‘Steel Claws’ – Super Remote

Price: $20
Length: 15 Minutes
Size: 1080P: 700MBs
Version Information:
Download comes with: 1080P Download, Russian with American Subtitles
Starring: Yellozzy, Elaina Soul, Ruslan Borisov
Supergirl investigates a kidnapping but all is not what it appears to be. A villainess has plans to keep the hero out of her way… for good.
- Pantyhose
- Debooting
- Chloroform
- Fighting
- Poison Claws
- Cradle Carry
- Ending – Heroine Loses, no death
(Production Notes: After reading someone comment there was too much grain in the footage – I took it upon myself to use some processing to clean up the noise without it effecting the video footage quality. I no longer believe grain to be an issue on the image, download new trailer linked for example of cleaner image.)



Yellozzy is a cosplayer from Russia who produces her own content, which you can subscribe too on Boosty. She was also the director of this film release. There is no adult content featured on her page. She regularly cosplays as Catwoman and Supergirl. Let her know Damien sent you. (And please be respectful as a representative of our community)
Boosty (Subscription Based)
Social Media
What is Super Remote?
‘Super Remote’ are films written and produced by DW / but filmed by a ‘remote’ team. In recent history there have been a few actresses I have wanted to work with but global politics have made that logistically impossible. Roughly a year ago – I made the decision to support some of these talents by promoting them to my audience to bring awareness to the content they were making and offering on their pages.
Since then – things haven’t changed when it comes to my inability to work with them directly, so I began to think of the possibilities of what was possible in the here and now. That eventually shaped into Super Remote. Handing off responsibilities I cannot be present for and shaping the parts that I can – Super Remote is an experimental series to see if there is any value in this international creative process.
In case it concerns you – Steel Claws was filmed in Russia, with Russian actors. If this is an issue for you – do not buy this film. Simple as that. As of now Super Remote productions that are in preproduction are being made with Russian actresses.
(Political conversations will not be allowed on Super Remote posts, if you have issues with the content - vote with your checkbook. Nothing is louder than a product not selling. This forum is for the SHIP genre. Political / Xenophobic content will not be allowed.)
I join told all above. We can communicate on this theme.
I think it’s a great initiative on your part and a fantastic project. I hope this film will be the first of many in a long series. This actress is very talented like most of actresses of Alzi Production. There is also Anastasia who produce her own Spidergirl videos and she is very talented too.
It’s great to see you working with and promoting other producers/actresses! Hope they take your advice and direction seriously!
And It’s nice seeing the grainy film being fixed! One issue I always had with Russian producers is they use very bad or non existant lighting and films turned out grainy or the action is missed. Sometimes Batgirl wearing black would just become a black blob because of lack of illumination! So glad to see you are specifically working on that!
They have fantastic actresses (good looking too) but seemed to lack a desire to go the extra mile quality wise in some aspects, so will look forward to these collaborations from now on!
If you film anything with a Silk costume I would have to buy the video twice just to show proper support 😂
Personally, I like this graphic rendering. It gives a more realistic and dark atmosphere. Most of US producer make videos with too bright lighting. Alzi Production video have a more cinematographic look. That’s what I like.
There look isn’t “cinematographic” it’s ungraded. They shoot the film on a camera and don’t color correct, it looks dark cause it isn’t adjusted
It’s like eating cookie dough instead of cookies. If you like it, you like it. But you lose a lot of dynamic range and details because it’s straight out of camera
What do you mean? Alzi’s seems quite color graded.
It’s not. I know the camera he uses. That’s how it looks out of camera. I don’t think the image is adjusted at all, if it is – it’s barely touched. That’s how you pump out films every week – minimal editing. The audio alone is evidence of that
I don’t want to discuss breaking down his work though, this isn’t a “let’s talk about how ALZI edits his film” comment section
I enjoyed this video! The actress played a youthful, naive and over-confident heroine and it was enjoyable to see the tables eventually turn against her. Yellozy did an awesome job as Supergirl and the villains, especially the villainess did a great job here too!
Someone already mentioned that the lighting could be improved and maybe the long shots were a bit grainy. Other than that, I liked it. The actresses/actor were great as well as the costumes. Kind of like BBsucks mentioned, this reminded me of your earlier vids that were shorter but had good stories. The chloro scene was well done too. Hope to see more of these vids ! 🙂
Just got this one today and got to say thoroughly enjoyed it!
Yellozzy was very good as Supergirl, and nice job directly as well! I loved her wearing a Melissa Benoist style Supergirl costume, and the tights/nylon she choose with the outfit were quite sexy. Loved seeing a bit of her casually as Kara too to open. Elaina was a lovely villainess, and dug her simple but effective costume and love how she wore tights too. Also, nice looking male villain in the form of Ruslan there (had a bit of RE Leon Kennedy vibe too him). I’ve seen some Alzi stuff and will admit the fact there’s always like older mobster guys in them gets old and like if there’s a guy baddy kind of prefer they be a bit better looking, which I enjoyed here.
Dug the idea of Supergirl being weakened more and more by poisoned claws. And the attention paid to her tights-clad legs was a nice touch. Some good shots of everything, and the subtitles worked well. I’ve seen a few foreign superheroine items with them and they can be a bit hit or miss, but here they worked well. The final bit with weakened Supergirl and her getting chloroformed and carried off, loved it.
Small nitpicks, wished her cape had remained on longer. Could have been more part of ‘losing’ her suit bit by bit as the vid went on as opposed to right away. Another tiny thing, a little more dialog from Supergirl about maybe growing weak, or feeling powerless at the end would have been nice, but again these are minor nitpicks. Nothing that detracts from the film overall.
I hope DW, Yellozzy, Elaina Soul, Ruslan Borisov work together again (especially on any Supergirl stuff!) and definitely would consider getting another vid from them.
“A villainess has plans to keep the hero out of her way… for good.”
“Ending – Heroine Loses, no death”
meh not enough death or corruption vids lately. hopefully soon
I am squeamish to death scenes nor do I want an audience that is death focused, so in the rare occasions I do them they will never be the norm nor the focus.
My favorite superheroine studio is Alzi Production so I love it. The actresses are very beautiful and talented. Unlike other studios, each video are in different location and the costumes are fantastic. There is no sexual content but sexual peril is implied sometimes and storylines are great. Supergirl and Superteen are my favorites.
Yellozi is great as Catwoman and even greater as Supergirl. I’m glad she decided to produce more longer videos with storyline.
Thank you to promote her.
I loved this. Really fun video. And while I certainly appreciate the uber high production values on a lot of videos, it’s absolutely not necessary to be on everything (especially if the actress is as hot as the one in this video). And the resulting price tag was incredibly refreshing.
I’ll buy any of these you put out. This reminded me a lot of the earlier days in this genre. Great stuff.
Gotta agree on the price tag! We need more of this “entry level” priced videos so people that feel tempted can buy videos on a whim and hopefully get hooked!
A few Russian heroine producers now, been on an off subscribing to alzi for awhile now. Do you guys have any plan on doing any content containing nudity at any point?
If the talent is comfortable with that kind of content I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but the people involved currently are not. Content limitations for my work is always dictated by what the talent is happy doing