to work with but global politics have made that logistically impossible. Roughly a year ago – I made the decision to support some of these talents by promoting them to my audience to bring awareness to the content they were making and offering on their pages.
Since then – things haven’t changed when it comes to my inability to work with them directly, so I began to think of the possibilities of what was possible in the here and now. That eventually shaped into Super Remote. Handing off responsibilities I cannot be present for and shaping the parts that I can – Super Remote is an experimental series to see if there is any value in this international creative process.
In case it concerns you – ‘Prison Break’ was filmed in Russia, with Russian actors. If this is an issue for you – do not buy this film. Simple as that. As of now Super Remote productions that are in preproduction are being made with Russian actresses.
(Political conversations will not be allowed on Super Remote posts, if you have issues with the content - vote with your checkbook. Nothing is louder than a product not selling. This forum is for the SHIP genre. Political / Xenophobic content will not be allowed.)
I finally bought this, and Anastasia–she spelled it Anastasiya when she was at Alzi– did a nice job. She is as beautiful as ever, and her acting is on point as always. It wasn’t as dark as the Supergirl video done by Yellozzy–I finally got that stage name right. These things shot by these Russian crews are often dark, and not necessarily in a good way; they are kind of murky a lot of the time, as was the case in the Supergirl video. I don’t understand film making well enough to know what it is they are doing, or trying to do. Are they trying for a moody film noir look, and just don’t fully understand the technique, or is it something else? I remember I had the same reaction when I watched a Hollywood superhero film, Batman Begins; I thought a lot of it was just murky and hard to see, and that detracted from the story they were telling; so these film makers, operating on a small budget, are in good company. Is Noir technique considered passe’ nowadays, because of color and new camera capabilities? I can’t imagine that to be the case: The Blade Runner is an absolute masterpiece and an all time classic, in large part because of the film noir camera technique used. This is a question I have been meaning to ask Damien, as he seems to be a film school student, and something of an artiste, if he doesn’t mind the use of that term.
At any rate, the camera work on this one was on the whole quite a bit better than that on the Supergirl movie, and actually a bit better than that still being used by her mentors at Alzi.
I remembered the term for which I was groping when I wrote the above post. I meant to say auteur, not artiste. I hope that’s better.
Not long until the end of the month, when I should have a little scratch at my disposal, and can buy this. Looking forward to it.
From what I can see in the previews this video would only have been better for my taste if she wore her Silk costume, but she always looks fantastic and Spidergirl and honestly there is a lack of fully masked heroines in this genre I feel.
And it also seems to solve some issues I had with her videos about having too much setup without enough payout in the action department. Shows that you can go straight ti the costumed crimefighter without lenghtly dialogue sections!!
Also love seeing some of the moves used here like bearhugs and backbreakers. It’s not something she does often but it’s something I had included in a script for a custom she will film soon hopefully 😁
She is insanely beautiful and she is always trying to improve her performance in her videos.
I have my copy of the video, I am satisfied with the amount of punches they give to Spidergirl, many more than I expected, the beating they give her is brutal, the unmasking scene is pretty good too, I loved the backbreaker, the Anastasia’s reactions are great, she acts the pain very well. I liked that the main villain wants to kill her and can’t do it because of something that happens in the end and they have to leave, just as the story turned out, it would be good to see a second part, where the villains defeat her again, or even have her They will kill, achieving what they could not do in this story.
As noted in a post below, I plan to be getting this, but as I detailed in a post over at NGC, that will have to wait until the end of June. I need what funds I have left to buy food until then, but I want to support Anastasiya, and the other girl, what does she call herself? No offense, but I’ve forgotten; Lemonoxy or something like that.
How long would you say, of the 15 minutes, does she spend unmasked?
Unmasking happens at 11 minutes
Wow, this is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Incredible! I’m not much into the sex aspect of SHIP, but I love a good beat down. The suit looks amazing on her! Are you accepting custom orders at this time?
Did she end up in a coma?
In the video?
She does not
I am glad to see that she made quick recovery from that shattered leg she got in that ski accident. They must have a good medical system in Russia; I was afraid she might be laid up for at least a year, and then be left with a bit of a limp. She is looking better again. I followed what she did on Alzi when she was on there as Spidergirl, and I even wrote an email with advice on how to treat herself for Covid when she asked for that from her fans; in her last videos her face was looking a little puffy, which I attributed to the damaged internal organ she mentioned in one of her posts to her fans. That was a post in which she was asking for money, which is a commodity that I have in very short supply, so I was unable to assist in that case. That was about the time that the trouble started between our respective countries, and Patreon stopped sending money to anyone in her country. My response was to cancel my Patreon for Alzi and for her, as the money wasn’t going to them anyway, so I haven’t kept up with what has been going on with her since then.
My apologies for the extended history, but I am just glad to see that she seems to be doing well. I will be glad to buy the video she creates for you when it becomes available. Perhaps you could pass on that one of her old fans wishes her well.
She has her Patreon running again and her own Boosty (as noted above)
From what I know she’s doing well and mostly recovered from her leg injury
Just a quick question before I pre-order. Is there any sex scenes, either simulated or hard-core? Thank you in advance. Very beautiful actress and the costume looks awesome!
I don’t know this for sure, but I’d assume not. It’s not listed in the content list, and my understanding is that this actress doesn’t typically do that stuff. I believe she’s PG-13 peril only.
There is not (would have mentioned it otherwise in the content breakdown)
Anastasia does not do that kind of content
I have been following Anastasia for a while, she is doing an excellent job with her videos, she has a little bit of everything, victories, defeats, in some videos she dies even in others she kills the villain (with her dark spider alterego). Her reactions are very good and she has some fantastic scenes, to mention one, there is a video where the villain submerges her head in a tub of water trying to suffocate her and the way she acts is spectacular, she has a talent for making videos where the heroine is being defeated. It is very worth buying her videos, and I am not going to miss this one.
Do you know your remember what video had the tub of water?
Wow she is beautiful
I’ve been watching Anastasia since the beginning of Alzi. She’s a good actress and an even more wholesome person.
What a costume and woman 👀😍